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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up and my head felt a little fuzzy then when I could see clearly, I saw I was in a room that was... white,... just white and there was pictures on the walls. I was also floating in something in the corner of the room until it opened and I fell out of it and on the floor which kinda hurt. I didn't cry, but I was very confused on where I was and I tried to remember, but it was a little fuzzy to remember everything, but I remembered Aqua, Aerith, Yuffie, and I were held by vines then some other girl came out of a portal then that's the last thing I remember. I looked around the room until the door opened and the new girl from before walked in then looked surprised and happy to see me.


???-*Gasp* Awake already?! I thought I would have more time!

She ran up to me and helped me up before she picked me up a little and brought me to a chair next to another chair at a long table. She stared at me for a little bit before she poked my nose. I just rubbed my nose a little since her poked made it itch a little and she just smiled.

(Y/N)-... Y-You hurt my friends... Who are you?

???-Where are my manners? My name is Namine. I also didn't hurt your friends, but in a while that won't really matter.


Namine-Never mind. How about instead, we have a nice cake and talk. You can get to know me and I get to know a little more about you.

Maybe I can find out a secret of hers and find a way to get back to the others, so i just nodded my head and she smiled before she left again and told me to wait here.

(Namine's POV)

It was nice to feel something and I don't even know how since i'm a nobody, but I do know that he makes me feel something and soon he will only know how to feel for me. It's just going to take a bit, but there's no doubt that it will have the results I want. I had someone coming over in a bit to tell me how this affected those Keyblade wielders, but I don't really care. I just got the cake for us and we just sat in my own little room and talked for a while. He looked so nervous and cute since I was just a stranger to him, but after a while I wanted to try something.

Namine-Hey (Y/N), you mind telling me these friends you were with again. What were their names?

(Y/N)-Well,... there was 3 that were my friends longer. There was Aqua,... Aerith, and... and... um... Yuffie.

I could tell he had a little trouble and this was a good for me because he was starting to forget. I read about this place were it was more like a trap and I managed to read enough to find it's properties and put it in a capsule. I could also see he was letting me come closer since he can't think of his friends to have the memory of that bond to keep me away. Soon his memories will be gone and he can just replace them with the new ones he's making right now. I pulled him to the side of my lap and he didn't really like it that much and tried to leave my side a little, but I was strong enough to keep him where I wanted him and some cake helped him stay put.

Namine-After we finish this cake, how about we play a game? I bet you just want to stretch those legs of yours.

(Y/N)-No. I don't want to play with you after you took me here. Aqua, Yuffie, and... I know I said someone else is going to be here soon to save me.

He does sound confident considering his situation and he already forgot about this Aerith mostly. Maybe, i'll just let him be alone for a while until he's not angry at me which shouldn't be long. Apparently, you give him sweets, he's happy.

Namine's mind-So cute.~

I just left my room to leave him with the last slice of cake as I just went back to the kitchen here where I left my notebook and I thought about drawing a few things he might like, so he can enjoy more time with me, but just then a dark portal opened and I guess I have to put whatever I wanted to draw on hold then I saw who it was that came through.


Namine-I'm taking you're here to check on the prisoner?

Xion-Yes. I also just came from seeing the others you took him from and they are more mad and anxious to search than distraught, but they can lead them down a path of darkness, so we shall stay on this course.

Namine-Well, he's awake now and i'm keeping an eye on him.

Xion-I also have orders to see for myself to make sure nothing happened to them.

Namine-Are they questioning my loyalty?

Xion-They are questioning why you were seeming to be eager to take the task of watching this prisoner rather than let a higher up do it.

She walked past me and right to where (Y/N) would be and she'll see how i'm treating him and while he's not being hurt, she might wonder why he was being treated to sweets. I couldn't stop her since I would definitely lose in a fight head on, but I did think of something.

(Xion's POV)

I lied about having to see the prisoner for myself, but she did seem very eager to take this job and that peaked my curiosity as to if why. When I made it to the room she had them in according to my report I walked in on something that surprised me... The prisoner was sitting in a chair and had a bit of chocolate on their face while scooping up bits of frosting and crumbs off a plate.


