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(Larxene's POV)

I was watching this kid to make sure he didn't try to escape my room to get me in trouble, but if I wouldn't get in trouble, I would just let him go to let him be the other's problem. He did give up after I yelled a warning at him from his attempt which made him curl up in a corner to cry. I wouldn't care if he just had small whimpers, but they were getting louder and more annoying. When I had enough I summoned my knives, but then remembered I had strict orders to not hurt or kill them.


I put my knives away before I just got out of bed then walked up to him then he turned around to look at me in fear and with tear stained eyes.


Larxene-What do you want to stay put, stay quiet, and stop your crying?! I am "literally" asking you! Ice cream, candy, some toy?!

He kept on crying while not answering me and I swear if this goes on,... I can't be held responsible to what i'm going to do! I just summoned one of my knives and gave it to him to see if he would think he's a fighter or something. I'm not worried about him trying to fight me since even if I was unarmed and he had a Keyblade, I can take him with one arm tied behind my back. He only looked at the knife I gave him with confusion.

Larxene-Throw it, stab the wall, put it down, I don't care, just stop crying. Be good and I might get you some ice cream or something.

I just went back to my bed to lay down and let him sit there as I closed my eyes.

(Xion's POV)

Namine and I had a plan, so while she was talking to try to appeal to our other members and leader, I was out in the halls looking for Larxene. I don't know her that much to even know where her room was, but as I tried room after room, I was surprised to see someone out here.


Demyx-... What are you doing?

Xion-I'm looking for Larxene. Have you seen her?

Demyx-Not since she got edgy about her last job. What happened with that report anyway?

Xion-That is none of your business. Just tell me if you know where she might be.

Demyx-You know, if I didn't know any better, I would say you were trying to find that little prisoner and not her.

Xion-That's... not true. Do you know where she is?

Demyx-Well maybe I do and maybe I don't. Hehehehe.~

I could tell from that smug look on his face that he knew, but wanted to tease me that he knew. He just played his guitar to make water raise to his beat, but I wasn't going to play his game. I felt the rage build up and boil inside me.

Xion-Tell me.

Demyx-Woah, what's got you looking mad?... No way!


Demyx-Did you get attached to that kid?! Hahahahaha!

This only made me more and more angry as he just got up then started to walk to me then past me. I was confused to what he was doing, so I looked at him going down the hall.

Xion-What are you doing?

Demyx-I'm sure the boss and others will love to hear what you did.

Thoughts flooded my mind as to what will happen if anyone of the others heard about that even if they won't believe it at first probably... Something in me snapped.

(No POV)

Demyx was walking down the hall while laughing to himself about what the others might think of his report, but that only made him drop his guard before...


He was about to scream, but his mouth got covered and he was about to summon his weapon to his side to fight, but just then, his attacker pierced his chest from the opening on his back then saw it was a Keyblade.

Xion-... Tell me where the prisoner is.

She let go of his mouth before she yanked him back deeper to make the wound worse.


Xion-Fine... I'll find him myself.

She pulled out her weapon to make it hurt worse then walked away as Demyx's body started to fade into darkness and disappear.

(Larxene's POV)

I was still relaxing in bed until I felt a pair of eyes looking at me and I heard a sniffle getting closer, so when I opened my eyes I saw the squirt coming to me while holding the knife I gave him up. He was shaking while holding the knife with both hands like it was a sword and this was just something to laugh at.


Larxene-Oh, you're gonna fight me? How precious.~

I sat up on the side of my bed and leaned over to him which made him back up, so that showed me when he's holding a real weapon, he doesn't have the guts to do it. No surprise there since he's a child and that baby face of his didn't have so much as a mark. I'll push on this to see what would happen.

Larxene-Tell you what, if you stab me, "really stab me" i'll take you back to Namine... Try it.~

This made him shake even more before he tried to build up the courage to do what I said, but he dropped the knife before he was starting to cry again. Honestly, this is funny and pathetic at the same time. I let him cry for a bit before I just bent down to pick him up and he wasn't that heavy then he looked at me.

Larxene-Listen, this is getting old really fast. What would it take to make you stop crying?

He didn't answer me again, so I just thought about what other mom's did for their children... There was no way I was reading a story to them, we can't leave this room to play, i'm not a cuddlier, and cooing is out of the question because it was stupid... Just then something came to mind that was worth a shot, so I threw up him in the air and he screamed a little before I caught him then I noticed his crying went down a little.

Larxene-So you like this?

