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(Cody's POV)

Erelah gave my mommy some food and water she can eat while we're gone and she can watch whatever was on the "kids" program on Netflix until we get back. I was so happy to go see a movie on a huge screen, but I just wish Erelah would be with me and I know she has to leave me there to get my new friend... She made me feel a little better when she gave me a lot of quarters for games at the arcade at the movie place. I got to pick something that was for families and there was a few choices, so I picked (F/M). When we made it inside she got me some popcorn, a soda, and some candy then took me to the room and put me in a chair.

Erelah-Be a good boy and remember that you need to be quiet in here, so others can watch the movie too.

Cody-When we go home and I see my new friend, do you think we can all play a game together?

Erelah-We'll see how he feels. Don't talk to strangers either or take what they give you.

She gave me a kiss before she left and I just waited for the movie to start.

(Erelah's POV)

That kiss was to set a trap on my baby in case anyone tries to grab him then will be met with a surprise flash of light. With that taken care of, I just left the movie theater then found a place to cloak myself in light to spread my wings and fly. I was heading to the house the other boy was at, but when I got there and looked over some parts of the woods, there was hellhounds everywhere. I guess that hellhound I heard before had a pack, but it would be hard to spot me like this unless they focus on smelling me. I made it to the house only to see the door was left wide open and it makes since if intruders come in, it's like free victims for them. I just walked in and there was no hellhounds in here so far and I checked the rooms to only find that nobody was here and when I found the succubus's room, I saw all sorts of sex toys in there with restraints on the bed.

Erelah's mind-If their not here? Where are they?

(Julian's POV)

Sarita was holding me while Erelah was next to us and Kalma was watching from an alleyway. We had no idea what Sarita had planned, but she just said that it was a surprise. Soon she put me down when she smiled at a cop walking to us, turned me to her then gave me a look before she kissed me with her tongue and people all around just looked at us completely surprised.

Cop-HEY!!! Let that kid go!

He came up to us and Sarita stopped the kiss and poked my nose before she got up then the officer pulled out handcuffs and a taser. He was about to attack her, but Sarita stopped the attack and kissed him the same was she did me then soon he dropped his arms then his weapons. Everyone was surprised by this and was even taking videos then she broke the kiss.

Sarita-You silly boy, I was just giving my baby some love. Do you want to cuff yourself and show others some love like I just gave you? For me?~

The cop just smiled before he got more happy while cuffing his arms in front of him before he ran at some other guy and put his arms over him before he kissed him then he soon acted like the cop did. Blair just picked me and held me close while people started to run then she pulled Sarita into an alley where Kalma was.

Blair-What the fuck are doing?! Trying to get us all caught?!

Sarita-Relax, it won't spread with his kiss like a zombie bite and it only lasts an hour. Just wanted to show what I have set incase we run into trouble in town. They just need to have a sip of water then are a kiss away.

Kalma-What about us?

Sarita-Sorry, these are my toys. I can have a crowd watching us in the park or just me a (Y/N) having our own fun and they won't do a damn thing unless I tell them.

Blair-So is this supposed to make us feel safer about bring him out or just so you can sexually tease him in front of others now?!

Sarita-I don't see why it can't be both.

(Erelah's POV)

I was checking the town by flying over it then soon I saw a police officer force kissing another man as he was trying to break away. Everyone was beholding this sight or trying to help get the cop away from him. This seemed odd, so I flew closer while keeping my cloak up then I peaked over someone's shoulder to see them watching a video and I saw that succubus kissing that cop.


Erelah's mind-They have to be close by!

I flew up in the again to search the areas near by and it wasn't long before I saw the 3 of them with that child in the fallen angel's arm. She'll be able to see me due to her being angel as well, but the others won't be able too, so I just need to sneak behind her and knock her out with one hit then the rest should be child's play.

(Julian's POV)

While the girls were talking Kalma didn't care and took me from Blair then I thought of that tongue bath she gave me earlier. As Sarita and Blair were talking, Sarita said something about me doing "public training" next month, but Blair said no and I think Sarita might do it anyway. While Blair was yelling at Sarita I heard a little noise that made it stop yelling and fall to the ground then Kalma started to sniff the air then suddenly a bright light flashed and I couldn't see. I felt like I was ripped away from Kalma, but got scratched and it hurt.


I felt wind hitting me as I also felt that I was going up kinda fast then when I could see again, I saw I was flying and someone was holding me, but I couldn't see them. I was screaming and crying from being scared and my arm hurting and bleeding.

???-No, no, no, don't cry! You're safe now!

Just then the one holding me flashed a kinda bright light before i could see her and it was that angel from before.


???-Don't worry it's going to be ok now... My name is Erelah.~

She held me a little tighter and looked at my arm before she put her hand on it then started to make it glow then I started to feel better. I was also calming down as I looked at her then she gave me a smile.

Erelah-Isn't that much better?... I'm going to help you and taking you to my home, but I need to leave you there while I bring someone else back. Is that ok?

I didn't know what to think or say about this, but then I thought about what was going to happen if I go with her like I did with the werewolves.

Julian-Wait, they'll come after-!

Erelah-I already have that taken care of. I know how to keep demons at bay. They won't be able to touch you... I also will have another boy around your age to play with.~

She kept on flying with me as we left the city and I still don't know about what she said, because Kalma can get very mad and violent more than the others.

(Violet's POV)

I was in a bath and shower with my little boy and we were soaking in bath salts for our skin then suddenly the door opened and a maid came in holding a phone.

Maid-I apologize for interrupting you 2 at this time.

Violet-Out with it.

Maid-I currently have Tracey on hold, Diana's life partner.

Violet-Huh, what does she want?

Maid-She wants to request that you come over and let the boys play.

Violet-I'm not dealing with Diana later on right now while she's on edge. Tell her the boys can play another time... Also move the massage ahead by 30 minutes, I feel like soaking more.

Maid-Yes ma'am.

She left me and my boy alone and he was about to talk, but I put my finger to his mouth and he stayed quiet while laying on top on me. I don't know what made her think she could call me and expect me to bring my baby with me on a long drive on the spot, but i'll keep this from Diana for now.

(Tracey's POV)

I was still on the phone with the maid and she said Violet was busy and the boys will play another time. I didn't have that excuse anymore, but I can easily have the excuse for bath time which i'm about to do right now as I took Lucas out of the cage and got him ready to go for a bath with me. He did hold on to me which felt nice as we got in the water with others taking a bath too.

Lucas-Mom, can we at least try to find somewhere more private?

Tracey-Now sweetie, you do this with me and Diana all the time. I know how weird this is, but we should be used to it now... Arms up.

He did what I said and scrubbed them while tickling him a little on purpose to make him laugh. Others were looking at us, but I don't care.

Tracey's mind-I wonder if Diana will be in a better mood when she comes back.

Just then another thought came to mind about her giving our son a tongue bath, but if I give him one right now and she smells it, i'll be in trouble with her when she gets home. I also think that I need someone new to show my love to my son almost like what she does then soon I thought of something. I wrapped him in a hug before I went up against a rock to lean back and spoon him.

Tracey-Mommy loves you. You know that, right?


Tracey-Good,... good boy.~


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