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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was scared to walk into the town, so I tried to stay on the side and go to the docks to see if someone works there that can tell me when the boat is coming. I still saw a few animal girls and regular girls and they saw me then made awe sounds, waved at me like I was a puppy in the pet store, or worst of all,... call me cute. When I made it to the docks I saw nobody here, so when does the big boat or whatever to get out of here come in. Suddenly I heard fighting behind me like 2 girls maybe around my age were yelling at each other. When I turned around I saw the 2 girls then saw one of them was human and the other was an animal girl.


They were racing to me on the dock and I took a step back before they stopped in front of me, but they were still pushing each other a bit.

???-Hey, you must be the new boy on the island!

???-Back off, I saw him first!

???-Did not! I pointed him out then you took off first!

They kept on fighting about who saw me first, but I tried to just go around them and it almost worked until the blue fox girl grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. She was very strong since I couldn't get out, but I could put up a bit of a fight with her.

???-Where are you going sweetie? My name is Addison.~

Just then I was grabbed and ripped away from her by the other girl and her hug was a little tighter, maybe because she was mad.

???-Maybe he'll like to be with someone of his kind a little more. My name is Jenny.~

Addison-Oh, please! You're old news to him compared to me!

Jenny-Old news?! He already met your mom, so a fox is old news to him!

I took a lot at Addison and she does look a lot like Hana, but then she yanked me from Jenny and slammed my face into her chest.

Addison-I could've been with him yesterday if you didn't want to have me spend the night at your house to see who stays up the longest!

Jenny-Give him back!

Addison-Make me!


I finally pushed away from Addison then stepped away from them a bit then sow how much taller they are than me. I only make it to their chests at best then they both bent down until they had their hands on their knees.

Jenny-Sorry... Your name is (Y/N), right?

(Y/N)-How do you know my name?

Addison-My mom, remember? She took care of you when Lazarus brought you to her. She also told me that you were a little shy guy.~

Jenny-We just wanna be friends. How about we go to my place and-.

Addison-No, we're going to mine.



They started to fight again, so I just ran off while they weren't paying attention to me and I thought that maybe the person working the docks is in the village. I was walking down a path to see what looked like a shop and more girls were looking at me with no boys in sight, but Lazarus said something about the last man.

(Y/N)'s mind-Where did they all go? Why do only girls come to this island?

Soon I heard the girls come running back to me and I was in the middle of them now with others watching.

Jenny-Hey, we want you choose who you think looks better.


Addison-You don't know us, yet. This is the best we can come up with... Also...~

She walked up to me and put her tail against me to brushed it on me before she let go and waved it behind her.

Addison-My mom said you like fluffy tails and I got that from her.~

My face was getting really hot from the way she was looking at me, but then I was hugged from behind by Penny and she felt very soft before she turned me and my face got even hotter.

Penny-Are you blushing for me? My mommy told me what boys your age like from what she remembers.

She blew gently on my neck and it felt weird and made me shiver then I felt Addison hug me from behind, so now I was right in the middle of the girls. I felt her brush her tail on my legs.

(Addison's POV)

Penny has no chance with me on this since my mom said he was our age, but smaller and very shy, so this made him even more cute. Who doesn't love to cuddle a fluffy tail anyway? I did it with my mom and our other friend who is older by 2 weeks cuddles with her adopted mom. I blew on the back of his neck and he shivered again while his cheeks got more pink from me. It was time seal the deal, so I leaned into his ear.

Addison-I have a bed in my room with room for 2.~

I pictured us cuddling and holding each other all night long until I snapped out of it when I saw Jenny kiss his cheek right in front of me. 2 can play at this game, so I kissed the back of his neck and he was shaking a lot.

Penny-(Y/N), you think i'm cuter, right?~

Addison-Oh (Y/N), I have a fluffy tail you love so much. It's not going to pet or cuddle itself.~

She got mad and got closer to him, so I did the same until we heard something then we knew we were in trouble from the way "she" said it.

Ms. Gelder-HEY!!!

We both let go and turned to our teacher, babysitter, and basically our other mom that doesn't let us fight without getting us both punished, so we froze as she walked over to us.


Ms. Gelder-What are you 2 doing to that boy?!

Penny-Um,... saying hi... Hehehe.

Ms. Gelder-So not only do you make Fawn a ref for your games and fights, you drag in someone new to the island? Just look at them.

Addison-... I think the blushing means he likes it.

Ms. Gelder-You 2 better make up or at least settle this without fighting and until then...

