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((Y/N)'s POV)

Indranee was letting the girls play with me with her and whenever I didn't want to play, they would just make me or cuddle with me. I was so tired of playing and sometimes Tessa and Dominica would reach into my room a little to touch and pet me before they would get mad if any dinosaur, person, or Dino girl got too close. This lasted for a while until Indranee stopped the girls from playing with me and held me in front of her.

Indranee-Cuddle Buns listen, I'm in charge now, so you are going to follow my rules.


Indranee-I just have 5 so far. 1 is no fighting our love in any way, 2 is no touching anyone or anyone touching you except for us, 3 is no talking to anyone else and if they talk to you, just ignore them, 4 is no sleeping alone or being in a room alone. I know people go to the room called a bathroom for stuff, but I don't care, one of us has to be with you. 5 is if I see you do something I don't like, you're not allowed to do it anymore. Break any of these rules and they get punished after you do.


She just smiled before she took me downstairs and to the basement with the others following us before they turned the lights on. I heard footsteps before I saw my mommy and daddy were down here and when they came closer Indranee held me closer while the others got in front to hiss at them and make my parents back up... SHE WAS GOING TO HURT THEM?!?!?!

Indranee-You will see them get punished if you break any of these rules. Be good and they get food and water, but they are not coming upstairs or touching you.

(Y/N)-... Pl-Please, just let me hug them for-.

Indranee-*Growl* No.

The girls hissed at my parents some more getting closer to them, but then I remembered the rules and thought of something that might save them... I kissed Indranee on the cheek a few times until she smiled and laughed a little. This made the girls look at us and stop trying to kill my parents.

Indranee-Much better Cuddle Buns.~

She gave me kisses back and the girls joined in before they took me back upstairs, but I looked back to see my parents looking at me and whispering to each other. I wanted to say something, but I didn't want the girls mad again that I broke her rules. This was stupid, but I needed to think of something because my home was not safe anymore until they were all gone. They took me outside and I saw Tessa and Dominca out here laying on both sides of the front yard and took up the whole yard.


They put me down and both of the giant girls came to me before Tessa picked me up with one hand and petted me with the other. Indranee made some weird noises before the raptors followed her when she ran down the street and left. Tessa held me closer to her chest and Dominca laid down and closer her eyes next to Tessa. I tried to wiggle out of her hands, but she only laid down with Dominica and put me in the middle of them and I was stuck between their 2 bellies. Dominica opened her eyes a little to look at me and smile.

(Y/N)-Can you let me go back in the house?

She lost her smile and took me from between their bellies and put me in the middle of both their boobs and she put her hand under my head to make it a pillow for me.

((M/N)'s POV)

I had no idea what to do since we had no real weapons to do anything and if we went upstairs without knowing where those humanoids were or if they had our son around them, they'd just kill us. They were pretty close to doing it earlier too, but (D/N) got an idea to try and leave through the small window to come back with the Coast Guard or something assuming that they aren't coming already. I tried to tell him we should just wait to make sure we don't get killed and (Y/N) will follow their rules for now, but that wasn't good enough.

(M/N)-Honey that thing can smell pretty good and so can the others.

(D/N)-Then stay here until I come back. We can't stay here, locked in our basement by some humanoid hybrid.

(M/N)-You might die if you leave! *whisper yell*

(D/N)-We "will" die sooner or later if we stay.

(M/N)-We should wait until-! *whisper yell*

(D/N)-Then wait, I'll be back.

He got to the window by stacking stuff and it was a tight squeeze, but he made it outside in the backyard and I was trying to call out for him as I got up there and saw him go over the fence. I was scared that he left me and for a moment I tried to get out, but because of my boobs, I can't fit, so I just got down and tried to put things back before the girls come in and try to make it look like my husband was still here. I just put his laundry under a blanket in a corner to make it look like he was sleeping and hoped it would work.

(Indranee's POV)

Hunting was nice and I guess those 2 were great at guarding him for a while. I found a store and it had all kinds of meat and other food people like, like candy, cookies, crackers, fruit, beans, cheese, and all kinds of stuff, but we mostly just grabbed the meat and a few other things before we headed back from this easy hunt for our baby and on the back we even managed to bring back some kills for us to enjoy on the way back to our new home and saw the 2 resting with Cuddle Buns in the front yard and before I take him back in we had to put this cold food in a place called a fridge.


When I went up to the big girls, I was about to take Cuddle Buns back, but then the white-scaled one pushed him deeper in their cleavages and shielded them from me and I got really mad at this.

Indranee-Give. Him. *growl*

She growled back and I had my pack behind me to help me take him, but just then Blue ran into the house and quickly came out with a toy that had (Y/N)'s scent all over it and put it in front of them. They were tempted, but clearly still wanted him, so they didn't take it and kept him. I was about to attack, but they both got up a little ready to fight too and I was going to do it until I remembered about our home and how scared Cuddle Buns looked.

White Scaled Humanoid- *Snarl* *mumbles* *weird noises*... N-... Nooo.

She showed her teeth to me and if we fight our home will be destroyed and I don't want that, so they can keep him... For now. We went back inside and when I saw a small flying dinosaur with a face like a T-rex's the other brown-scaled girl smashed it with her fist. I just kept the door open and thought about those 2 down in the basement. They did need food and water, so I grabbed 2 bottles and a box of something called Chee-zits and headed down there myself and saw the female cowering in the corner looking at me, but I didn't see the male.

Indranee-*Sniff* *sniff*.

I looked in the corner where I found his scent and he looked covered up. I didn't care and was too mad to deal with these 2, so I just put the food and water down before I left and locked the door again.

((D/N)'s POV)

Not even a day out here and I almost got hunted down 3 times, but luckily other humanoids and dinosaurs were either not fans of meat or were too busy with other prey. I made it into town and this place was trashed with almost no people on the streets aside from a few running, like me. I know the mall doubles as a shelter in case of an emergency and maybe there is something to send out a call for help or maybe someone did it. I was running to the mall, but then I got cut off by something and she was looking at me.


I don't know if she eats meat or not, but she was smiling at me and gave me some kind of bug-eyed look until her eyes shrunk a little and she took a deep breath before she spit something into my eyes, and I couldn't see. It also got into my eyes, and it was so slimy, that it even burned a little.


I felt her jump on me and screeched before I felt her bite into my neck which made me stop screaming and start choking on my own blood before I couldn't move and felt so weak until... everything was quiet.


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