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(Ada's POV)

This flight was very relaxing and having (Y/N) in my lap was like a little treat, but was hard to stretch at times since I didn't want to wake him up until the flight was over. When it did come to an end (Y/N) woke up from the bumpy landing and I guess that spooked him since he jumped and clung to me. I did love the feeling and I even laughed a little while I was rubbing his back to help calm him down.


(Y/N)-Did we hit something?

Ada-No, we just landed. Forgot you were a first time flyer.

I just held him as everyone was soon getting up to get off the plane and it was good to be back home after a long time in other states. I know a great hotel we can stay in, but I do need to get him some new clothes. Something that's cute on him, but doesn't draw too much attention. As we were walking in the airport I heard his stomach growl and I was hungry too, so we stopped by a little restaurant here at the airport and maybe I might have a drink or too.

(Claire's POV)

I was one of the last few to get off the plane as I was going over the last of my research again before I go to the corporation, but I was hungry since those small snacks were really for my taste that much to be able to fill up on them. I looked around and saw some snack bars and restaurant's and one was a barbeque place and a nice steak did sound amazing. I headed to the restaurant and had a seat since you seat yourself here and order and they did have the steak I wanted. When I was ordering I noticed something out of the corner of my eye and when I looked I couldn't believe what I was seeing.


Claire's mind-Who is that woman?... What's she doing with (Y/N)? Shouldn't he be with Jill or something?

Claire-Um, may I actually sit at another table and have my food there? I just saw a friend of mine.

Waiter-Sure ma'am. It should be done in around 20 minutes. Any drinks?

Claire-Just a water, thank you.

I just got up when they left and saw me head over to that lady and (Y/N) and when they saw me (Y/N) knew who I was as this girl looked a little confused.

???-Can I help you?


She looked surprised then (Y/N) reached a free hand out to me and I took it and it felt kinda nice to see him again, but I was still confused on why hw wasn't with Jill anymore.

Claire-So what's your name?

???-... Ada. I take it you 2 know each other.

Claire-Yes, I watched him at a time. What happened to him being with his last assigned guardian?

Ada-Guess she didn't cut it. Now, if you don't mind, we're waiting for our food.

Claire-I actually switched seats to come over here.

Something about this didn't feel right, so I pulled out my phone and started to text Jill and see what's happened, but it failed. I guess I just need to watch them until I can get somewhere i'm covered or I can just ask (Y/N) then Ada whispered something in his ear and he looked uncomfortable.

(Ada's POV)

I just told him if she finds out we left Sheva behind and stole a plane ride we could both go to jail and I know he didn't like that. I just pet his head and this woman looked very skeptical of us and if it comes down to it, I happen to be very good at hand to hand combat.

Claire-(Y/N), who's this?

(Y/N)-This is Ada.

Claire-Did Jill give you to Ada to watch you?

(Y/N)-Um,... something happened and I went to a girl named Sheva.

Claire-Where's she? Did she give you to Ada?

I rubbed (Y/N)'s belly a bit to make him look down and I showed him a picture of a prison I took a long ago that's most likely destroyed since it was in a town that got infected, but he doesn't know that.

(Y/N)-... I mean,... kinda.


(Y/N)-N-No, she did, but-.

Ada-I think that's enough talking sweetie. Things just came up and she didn't want to give him up, but had no choice.

I made a biting motion with my mouth at her to tell her the girl got bit, but I doubt she's going to believe any lie I tell her. I bet she's already thinking about who she's going to take him back, so I need a clean get away soon, but I doubt she'll do something right now in public until it's a last resort which is when I leave with him. We proceeded with our breakfast and enjoyed and I could tell she was planning something. We kept up some friendly conversations before we were all done eating, so no more avoiding this.

Claire-Hey (Y/N), did someone really give you to her?

Ada-Is there a reason why not?

Claire-It's just I don't think you work with BSAA, unless you have a badge to prove me wrong.

If (Y/N) didn't give her my real name the badge I stole would've been great, but now I guess there's no avoiding it.

Ada-I guess this can go one of 2 ways. You cause a scene by trying to fight me or you can just walk away.

Claire-Give him to me, now.

