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(Lazarus's POV)

I took a trail that hardly anyone uses, but only for hikes to get home without causing too much of a scene and only a couple others saw him. I got them to stay back a little to not overwhelm him and it worked in some cases, but now i'm worried that word is going to get out and others are going to be at my door in the morning. I can't worry about that right now because I just need to get him comfortable enough to sleep here. I don't know what boys like to do since they were gone for 5 years now, so the best I can do is go off of what I know from when I was little with my mother because my dad died when I was very young.

Lazarus's mind-I can save cuddling for bed time, but what should we do for fun?... I have some old board games, but I don't know if he'll know the rules to some of them, so I should go with something simple.

((Y/N)'s POV)

After a while I was feeling more awake then got off Lazarus's bed and it smelled a lot like flowers. I just left her room to go out in the living room where I saw a game of checkers put out on a coffee table, but I didn't see her in here until I turned when I heard footsteps. I saw her coming out of the kitchen and she was holding a plate of cookies.


Lazarus-Oh my, are you sure you're ok to be walking around?!

She came over to me and helped me to the table where the came was then put the cookies next to the game board. She got on the other side and I know how to play this game, but I was still feeling nervous about being here. She gave smiled at me before she gave me a cookie and it felt warm and smelled good, so I took a bite and it was delicious.

Lazarus-Do you like it? It's my own recipe.

(Y/N)-It's good.

Lazarus-I'm so happy to hear that... Would you like to go first?~

I slowly just moved a piece before she took her turn after a bit of thinking and I went on to my second move. The game kept on going and Lazarus was winning by a few pieces, but I had 3 kings while she had 1. I didn't want to lose, so I was thinking really hard about what I should do, but was just smiling at me.

(Lazarus's POV)

This was just so adorable to watch him get so serious over our little game or how he was second guessing himself around every turn. To be honest, I didn't really pay attention that much to where I was moving on the board until I saw how competitive he was being, so I threw the game in the last few moves and that made him relieved and happy. There was only 3 cookies left, but I only took one and let him have the rest, so hopefully he feels better about being here. I just put the game up since we should go to bed soon and since we already had a bath not too long ago, we can have some time to settle down. While I was putting the plate away I saw him looking around my home until I came back out of the kitchen.

(Y/N)-Excuse me, but... do you have any movies?

Lazarus-Movies? What are those?

(Y/N)-It's something you put on a T.V. to watch.

I guess he has back at his home, but I don't even know what he's talking about as he tried to explain it. Soon I thought I got an idea of what he was getting at.

Lazarus-I think I get it. You mean stuff like story books. I do have some if you want me to read to you.

(Y/N)-Um,... isn't that for babies?

I tried my best not to laugh since kids older than him love a good story and not only that, but he was just the size to be a baby in my eyes.

Lazarus-Older kids still love stories. What kind do you like?

(Y/N)-Well,... I like stories with action and fighting.

I do believe I have a book for that kind of story, sort of, but it mostly fits what he wants.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I saw Lazarus go get a book from one of her shelves and she had a lot then she came over to me and picked me up before she went to a comfy chair next to a fire place she had going. I was on her lap and leaned against her and this did feel comfy, she smelled good, and I always did like it when my dad put on a fire in the fireplace. She started to read to me while she held me close and had the book in front of me. I started to have this feeling like I was being treated like a baby and I looked at her to see again that she was even taller than my daddy by a lot then she suddenly kissed my forehead. My face suddenly felt kinda warmer and I didn't even want to look at her anymore, so I just looked down.

(Y/N)-Why did you do that?! Only babies get kisses from girls!

Lazarus-*Giggles* Awww, i'm sorry.~


She just pet my head a little before she went back to reading and I hate this feeling that's in me right now. It's all weird, fuzzy, and it makes it very hard to get comfortable. After a few more chapters I was starting to get tired and this was really bad. If I fall asleep now, this counts as a bed time story and only babies get those.

