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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was running into a park after I was forced to cross the street and people were screaming and looking at me before I got in the park and I think it was the same one Moltra took me too. I saw lots of monsters going on their phones, but I just kept on running as much as I could. I rested while hiding in the bushes before I heard sirens then got running again. I didn't want to be caught again and put back in a zoo then the thought of that made me start to cry and go slower. I soon made it to another exit of the park and got out of her and ran across the street with cars almost hitting me, but I made it to an ally then stopped when I saw a way out of this city, but this way looked like it had a lot of trees, not a desert mountain. Anything was better than this city, so I ran that way. When I made it to the edge of the city, there was a wall and I picked a way to go to get around it. I heard more sirens before I saw the way out of here and into the forest and almost made it out of here before I bumped into someone around the corner. We looked at each other and screamed before they ran away into the city then I ran into the forest.

(Y/N)'s mind-Ok, ok, they won't find you in the trees and bushes!

(No POV)

Meanwhile in the city more and more people were hearing about the lost human running around. People were even posting videos and pictures, but while most hunters were searching randomly, few were following a trail, and fewer were the right one, but one got something the others didn't... a citizen running into them and telling her what happened.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I had no idea where to go and everything in this forest was weird, but I made 3 rules to follow. Don't touch any flowers or weird plants, don't get seen by animals or monsters, and no going back to that city. Soon I started to hear noises, but it kinda sounded like an animal or animals, so I started to find a place to hide behind a tree then I saw what was making the noise.


I had no idea what that thing was, but it was crackling and hissing then I saw it had no eyes. It was sniffing and slowly getting closer to me, so I tried to step back, but something snapped behind me and that's when this thing looked at me and hissed.


I ran behind the tree to make it harder for it to catch me when I ran then I saw it run into the tree a little before I get away a little more.


I kept on running, but then the monster knocked me down and cut me a little. I started to cry when it got on top of me because it really hurt and I was going to die. When it hissed at me and put a claw on my back I thought that this was it and I was going to die alone.

???-*Whistle* *whistle*

I couldn't see who made that noise, but it made this animal monster kinda mad and get off me.

???-I guess a smaller prize won't hurt. Let's get this over with.

I heard noises before something quickly snapped and fell to the ground before I could finally turn around and see the one who saved me and,... she was only a little taller than me.


She turned over to look at me before she came over and I couldn't get up to run away because my back hurt so much. I don't who she was, but she pulled up my shirt before it got stuck, so she tore it off.

???-Alright, let's see... Damn, that's a big bruise. *whispering*

She pressed on it a bit then.

(Y/N)-Ow! Stop it!

???-Huh?... Hey something else.

I tried to get up again, but then I saw her reach behind her back, behind her hair for a rope then she just got on top of my legs and tied them together.

(Y/N)-Get off of me!

(Chemfi's POV)

I don't know this animal is just repeating where it heard stuff from, but i'll just have to do a few tests to find out. I'm not too worried about it since very few exotic species can speak words other than just repeating, but they aren't very good for conversation or much other skills. Besides, a jagger almost killed my once in a life time catch, so I killed it by snapping it's neck and i'll be damned if I lose this human by a thread.

Chemfi-Alright, let's get you someone I can take care of that bruise.

I picked them up and it was kinda hard, but not that much. My brother weighs a little more than him, so getting back would be easier if he didn't squirm so much, but I had a van just a few ways away on the trail and I have sedative shots and a med kit. When I made it to the car with this human crying on me I just opened the back and put him down. His crying soon turned into whimpering and shacking as I got a shot ready for him and these are meant to take down animals his size without feeling a thing as long as you shot it or throw it right, which I know how to do. This creature just had it's back to to me in fear, so now it was east to just poke his shoulder with it then in a few seconds he seemed calm.

Chemfi-See, that wasn't so bad. Let's get some gel on that bruise then we'll be on our way home... Just wait until the board sees you, you beautiful human.~

He tried to fight me off while he was sedated, but that wasn't working for him very well since I got the gel on him to make the swelling and pressure go down. I don't think there's internal bleeding as far as I can tell


Chemfi-*Shhh* I got you. You want a,... um.