He looked at me with a bit of surprise to and I turned back to Namine now seeing as to why she wanted this job and it wasn't to be to the organization's benefit, but to her own.

Xion-Care to explain?

She motioned for me to follow her and it was only out of the room before she just closed her door.

Namine-I'm trying to see us as friends in his new memories as he forgets his old ones. Even if they somehow rescue him, he'll only want to come back to us of his own free will.

Xion-Then you don't mind if he were to think the same way of more of us than just you.

Namine-... I don't recall you being chosen as the guard due to the missions you will be set out on.

Xion-I have no other orders at the moment.

I walked past her and went into the room where the prisoner was again and now he was trying to clean his face, but what he was really doing, was smearing the chocolate on his cheeks. I didn't mind, but Namine walked past me and to him before she took his hand and led him out of the room.

Xion-Where are you going?

Namine-To get him cleaned off.

Xion's mind-Why care so much for a prisoner?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I tried to focus on Aqua, Yuffie, and I remembered Aerith, but it was so hard to think about them for some reason and I tried to ignore Namine cleaning my face with water and a washcloth and this other girl was watching. I even thought she was a boy at first. I wasn't going to talk to them or I might forget my friends and I don't know why i'm forgetting them or even if I had 4 instead of 3 I should be remembering. Namine took me to another room and this one looked like a space station bedroom and it only did have the beds in here and she put me on one.

Namine-(Y/N), this is Xion.


(Y/N)-... Hi.

Namine-We'll play a few games in here where I can keep a close eye on you for sure.

(Y/N)-What game can we play in this small room?

Xion-How about this?

Just then Xion reached into her pocket and pulled out a blue marble and showed it to me.

Xion-Take this from me and i'll take you back to your friends.

(Y/N)-Huh,... I just need to grab that marble?


I tried to act like I didn't care for a bit before I quickly got up and ran to grab it, but she tossed it and caught it in mid air pretty fast and held it low to where I could reach it. I ran to her again, but this time she turned in a full circle while pushing me aside and I fell into Namine which made her smile, but I got off her and looked at Xion.

(Y/N)-GIVE IT!!!

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

(Xion's POV)

This boy has been throwing himself at me only for me to easily keep his little hope for freedom out of his reach. He kept on getting more and more mad before his last attempt... made him cry. I took this as he gave up and put the marble back in my pocket before I saw Namine go up to him and picked him up with only a little struggle before she got him in a bed and tried to comfort him by cuddling.

Namine-Hey, you're ok. It was just a game.~

Just then she turned to me and gave me a look of hatred as I sat on the other bed and watched them both. After a while (Y/N) stopped crying, but now looked tired from our little game and his tantrum from losing. Namine only stroked his head and rubbed his back and thanks to her back facing me, (Y/N) was looking my way and saw as he slowly fell asleep with her after about an hour of this and she got up.

Namine-Don't wake him up. I'm going to take care of a few things for myself. Other than that, do as you like.

She just left the room and I was left with (Y/N) sleeping on the other bed and I don't understand why she was dotting on him just now. She's a nobody like me, we don't have hearts, so she shouldn't be feeling the need to care for anything.

Xion's mind-... Does she feel something? Really?

I decided to test this myself and carefully approached and laid with (Y/N) without waking him up and took a good look at him. His chest was raising and lowering with his breathing, he looked calm now aside from a few tear stains, and I could hear his little snores. I tried to see what Namine saw in him, but I just wasn't feeling it, so maybe I was doing something wrong. It was risky, but I wrapped my arm around his sleeping body and pressed my body to his a little and got comfy. When I did this I felt him move a little which made me think he was awake, but I was wrong when I saw he was just snuggling up to me a little in his sleep and his hand gripped onto my little chain from my coat a little. His face was half way buried into my chest and I saw Namine have him like this with her earlier and now... I felt something inside my chest area...

Xion's mind-What?!... But, I don't have a heart anymore.

I had this feeling stay in me and I actually liked it and I don't know what it is making me feel this way if I don't have a heart. I looked at (Y/N) again before I had this feeling get a little stronger when I held him closer to me without waking him up.

Xion's mind-I... I don't want to lose this feeling.


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