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(Gena's POV)

I fed (Y/N) a while ago, so I had other things to attend to for him and a few other animals that maybe he can meet someday. Everything got done early and Mr. Stern was with the crowd in front of (Y/N)'s exhibit as it was nearing dawn and soon our night time customers will come and see him. I looked into his cage too and (Y/N) was just playing on his swing which made my heart flutter a little to watch him play without being disturbed since he thinks nobody is watching and he's alone.


I was enjoying watching him until I saw that it was a break time for me and I just went to a snack bar to get some water and I saw from out monitors... I was on an ad that gives me credit to finding a "human". It also had a picture of (Y/N) playing in his cage and I hate being a center of attention like this, but it can't be that big a deal for me. They just want (Y/N) to look cute on camera without him knowing and i'll be left alone the moment I leave his side. Just then I felt a poked on my back and when I turned I saw a girl that looked around 11 or 12 and she was a Sparnai.


???-You're the one who discovered this animal?

She looked at me in awe like I was a hero to her and my skin turned a little pink by her words.

Gena-Um,... yes. Did you have a question about them?

???-Since this animal is harmless, do you get to volunteer to go in for a show?

Gena-Oh, sorry, but no. H-He's harmless, but very fragile and timid. He doesn't even know we're watching him.

???-Then how come you get to go in and pet and feed him?

Gena-I'm their caretaker.

She kept on being persistent about wanting to go in the cage and I didn't want to be mean to her, but she really can't go in that cage for multiple reasons. Soon she started to get pouty and flew away kinda slow due to her immature wings. I just wanted to go back to my room and relax for a bit before I go see (Y/N) for a bit.

(???'s POV)

My daughter came to me and said that she was getting fair and sensical treatment here and I wasted no time to find the owner of this place, but when I saw what he was I gave up on that. This is supposed to be a very harmless creature, so there is no reason someone can't just walk up to them and pet it. I saw children touch the nose of a trained jagger. This is much more safe and if they won't let us try, we'll just show how fine it is.

(Timeskip 15 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Gena just left after leaving me some food when I get hungry and she tried to play with me a little and I only played catch with her a little and she cuddled me a little too. I guess she was kinda nice and she didn't let anyone find me here, but she won't talk about getting me somewhere else, except for telling me. "Now is not a good time". I just laid on the bed pad in here since I didn't feel like playing anymore. Everything was kinda boring until I heard something coming from the black wall, but it kinda sounded like hitting glass.

I got out of the bed and went to the wall and slowly knocked on it with one finger before a big bang came from it and I screamed a little before I backed up and screamed a little.

(Gena's POV)

I was tending to the aquarium to test the waters and see if they were still at the right temperature for each creature here since it was my turn for an hourly check. Soon I heard a commotion outside and Mr. Stern was raising his voice sounded like he was really made and if I could here it from here, that's not a good sign. I quickly ran out of the aquarium and to where he was yelling and it was in front of (Y/N)'s cage and it looked like someone threw food at the window.


Assistant-Uh, sir-.

Mr. Stern-WHAT?!?!?!

Assistant-Maybe you should calm down a little. Security will handle this and will go over the footage.

Mr. Stern-I will handle this, myself.

Assistant-Um,... how about I have some semi-polar metal molted down with chunks of smoked lava rocks.

Mr. Stern-... Tell the security they have 3 hours to catch who did this before I get involved.

Just then he turned to me and gave me a little glare, but at least he wasn't as mad anymore.

Mr. Stern-Dina!

Gena-I-It's Ge-.

Mr. Stern-Calm that human down and get him somewhere else until this mess gets cleaned. As for the funny person that did this, everyone can thank them for having this closed until they get caught!

Just then he went to a switch that needed a key and used it to bring down the cover and covered the whole glass and nobody could see him. People complained while he left and I had to think of something to say before I go see (Y/N) and take him to my room, so his glass can be cleaned.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I had no idea what just happened with that black wall, but now I was scared then suddenly the door opened and I thought Gena was going to come in, but I saw 2 different girls instead.


I just backed away and they both smiled at me and the smaller one stepped closer to me first and I saw her eyes were red and black like a demon. When she got close a small whimper slipped out of me.

???-*Chuckles* Hi, i'm Quin... Aww, I wonder where there's more like you. You look more like a house pet to me.~

She started to pet me and the fuzzy part of her arms hit me a bit and it felt weird then the bigger one that might be her mom or sister or something came over and rubbed my cheek.