I hopped over then and reached for it's mouth to take a look at it's teeth then saw it had the same kind as me, so it has the same diet.

Chemfi-How about a nice steak and some cooked potatoes? No reason I can't spoil my trophy. Just rest here.

I got out and closed the van doors behind me before I locked them from the outside and went to the front to start the drive to the station to get them looked at and claim them, but not the reward.

Chemfi's mind-No way in hell am I turning them over.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in a cage and got some bandages wrapped around me almost like it was a shirt. I felt better, but more scared from those monsters that were touching me, taking pictures, and Chemfi even bragged about me some more before she left saying I was "her catch". When everyone left me alone in this cage, in a room with other animals until the door opened and I saw Chemfi come in with someone else while she was spinning a key on her finger.


???-Chemfi, think about this. You won't get a cent from this catch if you keep them.

Chemfi-I now the rules and there is also cases for new species or special hybrids that goes into my terms. "My" catch, "my" choice to turn them over to the board or station, but if I decide to keep them, that catch is my responsibility then we got the other rules were all expenses for a newly discovered species or hybrid are covered by the board for it's basic needs.

???-You're turning down over 34 million! You could be set for life with that money!

Chemfi-Whatever, my lose. I can do what I want with him.

???-I thought you joined this place for the hunt?!

Chemfi-Gyobi, let me give it to simply like I told the chief... No. Deal.

Gyobi-S-So what, you're just going to leave them here to sit in a cage all day?!

Chemfi-Close. I'm taking them home when those papers go through the board.

Her friend looked even more surprised while she bent down to me and stuck her finger in the cage while smiling.

Gyobi-... Are... you serious?

Chemfi-I can see it now Gyobi. I'll be the best known hunter out there and forget the money. I can be looking at the top spot with my prized pet. I still plan to keep this job too, isn't that right my little human.~

Gyobi-Little? They're almost as tall as you.

Chemfi-Doc said the muscle system was very underdeveloped, so that means they must be very young, but I already figured from that baby face they have.

Gyobi-Chemfi, please just think about this.

Chemfi-I already did and do you know how this ends?


Chemfi-This key letting them out, me taking them home, and the press just piling outside waiting to see me take them home.

Gyobi-... Can I pet them since they're harmless?

Just then Chemfi sprung at him him a little then pressed the key on his private spot then he looked scared.

Chemfi-Touch my trophy before I have him healed and cleaned, i'll find something bigger to shove in there. Understand?

He just nodded his head yes before he backed up then she smiled before she left the room and came back with a to-go box.

Chemfi-I got something for you. You must be hungry.~

I was hungry, but then I saw something that made me even more hungry before she opened the cage I was in then reached inside, holding the food.


Gyobi-Are you really giving them cooked steaked?

Chemfi-Saw their teeth, that jagger hurt them, so I went back, gave it to a butcher shop, they sliced it and everything, now I think it's fair if my new prized pet got to bite back.

I think she was talking about that monster she saved me from when she captured me and I was so hungry when she held a piece to me, but I didn't want to grab it with my hands and make them dirty... I just ate it from her hand bit by bit until she let go and it did taste really good.

Chemfi-Awww, aren't you just a sweetheart.~

Gyobi-So what name are you going to give them?

Chemfi-Don't know. I'll think about on the way home. Tell the others when they get here tomorrow that i'll be gone for a few weeks.

When I was done eating Chemfi got out to get a blanket and threw it in here and over me before she got out to close the cage. She left again, this time pulling that guy with her until she closed the door and turned off the lights, but there was still a light coming from the window outside. I just covered myself in the blanket and I might as well be with Gena or Moltra again. I don't know if making her think I can really talk and understand her even when I already talked was a good or bad idea.

(Y/N)'s mind-What am I going to do?

(Chemfi's POV)

I was at my desk relaxing until I get word from chief that it's good to go home and take hi out for a pictures on the way to my car. He'll need a sedative shot before we leave regardless, but when I get stuff sent to my house, I might keep somethings, but I have a feeling I might need to upgrade.

Chemfi's mind-Just getting money from the fame i'm about to have is just going to make this job a hobby... Well, more of a hobby to me.


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