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((Y/N)'s POV) age:5

I was on a cruise with my daddy for 5 days now and it was for his job to talk to someone, but this boat had a pool, an arcade, all you can eat, all kinds of stuff you can do. He even lets me do whatever I want as long as I don't get in trouble with the workers here and this was the best. A while ago I just got done playing so many games and I loved this game where you step on arrows to dance. I got really tired before my daddy took me to come eat some dinner with the guy he was talking with and it was inside. Good thing too, because it was raining a lot outside and it was pretty windy too. My daddy got me a burger and fries while they both had steak and potatoes... and this was so boring.

Daddy-So now that we have time to discuss some payment before the day ends, I think it would be best to negotiate prices on publishing and making copies.

Man-Well, I have digital copies and a marketing plan, so I was thinking a good 500 physical copies.

Daddy-Well, for a physical copy, you should add an extra $10 or $11 than what you're selling for a digital copy. I also want a $5 share from each sell of a physical book.

Man-Ok, ok,... but I also hope to talk about a second deal for what I already have in the works. Bet this kid loves a good action story or maybe a movie in the works.

Daddy-When he's a little older. I read this books to know what i'm selling.

(Y/N)-*Yawn*... Dad, can I go to bed?

Daddy-No dessert?

(Y/N)-Maybe tomorrow. I played a lot of a dancing game. I'm tired.

Daddy-Alright, take the room key and i'll be there soon.

He gave me the room key and I just took my last few bites of my burger to finish it then left. I got outside and I could see the water just pouring off the ground and into the ocean as I walked down. Just then I felt the boat shake a little before I looked off to the side and saw a huge wave coming right for us. I tried to run to get inside somewhere, but I slipped and fell on my back before the wave hit and made boat really shake. I was about to slide off the side, but I grabbed a pole before I looked down and started to scream for help, but from the heavy rain, strong wind, and waves out here, I could barely hear myself before I heard another wave come and it even splashed me which made me lose my grip on the pole from the water and wind. I was falling screaming since I can't swim very well and when I fell in the water I was being pushed around a lot by the water and couldn't breath as I was going down before I thought I was going to die when I was feeling dizzy and my eyes were closing.

(Y/N)'s mind-Dad.

(No POV)

The storm raged on and nobody even noticed a little boy who fell off the side, so the boat went on like nothing happened. Just as (Y/N) was sinking more and more, he was caught in a strong current that was taking him somewhere and the current was so strong, it even had air bubbles trapped inside from catching it from the waves coming down. The question is, where does this current lead?


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up with someone pressing on my lower chest kinda hard and water was in my ears, so it was hard to hear. Soon I started to cough and get sick with stuff coming out of my mouth before one of my ears didn't have water in it anymore.

???-That's it, cough it up.

I got sick some more before I got turned to my side and felt that I was on sand and it was sticking to me. When I opened my eyes I saw a very tall woman next to me and she looked as tall as a famous basketball player I thought she was wearing a bathing suit at first, but I don't think it was one.


I was so scared and had no idea where I was then I tried to get up, but then my chest kinda burned and I felt so dizzy. I was going to fall back down, but she caught me.

???-Woah, woah, woah, take it easy.

I felt like I was going to pass out again and she just held me closer while she got up with me.

???-Hold on, I know someone who can help!

She started to run, but I couldn't stay awake anymore and everything went dark again.


Everything was quite until I started to hear voices again and one of them was from the woman I saw earlier I think.

???-Relax, I just checked him. No water is left in his lungs and he's breathing fine. They probably just got overwhelmed, but... I found something else.

???-What is it? Is she hurt?

???-And that's it... You see "she" is a "he".

???-... What? I thought they just had short hair and didn't grow much.

Just then I started to open my eyes and it wasn't like the sun was shining in my house, but I did see some light. I think I was in a house now and when I opened them all the way I just looked at the ceiling and it was like a wooden cabin.

???-*Gasp* He's awake!

I looked to see the woman then I saw something else and it was... a monster!


I backed up to a wall on the bed and the woman came over to me while the monster stood up and she got on her knees on the bed.

???-Oh, are you alright? Is anything sore?

She just got closer to me and pulled me into a hug then I saw myself in a mirror with her and just noticed I was naked, but I was covered by a blanket.


I tried to push away from her and she let go before I saw the monster that I could see was as tall as her walk over here while holding the top of her noise like she was annoyed.

???-Lazarus... can you get off my patients bed, please. I need to do something to make sure he's not inches away from passing out again or if he's able to get out of bed.

Lazarus-Oh, sorry.

She got off the bed and the monster got closer to me and I looked at her tail before she put her finger in front of me before she looked back at her tail.

???-Hm, you like my tail?... Here, just be gentle.

She turned to her side a little and put her tail in front of me like she wanted me to grab it, but I didn't. She looked confused and just put her finger in front of me again.

???-Here, follow my finger.