(Y/N)'s mind-I'm not a baby! I'm not gonna sleep because of a story! I am a man!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Lazarus's POV)

I kept on reading after (Y/N) closed his eyes then until I could hear soft snoring and his breathing change. He fell asleep on my lap, curled up, and leaning on me. This made me feel something amazing that I didn't ever want to lose. I played with his cheeks a little while being careful not to wake him up before I just got up to take him to my room with me to get us into bed. He was still asleep as I got comfortable with him and he looked so peaceful.

Lazarus's mind-I wonder if this is what being a mother feels like... I love it!~

I wasn't very tired yet and he looked so cute and peaceful that I didn't see the harm in staying up a little longer to watch him sleep. I also wanted to play with his hair or his cute little button nose, but I reframed myself from doing that.

(No POV)

Little did she know that the few that saw here spread word over the village and even spoke to Hana about her last patient. Word was going around like wild fire and everyone knew where he was since Lazarus was popular in the gardening chores or decorating homes at times. They want to see this boy she has and when 2 little girls heard of this, they can get a little competitive.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was eating breakfast outside with Lazarus while she was holding me with one arm and eating with the other. She said she was going to go to the garden to do her job and she was going to take me with her to watch me and even meet some people. We walked through the village, but I didn't like everyone staring at me then Lazarus held me with 2 arms which made others smile and laugh a little, but I know they think I was just cute... I hate being called cute.

Woman-Oh my god, he's so small!~

Animal Woman-I bet the girls are gonna be fighting over him soon.

Woman-The will be fun to watch.

I don't know who they were talking about, but when we made it to the garden place, it looked very pretty and I saw someone was already here.


I don't think she was here for gardening, but she did smile at me and Lazarus did the same thing back to her.

Lazarus-Good morning, Joan. I'm sorry, but I don't think the corn is not going to be ready for picking today.

Joan-I'm not here for the corn. I thought I would see this boy you have before I go out hunting today.

Lazarus-Oh, well this is (Y/N) and-.

Joan-Let me hold him.

She put down her axes before she reached for me and Lazarus was trying to say something while turning away a bit, but Joan took me from her anyway then held me like a baby.

Joan-Hehehehe, so how old is he?

Lazarus-Um, 5.

Joan-*Chuckles* Hey, short stack. You're so cute.~

(Y/N)-*Groan* I don't like being called cute.

Joan-Is that right?~

She just played with my nose by pressing the tip of it and wiggling it again, so I tried pushing her away, but she was way to strong. It was like I wasn't even pushing at all while she just smiled until she stopped playing with me herself.

Lazarus-May I have him back. I need to get to work.

Joan-Are you planning on keeping him close to you all day?

Lazarus-Just until I was done for the day.

Joan-Why not let him walk around his new home? Others are gonna get mad and jealous of you keeping this little guy for yourself.

Lazarus-Oh no, it's just that he's very sensitive from losing his hoe and just needs some love.

Joan-I'm pretty sure everyone has already figured that. You also know that no one will hurt him, do you?

Lazarus-Well, yes, but-.

Joan-Come on. Socializing will be good for him and I over heard Kate and her sister Fia just dying to meet him. You know that Fia is a cuddlier

Lazarus looked a little nervous about this and reached for me, but Joan put me down, so now I could stand and walk.

Joan-Just for the day and others know where you live or you can ask where they seen him last.

Lazarus-Well,... ok... Can you make sure others know not to take him deep in the woods?

Joan-We don't even let the 2 youngest girls in the woods alone. Just relax... and as for you little cutie.~

She got down on one knee and kissed my cheek which made my face warm, so I tried to turn away and hide it.

Joan-Awwww, everyone is going to love you. You won't mind if I borrow you sometimes, right?~

She gave me another kiss before she took both her axes and left before Lazarus bent down to me to give me a few more rules. After she was done she got back up and pushed me a little away from the garden before she went in. I don't know why Joan said this was my home though, I just need to wait for the next boat to come.

(Y/N)'s mind-Maybe someone can tell me when the next boat comes.


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