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(Ada's POV)

I was in the middle of giving (Y/N) a bath in our hotel room and it was a little hard keeping his small body above water at times to let him soak in some bath salts for his skin, but when I got him out, it was well worth it. His skin was silky smooth and since he was still out cold he wasn't tense at all, so I got him dried off with a towel and hair dryer before I got him dressed in the pajamas I got him before I wrapped him in a blanket to keep him still and used belts to secure the blanket and he couldn't unwrap himself. He was all ready for me to have him wake up and I can just enjoy the look on his face for a while. After about almost what felt like an hour I saw his eyes slowly starting to open and I just smiled and held him a little closer which was like I was a little girl pulling my toy closer to me in bed and now only one of those things have changed.


Ada-Morning sleepy head.

He soon saw his situation and tried to struggle and I just stroked his cheek to try and calm him down, but he just wanted to struggle until that got out of his system. When he was tired I just sat him up with me and gave him a hug and kissed his head before he just looked at me like he was afraid. I won't hurt him, but I also don't blame him.

Ada-Hey, you're ok little man.~

(Y/N)-Let me out of here!

Ada-Hmmm, I can't think of a reason why I would do that.

He struggled more until he tired himself out and I just got out of bed to go get something for us to eat and I think the stuff I got for curry and rice would do just fine.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't get out and just saw Ada in the kitchen and I tried to roll off the bed, but I was so scared if I would hit my head on the table next to the bed. When she looked back at me I didn't move and she smiled before she got started cooking while taking looks at me. When she thought I was too close to the edge of the bed she came over and took me with her back to the kitchen, but got a chair and sat me next to the fridge.

Ada-Sit still and be good. Dinner will be ready soon and if you play your cards rights, i'll put on a movie you'll like while I feed you, seeing your hands are tied.

I didn't want to talk to her, but she just poked my nose and I know Claire is going to help me and maybe even call the cops.

(Claire's POV)

When I woke up I saw (Y/N) was gone and wasted no time to call Jill and told her everything that happened and she could call her work and send others other. I myself have done my best to track her down and I don't know if she was a resident or not, but I tried to think of all the motels and hotels she could be at, but if she has a house or anything else, it'll be so much harder for me to find her. I recognized her clothes, so maybe I should check the kind of classy areas that would match it. This was going to take a while, but I know she's here somewhere.

(Jill's POV)

I requested immediately transport to Tokyo and told the BSAA  where our lost child was and they should be there before me and I don't care what my higher ups say. I'm taking my boy home with me and I won't be taking no for an answer. When I find who did take him i'm shoving a gun barrel down their throat and let them choke before I pull the trigger!

Jill's mind-I swear if I find a scratch on him, i'm going to do something worse!

(Mia's POV)

Jill said she was going to bring (Y/N) back with her and I was so happy they found him and he was going to come back home because i'm still in this house and I haven't seen any of those monsters in a while, so they must think i'm somewhere else. Rose can have her big brother back and I just know (Y/N) will be the most happy here. She won't tell me where or why her work called her, but right now, I didn't care and just sat on the couch with Rosemary after Jill left.

Mia-Guess what Rosemary. Your big brother is coming back, oh yes he is.~

She giggles when I was tickling her tummy and she grabbed my arm.

(Sheva's POV)

I just got off the phone with the BSAA and they found (Y/N). He was in Tokyo with Ada Wong, i'm being sent there, and when I get there, i'm going to make sure she gets locked up in one of the worst prisons in the world for kidnapping my child. When I got geared up I headed out for the plane ride to Tokyo and some man gave me a weird look as he was checking me out then I made it to the gate, only for him to stop me.

Man-Sorry, I have to pat you down. Protocol.

He was about to touch me and I was already pissed the fuck off, so I grabbed his arm and twisted it to make him wince in pain. I reached into my back pocket and held my badge up to his face.

Sheva-Don't even think you're clever! Next time, i'll break your fingers!

I let him go and he held up his hands then stepped aside for me to enter the air field and to the plane. I got on the plane and I tried to calm down, but I was excited to find them to take my boy back after Ada gets arrested... I know I shouldn't do this, but the guards won't mind a few bruises on her, right?

(Ada's POV)

I was feeding (Y/N) right now and he was fussy at first and didn't want to eat, but pinching his nose and feeding him when his mouth opened was very easy until he did it all on his own for me. I let him have his movie anyway and I did change the language to English, so he could understand it. Still didn't feel like talking to me, but we have all night to cuddle in silence and he doesn't have a choice, but to let me smother him and I know how to get him to warm up to me again.

Ada-Oh, (Y/N)... After you finish your dinner, I have a treat for you. Do you like cookies?~

He perked up a bit while he was chewing his food and it looked adorable, so I put his food down for a moment and brought out the cookies I got at the store for him and put them next to him.


He was eyeballing them so much as I continued to feed him dinner then I had some dinner myself before I brought out a cookie for him.

Ada-Say awww.~

I brought it up to his mouth, but he didn't make the noise, so I waved it in front of him until he made the noise I wanted him to make and that's when I gave him the bite. I was thinking about what we can do tomorrow after a nap later and there's not much i can do outside with him like this, so i'll have to settle with something here, but I just don't want him to sit around... Soon I thought of something and I smiled at it as I took a bite of the cookie myself then gave him the rest.

Ada's mind-Tomorrow is going to be so much fun. I can just tell already.~


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