I kept on throwing him up and catching him for a while and it didn't work at first, but it did stop the crying and started to make him laugh. I don't know why, but it did kinda make me feel good, but maybe it's just a faint memory from my old life and probably means nothing. I kept on going then something weird happened to me... I giggled, so that made me stop to let him catch his breath too.

Larxene's mind-What just happened?

((Y/N)'s POV)

That was kinda fun, but I was still scared here and wanted to go back to Namine. Now she suddenly stopped and looked confused for some reason before she just put me down then rubbed her chest a little.

Larxene-Just sit down right now and... I don't know, just don't cry again.

She sat on her bed and I don't know if I did anything wrong, but something was weird about this... After I left my mean parents, those crazy lions, crazy queens and princesses, Namine was the only one I actually loved to be around. I always felt nervous around others which was why I never left Namine before, but... now I felt sorry if I hurt this girls feelings even if she was mean at first then got a little nice.

(Y/N)-Um,... are you ok?

Larxene-Just let me think.

I stayed quiet again before I got tired of standing then just went on the bed, but went closer to the wall and started to fantasize something in my head to have a little bit of fun while laying down. I saw her lay down after a while to look at the ceiling before she put her hands behind her head then I closed my eyes to help me focus on my fantasy more. Soon though I felt an arm wrap around me then I opened my eyes to see Larxene was closer to me and had her eyes closed still, but I don't think she was sleeping.


I just moved a little and that was enough to make her open her eyes then she jumped up a bit in surprise.

Larxene-What were you doing cuddling me?!

(Y/N)-N-No I didn't... You did.

She looked kinda annoyed before she just went into another locked room in here that turned out to be the bathroom. I saw her just splash water on her face a bit before she came back in looking kinda mad.

Larxene-You think you're so clever?

(Y/N)-Wh-... What?

Larxene-You're using some kind of magic are you! I bet you used it on those 2 too!

I had no idea what she was talking about, but just then she grabbed me and held me up, so she was very mean and scary again.

Larxene-You got 5 seconds to undo this spell!

I kept on trying to tell her that I can't use magic, but since she still counted down, I don't think she believed me. When she reached 0 she looked like she was about to hit me, so I tried to cover my face, but... she never hit me then got more angry.

Larxene-Ugh!... You know what, fine! I'll give you what you want alright!

(Y/N)-But I didn't-!

She just threw me on the bed then got back on to then held me very close and tight. I couldn't move at all anymore because her arms and legs were wrapped around me.

(Larxene's POV)

I decided that whatever I feel like doing to him, I was going to do 10 fold. I'll smoother him in love then suddenly I pictured him begging in my head, but I thought bigger and thought what would make him beg if I can't bring myself to hit him anymore. Then I remember some of the backstory of this kid that was true and if it was a bad as he thinks it was before... I'll throw him back in it for a while, while I watch.

Larxene-Sit up.

I made him sit up with me and I may not know how to read minds, but one of the worlds that had one of the original princess hearts was from the report. The darkness and dread from that still lingered in him, I could feel it and smile.

Larxene's mind-You want to mess around with me and make me suffer?... I'LL DO THE SAME TO YOU!!!

Larxene-Hey, how about we go on a little trip?~

(Y/N)-*Whine* Wh-Wh-Where are you t-taking me?

Larxene-Oh, you'll know when we get there.~

Just then I opened a portal just as my door opened all the sudden while I was walking through with (Y/N) in my arms. I didn't care enough to stop at the time, but I got a glimpse of who it was, and she looked surprised and mad.


Larxene's mind-Guess she feels really attached to him... If this spell gets stronger, i better hurry and make him undo it.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We went through a portal after I think I saw Xion at the last second then we were in a weird forest before she put me down. I looked around as the portal quickly closed and something about this place looked familiar.

(Y/N)-Where are we?!

Larxene-Who cares?! If you want to leave, all you need to do is undo this spell!

(Y/N)-I said I didn't cast a spell! You're just going to leave me here?!


She just turned and made another portal before she left then the portal disappeared when I reached for it. I was getting really scared, but I guess it was good that I got away from her,... kinda. I tried not to cry and Namine she would always find me if I stay put, but I had to get out of this forest when I heard a noise in a bush like something was running away.


(Red Queen's POV)

I have been in a very bad mood lately and even the beheading of the traitor king was no help to me. I had one thing that made me happy before he took it away. I was in my throne room just sitting on my thrown crying at times when I think of my dear baby too much and anyone who dare utter a word to me in anyway I hated, it was off with their head. Soon my doors swung open and rage fueled my heart as I looked up to see who interrupted my silence.


White Rabbit-Your majesty, your majesty!


White Rabbit-Y-Y-Yes of course! I have amazing news!


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