???-So smooth and soft... Why aren't you in the petting zoo?~

I had no idea what they were talking about or how they know I was here since I checked for cameras here and there was not any. They kept on petting me until I saw they left the door open and maybe I can get out of here and look for a way out myself. Just then the mom or whoever took out something that looked like a phone and took a picture of me then checked her other ones while holding it down a little, but then I saw her other pictures of... me. I think I saw others in there too and I being looked it from a window behind a metal bar others can't cross by the looks of it. I was breathing faster and looked at the wall, but... I don't think it was a wall.

(Y/N)-That... That's not wall, it's a window you can only see from one side or something!... Gena has to know this and that means... OTHERS WERE LOOKING AT ME RIGHT NOW AND THEY WERE LETTING THEM TO PET ME!!!

I tried to get up and run to get out of here since this was not a room, it was my cage to them, but they both grabbed me.

Quin-Hey, it's ok, we're not-.


They both looked surprised and I pulled away while they stood there and I ran out the door and down the hall until I heard footsteps and voices, so I quickly hid behind a corner and I saw someone walking and talking with Gena.


Man-I will have everyone know to clear the halls and you can take this human to your room for a few hours.

Gena-Thank you. Mr. Stern made it clear that he needs to be calmed down.

Man-We will plant Fotunorma flowers to help with his nerves. Just tell him you planted them to just add decoration or something.

They both passed me and I just snuck out from my hiding spot and ran then I found a door, but it looks like it leads to where a lot of monsters will be, so I turned and went the other way. Soon an alarm went off then I heard a beep before I heard Gena's voice.

Gena-Attention all staff, the new creature known as a human has escaped! We suspect someone may have them due to an open door and a empty room! Block all exits, immediately!

I ran as fast as I could until I found another door with a small window that looked like it goes outside and I have to do it even if it means more monsters! I opened the door and let it close by itself behind me as I ran. I was in the city again and didn't know where to go to get out of here quickly, but I didn't care and ran to where a lot of monsters won't see me run.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(No POV)

Mr. Stern punched a hole into the wall in the security office and was furious with the whole team while Gena was crying in the other room with her skin dark blue and her hair light blue now that (Y/N) was lost. The assistant was helping her calm down and gave her tissues and she could hear Mr. Stern clearly in the other room.

Mr. Stern-*Sigh*...Does any of you want to tell me HOW THE FUCK YOU FAILED YOUR JOB SO BAD?!?!?! NO HUMAN, NO INTRUDER, NO NOTHING!!!



Man#2-We're sorry. We can find them and bring them back. I'm sure if we just hire some hunters to bring them back-.


Man#3-Oh yeah, I think I saw a post a bit before this meeting. Rewards for hunter boards are still climbing up. *Snicker* Already at 34 million for the award. No way we can pay a hunter to bring it back. *chuckles*

Mr. Stern-... *Chuckles* Is something funny about this?~

Man#3-I mean, it's just kinda ironic. That one creature we just lost turned out to be worth more than this zoo.

Mr. Stern-Wow, you know, that is funny. You want to know what's funnier though?


Everyone in the room backed away from that guy as Mr. Stern walked to him with a smile before he grabbed him, looked furious at him, and lifted him up before he threw him through a window. Gena jumped when that man landed by he feet and looked at Mr. Stern.



(???'s POV)

I was just enjoying a burger by myself at my favorite burger place and playing a game on my phone when I got a notice from work about a new target. After my game I clicked on the notification and it pulled up the profile of the target and it's first come first serve, so that means whoever catches or kills it first gets the money.

???'s mind-Ok, let's see... Wanted alive,...

I saw the reward for this job and dropped my burger back on my tray in shock thinking this has to be a joke.

???'s mind-34 million?!

I looked at what else the job description and so far the location is somewhere loose in the city and the species was called a "human" and said to be a very young male, but things such as saying it was hostile or not or anything else was unknown. I never heard of this creature, but at the bottom where you will find the image of the creature I saw what it looked like.


I thought about the money, but then I saw a much bigger picture to all of this. Forget the reward, if I can capture a creature nobody ever has before I can be looking at being a famous hunter. My reputation as a Hunter is already flawless and amazing, but this will make it legendary.

???'s mind-Forget my day off, you're going to be the highlight of my career and my greatest trophy.~


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