She just walked up to us and we backed up a bit while she looked at (Y/N) then picked him up with one hand behind his shirt and put him in her arm to lay down. It was no fair because now we can't take him because she never goes back on her word, our moms do almost everything she says, and she's almost 9ft tall!

Jenny-Wait, we can make up right now!

Ms. Gelder-I'm still taking him for fighting.


She just walked away then Jenny punched me in the arm, so I punched her back then we started to go back and forth.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The animal girl looked like a bear and she was even bigger than Lazarus and she had very big muscles. She also looked scary when she was angry before she looked at me with a smile then used one of her hands to tickle my belly and made me laugh a bit before she stopped.

???-Awww, look at how small you are. It's so cute. What's your name?~

(Y/N)-... (Y/N)... and i'm not cute.

???-What are you talking about? Just look at you... My name is Kate and I saw you already met those 2 troublemakers back there. Hehehe.

She played with my belly again while she went into a store and more girls were looking at and cooing me like I was a baby since Kate was holding me like one. I wanted her to put me down, but she wouldn't let me and said, "No, I like you right there. Also I don't want to bend down a lot to hold your hand." She got things like fish, seasonings, and other meat before she went to the counter. The human lady up there was looking at me and even offered a discount if she got to kiss my check... Kate said yes and it was so embarrassing that my face got warm again for them to laugh at a little.

Kate-I heard others saw you with Lazarus running to Hana's house then going to hers after and my sister went on and on about it.


Kate-Little sister and I think she's going to love you. She mostly helps me with heavy lifting, the 3 young girls, and help the other woman in other jobs.

I pictured he sister to be strong like Kate, maybe a little smaller, another bear girl like her, and maybe she might she that i'm cute, i'm handsome or cool. There's a difference. Soon she tossed me a bit out of her arm and caught me in her hand, holding me by my belly, and putting me behind her back, but now I was against her little tail, back, and butt. It was like I was sitting in a weird chair.


She kept on walking until we got in a her that must be hers then she closed the door with her foot and went to a table to put the bag down.

Kate-Hey Fia, I got a surprise for you! Come out here.

I heard some footsteps, but didn't see anything.

Fia-What's behind your back?


Fia-Ummm,... that new dress I saw yesterday? Oh, my favorite steak?!

Kate-You get 1 more.

Fia-... Does it have anything to do with those rumors?!

Just then Kate turned around and showed me to her little sister and she was almost nothing like I guesses how she would be, but she looked really happy to see me since she covered her mouth for a second before running over here.


She took me from her sister and gave me a lot of kisses all over my face before she tossed me up a bit which made me scream a little before she caught me in a hug.

Fia-Oh my god, he's so adorable! Aren't you baby?!~


Kate-Hehehehe, he's a shy one and hates it when you call him things like cute.

Fia-Did you go to Lazarus and get him for me?

Kate-Actually, I found him with our 2 little competitors fighting over him.

Fia-And why wouldn't they? Look at him.

Kate-Do not encourage their fighting, please.

They both sat on the couch and made me lay down on their laps and Fia was petting my head. They won't let me get up and kept on playing with me by petting  me or sometimes they would pick me up and toss me in the air a bit. I was like a toy to them until Fia stopped to take a look at me from top to bottom a few times.

Kate-What is it?

Fia-I never really saw clothes like this before.

Kate-Well, he's from off the island.

Fia-... What do you think Jasmine could make for him? I could just picture him in one of her designs,... also he's gonna need more clothes soon.

Kate-You want to take him right now? She's probably already working at her shop.

Fia-... Maybe in a bit.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Jasmine's POV)

I was putting on my latest design that I was experimenting with to show the others later. I heard the rumors yesterday, but I think it's just someone on the island trying to get attention because no man has been here for years and now a small boy is here out of the blue?... I brushed that off as I finished to put on my new outfit for the summer before I stepped in the mirror and loved the way I looked.


I might even wear this around the village for a while after dances since this is way too beautiful and besides, some girls here do the same thing. Just then, I heard a bell at the door, so someone was here and lucky them because now they get to be the first to see this. I stepped out from my back room while doing a twirl.

Jasmine-Welcome, how can I-?

Just then I saw who it was, but I was far more captivated by what Kate was holding in one of her arms.


Fia-Hey Jasmine, we brought you someone to try new fashion designs.

(No POV)

Silence just filled the shop full of clothes and Jasmine was speechless as she saw the rumors that she thought was too good to be true were actually true. (Y/N) blushing from how Jasmine was looking at him in shock before she fainted.



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