I held (Y/N) close while I stood up with him in my arms and she followed in tow and this was getting to be annoying, but then...

(Claire's POV)

I may not be as good as a fighter as Leon, but i'm not some helpless girl. I was going to have to cause a scene and at best get him taken by the cops to get him back to Jill or someone other than her, but then something surprising happened... She put him down.

Ada-Fine, take him.

She nudged him a little bit to me and he came over and hugged my legs and when I looked to see if she was reaching for something, she wasn't and sneaking in a weapon would be pretty hard, but not impossible. I just picked him up and she sat back down as I backed up and left with (Y/N). My investigation can wait, but right now I need to get somewhere safe and try to get ahold of Jill or the BSAA. I quickly got in a cab while checking my back to make sure Ada was not following us and there was no sign of her.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

I got us checked into a nice little hotel room and (Y/N) told me everything and even said sorry for lying, but I told him it was ok because he was just scared that she lied to him about going to jail, he's even too young to go there, the most would be juvey. I checked almost the whole way here to make sure we weren't followed and I think we lost her, but something was bothering me.

Claire's mind-That woman, she gave up too easy. There's no way she's just gone and is going to leave us alone.

I just sat on the bed and (Y/N) was just watching a little movie on Disney channel and I cuddled with him a little hoping this didn't make him feel uncomfortable.


Claire-Hey, i'm gonna call Jill in a bit. Would you like to say hi?

(Y/N)-Yes please.

I just chuckled at this a little and when I did call Jill I only got a voicemail and hardly anyone listens to these, so I just hung up and decided to call later or maybe she would call me back. We just watched the movie together and he was just a little cuddlier, it was so cute. When I looked out the window, it was getting dark already which is no surprise since we're in a time zone or at least I was.

Claire-Hey, I don't know if you're tired or not, but do you think we can try to go to bed?

(Y/N)-Ok... Do I need a bath?

Claire-You also need a change of clothes. We'll get you something tomorrow, but maybe being in a towel tonight will have to do. Just go in first.

When he went into the bathroom I really don't want him to be stuck in a towel all night, but it's better than him going back in dirty clothes. I just stepped outside to get some fresh air and thought things over and if something really did happen while he was with Jill and it's not safe for him to go back there and I have no idea where this Sheva girl is in Africa or what she looks like, I think the best choice for now is for him to be with me. It would be nice to slow down a little at times and he was a sweet and well behaved child. Just then then I heard footsteps coming, so I moved out of the walkway to let who was walking pass by, but instead I was greeted with a poke to my neck and my mouth being covered while I was being held back and quickly losing consciousness.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still in the shower trying to wash myself as best as I could, so I don't have to do this again since the others would bring me back in if I didn't do it right enough for them, but when I got out of the shower I saw something sticking out of the back pocket of my pants, so I took it out and looked at it.


(Y/N)'s mind-What's this?

I don't how I even got this, but maybe Claire will know what it is, so I dried off and wrapped myself in a towel before I went out into the room to ask Claire, but I saw her sleeping on the bed and Ada was sitting on the end of it and she had a bag in her hand.


Ada-Well look who brought me back my little tracker for me. Such a good boy.~

(Y/N)-What did you do to her?!

Ada-Oh relax, she's just sleeping. I got you some new clothes I want you to put in and I have a better room ready for us.

(Y/N)-No, I wanna stay with Claire!

Ada-*Sigh* I actually thought you might say that, so I came prepared.

She just pulled out a gun and I was scared then she shot me with a dart to my arm and while I was falling back and hit the ground I didn't feel anything as I fell asleep.

(Ada's POV)

I walked over to my little boy and I have to admit that I was irritated that he didn't shop with me for his clothes and I got him some black pants, a red shirt, and a tan leather jacket his size. I dressed him in his sleep and when I was done, he just looked so adorable and I just picked him up and left a note for Claire that says "Don't touch him ever again". I also left a present for her for when she wakes up that will go off when the button under her is released.

Ada's mind-Let's go my little spy. I think I better have you wrapped in a nice blanket before you wake you.

I also got him some better shampoo that I want him to use and I don't care if he just got out of the shower, the moment he wakes up, he's getting a bath by me.


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