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((Y/N)'s POV)

Dominica and Tessa were playing with me right now like I was a doll by holding my arms up. Lifting me a bit and bouncing me on the ground. Sometimes I would see Indranee and the girls look at me through the window and only one dinosaur that was kinda big came over to try and fight, but Dominica only got super angry and slammed them to the ground a few times before throwing them into a house, destroying it, but I don't think others were inside and the dinosaur was dead now, so she dragged it over here to eat for later, I guess. After they were downplaying with me like a doll they played pass back with me a bit only a few feet away from each other. I was done and just grabbed onto Dominca's shirt and didn't let go. When she saw this she just lifted me in front of her and smiled at me before she gave me a big kiss.


She finally put me down on the grass and just then I saw a basketball in the street, and I thought it would be nice to play something I like a little instead of being a toy. They didn't let me leave the front yard, but I just pointed at the ball and soon they got what I was trying to say, and Tessa got the ball for me. I just went to the concrete walkway in my front yard and started to dribble the ball and they were just looking at me. While I was playing a dinosaur that could fly flew off us and I know that because I saw its shadow, but before I could turn and see Tessa catch and smash it to the ground all I saw was a bit of blood splashed onto my legs while she looked mad. This was so gross and scary that blood was on me, so I started to cry and soon while I was still crying Indranee and the girls came out and picked me up.


Indranee-Hmmm... You're ok, you're just dirty. Let's get you in a bath.

Just then Tessa tried to reach for me with her bloody hand and I didn't want her to touch me with that, but then Indranee turned me away from her.

Indranee-*Growl* Inside.

She took me inside and I saw Tessa and Indranee didn't like it, but I just wanted this blood off of me. I was still crying as she took me to the bathroom and gave me to Blue before she went to get a bath ready for me.

Indranee-Take his clothes off and put them with his parents. They can clean it while we clean him.

Blue put me down and did what she said by taking my clothes off and most of the blood too. I was happy most of the blood was off now, but I was still naked in front of all of them. Soon Indranee put me in the bath and just started to pour warm water on me since the bath was not filling up and Blue left with my clothes.

((M/N)'s POV)

(D/N) was still not back yet and I was starting to worry, but then the door upstairs opened, and I backed up to the wall a bit and I saw one of the raptor girls come down holding my son's clothes and they had blood splashed on them, but no cuts.


She looked over to where the pile of my husband's clothes was and by the washing machine before she gave me a look and looked at the pile too before she kicked it only to reveal clothes to her surprise and she looked around before she looked at me in anger.

Blue-*Growl* *hiss*!

(M/N)-Um... (D/N), you can come out of the bathroom now!


It was worth a try, but she was not buying it before she looked all over the place, but she was not going to find him here. When she didn't, she only grabbed me and lifted me up a little before she threw me on the pile of my husband's clothes. She bared her teeth at me, and I thought I was about to die, so I just closed my eyes and waited for her to kill me, since I couldn't do a thing to really stop her, and I just had my son and husband on my mind.

(Indranee's POV)

I was in the bath with Cuddle Buns now since he was clean and nice hot bath looked nice right now, but I saw other bathrooms have bigger baths out there and it would be nice to have one, so my pack can join us, so they don't get mad at me. Right now, they were fine petting dotting on Cuddle Buns as I was keeping him on top of me, but then I heard screaming before the door opened and Blue came in with that old mother of Cuddle Buns, pulling her by her hair and I was really mad at this and turned Cuddle Buns away because I don't want him looking at her.


She threw some shirts on the side of the bath, and it smelled like that old dad. Blue made the old mom look at me and I glared at her.

Indranee-What is she trying to say?

Cuddle Buns-Pl-Please, don't hurt her!

I held him tighter and Blue tugged on her hair again then I bared my teeth at her and she was afraid of me, and she should be, because I won't mind ripping her apart.

(M/N)-*Hic* *hic* (D/N) left! *Sniffle* He w-wouldn't listen to me and he left!

I don't really care that he's gone or if he comes back with "help" or not because we will either kill them, eat them, or go kill them for fun. This gave me an idea to make Cuddle Buns hate his old parents and if already had a reason for them not giving him a cute name to start with, it will be this if it works. I just gave her a smile after I calmed down a little and she still looked at me with fear, so I let Cuddle Buns look at her now.

Indranee-If you don't like it here, do you want to leave?... "Alone"... If Cuddle Buns is bad, you get hurt way more before he gets a time-out or something.

Cuddle Buns only looked at her and she had a few tears in her eyes, but shook her head no at me, so I pointed the way out and Blue took her out to bring her to the basement again. At least 1 was gone and that made me a little happy. I just rubbed Cuddle Buns back and he stayed still because he knows what I might do if he's bad.

Indranee-Cuddle Buns, give me some kisses.~

He did what I said and gave me kisses on my cheeks and chin and they tickled a little before the others wanted some of his love too. I guess I can let them have some love after I'm satisfied, so they can wait a little longer.

((M/N)'s POV)

Blue took me down to the basement and when she took me to my son's clothes covered in blood, she shoved them in my arms before she left and there was a washing machine down here... I'm basically Cinderella to them now and just had to hope my son would be good for them and (D/N) would come back. My life was hanging by a thread because of these creatures, and I was forced to become a slave who could even be punished if my son misbehaved even a tiny bit.

(M/N)'s mind-Just hang in there (M/N).

No matter what, (Y/N) won't get hurt and he's worried about me, so he'll try to behave to keep me safe, (D/N) is hopefully coming back with help, or help will find its way here... I just have to wait and play their game.

(M/N)'s mind-It should be any day the military or marines come in and get this under control... It shouldn't be long... Right?



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