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(Cody's POV)

When the movie was over, I just played in the arcade to playthings like pinball, some shooting games, and some racing games, but my favorite was the big Jurassic Park game where you shoot dinosaurs. I was started to get low on quarters, but then after I lost a game I felt a tap on my shoulder, so I turned and saw Erelah smiling at me with her arms behind her back.


Erelah-Did you have fun here, sweetie?


I just gave her a hug and she gave one back when she picked me up before she gave me a few kisses then a few guys were looking at us. Erelah just walked out of the movie theater with me before she started to go around to the back to hide before she could fly away.

Cody-So is my new brother at home?

Erelah-Yes and I have him watching T.V. with your mother. He's nervous, so try to take things slow and be nice.

Cody-Can we play games together, still?... Like video games I have.

Erelah-That sounds good, but first I need to give him a bath and see if he's tired after a big day.

Cody-What? I wanted to play with him when I got back home.

Erelah-No arguing. Remember that he's been through a lot, so he needs time to heal and rest.

Cody-... Ok.

Erelah-Good. Now, let's go.

She got behind the building before she turned us invisible before she opened her wings then started to leave.

(Diana's POV)

I made it to where my pup was last time and saw lots of fire werewolves out here and smelled a lot more. I can't put my back in danger like this, but then I thought of Violet. She knows a magic man that helped us before and can do it know, so I was on my way to her den right now. I was almost there as we speak since I didn't dare stop for anything then knocked on the door. When I got there, I pounded on the door only for a suited female human under her control opened her door.

Maid-How may I help you?

Diana-I need to see Violet!

Maid-I'm afraid she is in the middle of-.

I just pushed her aside and took a deep breath to smell others in here before I found her scent mixed with her pup's scent, so I ran as fast as I could in this human form. Some other humans tried to stop me, but failed and I quickly opened a door I smelled them behind before I saw Violet almost completely naked, on a table with her pup, and 2 humans both male and female were rubbing their backs.


Violet-Diana?! Who let you in here?!

Diana-I need your help, please!

Violet-Whatever it is, can it wait until we're done here?!

Diana-... It. Can't. *growl*

I saw her get very angry that her eyes started to change, but soon she calmed down before she got up then took her pup in her arms before she kissed him then put him down.

Violet-Both of you leave. Take my child to his room and be ready to continue this later. Wipe the massage oil off him too.

Man/Woman-Yes, ma'am.

The 3 of them left before she grabbed a towel to start drying off then sat on a chair while still looking angry.

Violet-This better be pretty important.

Diana-It's my newest pup! He needs my help and I need that magic man!

Violet-Well if you want help from Jeremy then you better have something for him that you're ready to give.

Diana-I don't care! I want my other pup back and I want him now!

She just rubbed her head like she was really annoyed before she just pulled out her her phone thingy from a robe she had in here to start talking to the magic man.

(Tracey's POV)

I was cuddling my baby and he was holding on to me while he was starting to get tired. I loved this time away from Diana, so I can have Lucas to myself again, but soon one of the Omegas came in and was surprised to see me.



Omega-Where's the alpha?

Tracey-Out looking for the other pup still.

Omega-... Isn't her pup supposed to be in that cage thing?

Tracey-Are you supposed to be in here?

Omega-I have a message for the alpha from one of the humans here. I'll just wait for her to came back.

She left and i've been around here long enough to know she won't tell on me since I rank higher than her, so I should be fine. Diana might be back soon, so I should get my son back in his cage then get something to cover this smell and she'll never find out.

Tracey's mind-She doesn't know, she can't get mad.

(Erelah's POV)

We made it home and Cody was excited to see his new brother then when we got in, I saw Julian was uncomfortable with Brittney trying to reach for him. I already left him bother by all of this to my regret, but that thing I need is Brittney harassing him.



She looked at me as I walked over there to put Cody on the couch before I glared and pointed my finger at her to make her flinch.

Erelah-I told you to watch T.V. and not bother him!

Brittney-... Sorry.

Erelah-Shame on you! Do you remember I told you he's been through a lot that I don't even know of yet?!

She started to cry, but I didn't care all that much for her from everything she has done, and no amount of her brain being tampered with can ever erase that.

Erelah-You're going on a time out!

I picked her up and she was crying more since she knew she was in trouble and when I brought her to her room, I put her on her bed. She tried to get up and misbehave then soon I got fed up and flipped her over to pull her pants down and spank her a few times then laid her on her back. She kept on crying, but now she wasn't getting up and that told me I got through to her, so I left her in her room then went back out in the living room to see the boys just staring at each other in silence.


I just walked up to Julian and picked him up before I took Cody's hand then led him to our room. I put Cody on the bed, so he can watch cartoons while I took Julian to the bathroom to get him all cleaned off and oddly, he was not even fighting, and I saw reactions coming from his body like I really was his mother getting him ready for a bath. I don't think that's the case, but instead that succubus had something to do with this. I just added some things to the water to not only clean his body, but help him relax and he even got in the bath himself without saying a word and I should talk to him.

Erelah-Hey, if you want... Talking about what happened can make you feel better. Cody and I are going to help you and Cody even wants to play video games with you after this.

Julian-... I lived with my mom and dad until one night...

He started to tell me his story of how he meets those demons, other demons, and what they did to him. What I heard was... awful. It made me sick to my stomach what that dirty succubus was doing to this child and calling it "training" and I just felt so angry, and I just pulled Julian into a hug with my wings for comfort. After the bath I got him into some of Cody's clothes which were a little bigger, but it's just until I get him new clothes then I took him to Cody showing him that they could play together. Cody just got off the bed then came up to his new brother.


Julian-Um,... hey.

Cody-I have some 2 player games we can play. Come on!

He took his brother with him back to the living room and it warmed my heart that I now have 2 very cute boys to look after. I just went out there with them to watch them play together.

(Jeremy's POV)

I just got a call from Violet, and I was heading there now and should be there by tonight. She said she will pay whatever I wish since i'm taking orders from that werewolf I helped last time. She didn't even tell me what I was even going to do.

Jeremy's mind-I have a feeling this werewolf is going to make this job a pain in the ass. I can just tell.


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