I just did what she said and after a bit she just poked my nose and my eyes felt weird before they closed until she took her finger away. She only giggled a little before she turned all the way around to show me her back until her tail moved and almost nothing was covering her butt when I looked down until she put her tail in my face.

???-I saw you looking at it. I know children love to cuddle. Go on.

I didn't know what to do, so I just pushed it away only for her to turn around and look confused again.

???-What is it?

Lazarus-Maybe the sea water and sand made your fur a little sticky to him. He might need a bath. Here, let me see him.

(Y/N)-Get away from me!

I tried to get off the bed, but when I ran down the bed and tried to jump off I accidently hit my foot on the board and fell to the ground. I hit my head and started to cry and Lazarus ran over to me and picked me up.

Lazarus-Oh my god! Hana, get some ice!

Hana-Just put him in a bath! I'm putting him on a sedative until he I think he'll stop hurting himself!

She took me with her to a bathroom while I was crying still before she took her clothes off in one room and I saw no toilet in the next room, but a very big bath.


The water was already going and some steam was was coming up as she got in the water with me, held me close with my face in her chest when she sat down, and started to rub my back while I cried into her.

Lazarus-You poor little boy. You must be so scared, but you can't do stuff like that, you'll get hurt. It's bad enough that you're just as big as a 3 year old.~

I was not as tall as a 3 year old or are they just that tall around here? She just kissed my head then soon Hana came in naked too before she came to us and got in the water and had a wooden bowl with blue water in it. I was scared of what that stuff was going to do to me, but she said something about a sedative and I don't know what they do.

Lazarus-Hana, he's already scared. I think he doesn't want the medicine.

Hana-Do you want him to hurt himself more? He's just going to calm down and everything will be fine. He might also need this for when you take him outside and the others see him for who he really is.

Lazarus-... Sweetie, Hana is a very good doctor and just wants to help. Can you open up for us?

My daddy said I should not touch a woman boobs or see them naked because that will be very bad, but having my face in her boobs keeps me from taking the medicine. I shook my head no, but then Hana just sighed and Lazarus made me look at her and there was something about her eyes and look on her face,... I felt a little better. She leaned me off her and took the bowl from Hana.

Lazarus-If you take this, all the pain in your head will be gone... I know your still scared and lost your home, but can you do this,... for me?~

I started to feel a little bad and slowly opened my mouth for her a little and she poured the blue water in my mouth and it tasted kinda bad, but I had medicine that tasted worse. She just smiled at me before she gave me a hug and kiss.

Lazarus-Thank you. You're just a sweetheart.~

She turned me, so I was facing Hana and sitting sideways on her lap then they both looked at me kinda weird before they smiled.

Hana-*Giggles* Are you blushing? What you blushing for?~

Lazarus-Well I think it's cute. The others are just going to love him.~

Hana-It'll be an hour before he's ready to go.

Lazarus-I was thinking about showing him to a few close friends before I get home.

Hana-No, straight home, rest, and he'll see enough on the way and can meet others tomorrow.


Hana-Here, let me hold him. You're taking him home.

Lazarus-Oh,... ok.

She gave me to Hana and her wet fur felt kinda weird and she squeezed my arms and legs a little. She smiled before she leaned back in the bath and I was so embarrassed then looked at the other empty side.

(Y/N)-Can I go over there?

Hana-Huh, why?

(Y/N)-Well,... are you supposed to take baths alone?

Lazarus-Says who? Is that how they do it out there? Who gets your back for you then?

(Y/N)-... M-My dad says boys can't be in a bathroom with girls.

They looked kinda confused at me for a bit before Hana lifted me to spread my legs on her lap, so I covered myself while I was forced to look at her then she looked more confused.

Hana-Are boys always this shy?

Lazarus-No, the last man here was really open before he passed.

Hana-Well, we don't really see the reason why boys and girls can't bathe together,... um.

(Y/N)-(Y-Y/N)... I'm 5.

Lazarus-Awww, what a cute name for a cuter boy. I think he just needs time to adjust. We just need to show him.~

(Lazarus's POV)

For the whole bath Hana and I got each other cleaned before we moved on to him and by the time we did, he could barely fight us off. I don't know what his dad did to him, but this kind of mistrust to people who just helped him was kinda worrying me. His blushes and little whines were adorable, but I remember the last time I saw these signs, there was some kind of abuse.

Lazarus's mind-Is he lying to protect his dad?... Is he afraid of him?

A tear came out of my eye to think such a small child was put through such a horrible thing. I remember the last man here helped whoever he could and during baths, he would see nothing wrong. Maybe he was also neglected, so he missed out on so much love and does not know how to react to this without seeing it as bad. Maybe he was also constantly stressed by that too which didn't let him grow that much. When Hana measured him while he was still out cold he only came out to 3ft, 2in, but at the age of 5 the others his age here is 4ft at least. Adults here are 8 to 9ft if not taller when done growing.

Lazarus's mind-Such a poor baby boy... You don't need your daddy anymore, you need love... my love.~


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