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(Julian's POV)

Blair won't let me get off her bed unless she tells me to get off and follow her or if she carries me, but we never left her room for that long. She kept on checking the looks and looking outside for Kalma or anyone else and she won't let Sarita touch me. I don't have a problem with that, but she was more controlling and protective than usual. When we made it back to her room after she grabbed me a little snack and I was so bored and wish she would just let me play something or even just watch T.V. for a bit. She saw how bored I was and she got very annoyed and just sat on the side of her bed next to me.

Blair-Are you ok? Am I doing something wrong?

Julian-... Not really.

Blair-Earlier I saw you looking at Sarita when she wanted to take you to have you in her bed to play with. Do you also think of Kalma and can't wait for her to get back? Do you like them more than me, the one who actually takes care of you?


Blair-*Sigh*... What do I need to do? I need to watch you, but we can have fun in here. Want me to get a board game or... Do I need to act more like Sarita or Kalma, because i'll do it if you like what they do with you.

I think she sounded serious and I didn't know what to say if she does what Sarita and Kalma do to me, but I just shook my head no.

Blair-Then what do I need to do to make you happy? I don't want you to hate me... Is this because of that other angel?! Did... Did you think her wings looked better than mine?!

(Blair's POV)

I swear if he's thinking of that other angel and if she thinks she can have my gift from god I will pluck every feather off her wings and see what he thinks of her then! I just pulled him close and I was not going to lose him to her, or a werewolf, or a vampire, or anyone. He's mine and Sarita and Kalma are lucky i'm fine with sharing him with them! He looked bored and said and I take great care of him, but maybe I should try to be more assertive in my own way. I just pushed him on the bed and laid by his side and wrapped him in my wings and pushed his face in my boobs since Sarita does it to him all the time.

Blair-Just relax and in a bit i'll have a nice board game set up for us... or do you want one of those game systems... I just don't think you need to be playing with others online.

Julian-... Ok. *muffled*

Blair-You know I just love you and that mean angel just tried to take you after I just got you back... You love us more than her and those others that took you, right?

He nodded his head and even if he was just worried about me getting mad or whatever, it made me feel a little better. Still, I kept him where he was until I heard noises outside and one of them was a howl, so it was Kalma and her pack. I got out of bed and put Julian back in, tucking him in, giving him a kiss on his head, and i'll bring a game back for us to play, but first I need to see Kalma. When I got outside I saw Sarita was already out there walking up to her.


Blair-Kalma, I need you to-.

She only came to me and sniffed me a little before she glared at me a little and crossed her arms.

Kalma-So he's here. Let me see him, I can smell that werewolf.

Blair-Later, but now I need your pack spread through this woods. An angel came back today your pack is going to be spread out and if "anyone" enters these woods-.

Kalma-Excuse me, is this "your" pack? Oh, no, it's "my" pack and that means I get what I want first or they stay here doing nothing... I know "her" scent is all over him. I'm taking it off and putting mine back on him.

Blair-... He stays in my room and gets a bath after.

She just walked passed me while bumping into my shoulder before she turned on the porch and swiped her hand then her whole pack scattered in the forest like I wanted.

Sarita-Hey, when you 2 are done with his baths, I want to try something with his training and i'll need both of you to help me in town.

Blair-I'm not helping you with your perverted games with him.

Sarita-Aww, but I thought you said you would be more like me and Kalma for him?~

Blair-You-... You heard that?

Sarita-I heard all of it honey. Don't mock it until you try and who knows... Submission is a type of love if you do it the right way and he'll be more likely to listen to you. Unless you want him to be tempted by that angel?


(Cody's POV)

Erelah was feeding me the last bite of the food she made and my mom threw a fit earlier and got a timeout before she went to go down for a nap in her room. She was also kinda mad when she got home, so I tried giving her hugs and cuddling with her and that did help her a little then I kissed her cheek to make her laugh a little which made me smile. She gave me a hug back then put my empty plate down.

Erelah-Oh, you're just the sweetest little thing. My little sweetie.~

She gave me some kisses and we looked at the T.V. and we saw a trailer for a movie that looked good coming out. I want to go see it with Erelah and my mommy, but I don't know if my mommy would be good at the movies.

Erelah-I see how you're looking at the movie. How would you like to go see it?

Cody-Well,... what about my mommy?

Erelah-Tomorrow morning we can go to that movie theater that looked very big in that other time and i'll just lock your old mommy in the house, let her watch some T.V. and she'll be fine. We'll even bring her back some popcorn.

Cody-Ok... Can she get out of timeout now?

Erelah-She might already be sleeping. Also she did throw a tantrum at dinner over no dessert tonight for nobody.

(Erelah's POV)

I hope god will forgive me for putting my child near danger, but the demons won't know who my child is and during the movie I can leave him seated while I save that other little boy from the clutches of those demons. My child will be safe, watching a movie and I will give him praise to make him feel like a big boy to watch a movie alone while I have a little over an hour. I just need to sneak in and take the boy, leave, bring the boy here, cover his scent, and bring my child back home safely. A risky plan, but I shall have the lord on my side to help save a child.

Erelah-Hey Cody, I know you feel a little lonely at times while i'm busy with certain things I must do... How would you like a friend to play with here?

Cody-... Like another angel?

Erelah-No, another boy and he's around your age and something tells me he's going to need a friend too.

Cody-When can I see him?

Erelah-After the movie tomorrow, but I need you to be big boy and watch your movie alone while I pick him up. I'll buy you whatever drink and candy you want with your popcorn.~

I held him a little tighter and gave him more praise, telling what he can do with that other boy, and encouragement to help him feel better about tomorrow. The movie ended and I took us to soak in a bath together and as usual, he was playing with my wings.

Erelah-Are you going to be my brave big boy tomorrow for your new friend?~

Cody-Yeah. I never had a friend at my house before. We're gonna play video games, and bean  bag toss, and catch, and stay up late to watch movies,-...

He kept on going and it was cute to see how excited he was for his new friend tomorrow which it all the more reason to succeed.

(Tracey's POV)

I was locked in my son's cage while Diana was giving a speech outside of her room then came back in kinda crying and holding my son before she came over to me.


Diana-I am giving you one job if I let you out of here and put my pup in here. If anyone, even you so much as touches a hair on him while i'm gone and if I find out, you'll be the first to be punished! I will send you back to Violet's after I punish you here! Understand?!

She was on the verge of crying from her new son being gone and I know she gets very emotional and possessive when she's like this. I just nodded my head and she opened the cage, so I crawled out. She put our son in the cage and gave him a few bags of chips, granola bars, cookies, and water bottles before she gave him a kiss then locked him in.

Diana-I'm going to bring your brother back, ok? Nobody will take you from me again, I swear.

Tracey-Can I take him out if I have to?

Diana-... It better be for a bath or going to the bathroom or you're finished.

I felt so happy and nodded my head before she left with her fluffed tail showing last and most of the deltas will be gone which means I will be the highest ranking here. I'm sure a bath with my boy later will be ok.

Tracey's mind-Finally, some time with my son without Diana!~


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