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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all in some kind of living room and Eraqus made tea, but got me water when I said I don't drink tea and Aerith and Yuffie wanted me to sit with them, but Aqua made me sit next to her and they got a little mad at that. Eraqus told them what he knows from what Aqua told him and it was all true for the most part because I feel like I could've told a little more, but it might not matter. I also showed them the fragment I found earlier and the girls looked a little happy, but it quickly went away. When Eraqus left the boys went with him to go talk and I wanted to go too, but Aqua pulled me on her lap and now Aerith and Yuffie were just looking at us from across on the other couch.

Aerith-Well, it was nice meeting all of you and we thank you for now helping us return (Y/n) home, but we really should be going.

Aqua-It was nice meeting you too.

Yuffie-Let's go (Y/N). We'll give that stone to Cid and-.

Aqua-Pardon me, but he's staying here.

Aerith-... I'm sorry, but he will need to come with us if we're to find his home.

Aqua-My master made it clear that he needs to stay and stay safe until we can find out more about this problem.

Yuffie-He will be fine back in Radiant Garden.

Aqua-He's safe here where I can watch and care for him.

(Y/N)-Um, maybe-.

The girls started to argue more and I tried to leave since I don't like them fighting, but when I got up and tried to love Aqua tried to grab me, but Yuffie yanked me from her.

Aqua-Put. Him. Down.

Yuffie-I don't know who you think you are, but we had him first, so that makes him our responsibility.

Aqua-Says the ones who let him get captured by a mermaid I saved him from.

Aqua grabbed me pulled me away from Yuffie then Aerith did the same to here and this happened again and again. They were getting more made each time before Aqua summoned her key blade and put up some kind of force field around us.

Aqua-He's staying here and far away from the heartless and that's final!

Aerith-Give him to us.

I had to to something, so I grabbed onto Aqua and she looked down at me before she smiled and picked me up and I held on to her.

(Y/N)-Can we all just get along? You all helped me.

Yuffie-(Y/N), don't you want to go home? You found one fragment already.

Aqua-It's a summoning stone!

Aerith-Probably from his world!

Aqua-And you know what that means if you really know anything about what you're doing!

Yuffie-So do you!

I don't know what they were talking about, but I don't think it was good and I felt the stone in my pocket. I was thinking about what they might be talking about and maybe if I can find out how use it it can take me home or at least know what they are talking about. While the girls were just looking at each other I just hopped down from Aqua.

(Y/N)-Can I go outside for a bit?... Maybe you can talk about this stuff and be friends.

Yuffie-... Fine, we'll talk.

Aqua waited a bit before she took down her force field and I could see they still didn't like each other, but Eraqus or someone can make them stop if they fight. I just left the room and heard mumbling behind the door as I left to go outside and went down a hill then when I find out how it works, I can get them to stop fighting. I took the stone out of my pocket and looked at it before I held it up.


(Y/N)-Aaaaannnd ACTIVATE!!!

Nothing happened.


Still nothing and I tried saying some magic words you hear a lot, but still nothing. I was getting mad that the girls were still fighting inside and the only thing that can help me make them stop and see they all just want to help me get home, so I sat on the ground.

(Y/N)'s mind-How does this stupid thing work?! I-... I just wanna go home!

I held the stone tighter and started to cry thinking about my home and my mommy and daddy. While I was crying I saw a glow then I looked to see it was coming from the stone before it floated out of my hand and flashed that made my eyes hurt a little before I saw what came out of it.


I have no idea what this thing was, but it was looking around until it saw me and pointed it's guns at me and I screamed and curled up when it got closer to me.

???-Kata mani, jizi, jizi!

I just screamed again and felt it's gun poke me leg before we both heard something kinda loud and this monster pointed it's guns at it instead.



This person on top jumped off their thing they were flying on and it hit the monster, making it drop it's gun and sent flying into a rock. The armor man summoned a key and came to me, but when he spoke I recognized his voice and knew who he was.

Ven-Hey, you ok?!

(Y/N)-What is that thing?!

Ven-I don't know, but just get back inside!

???-Miga menaquista!

I just got up to run, but the monster ran past Ven and came after me, but then a fireball blasted it back, but it didn't catch on fire and I saw who shot the monster.


Eraqus-What is going out here?!

He trapped the monster in a force field and it was trying to get out, but couldn't then I saw everyone else come outside, but Yuffie was the first to grab and hold me.


Yuffie-Oh my god, are you ok?! Did they scratch you anywhere?!


Eraqus-I take it that you summoned this creature given by accident.

(Y/N)-... Yes.

Eraqus-*Sigh*... Given this being was very a summoning stone, they should go back to being one any moment now.

Soon the monster did turn back into a stone, but now I don't want to have it and Eraqus took it then we all went back inside where Aqua took me from Yuffie by surprise behind everybody. I guess all I did was something stupid and almost got killed.

(???'s POV)

His heart was troubled now and will be easier to pinpoint and I can feel it now. I took an interest in this boys adventures after I witnessed the destruction of his world after he accidently stole a gummi ship from an old man. At first his story was sad, then it got funny, then it got cute, and amusing to me and seemed like the kind of person I want to keep me company. I was getting things ready this whole time while keeping tabs on him and I also have the others believe this can be used to bring despair and darkness to some of our foes hearts, so they expect me to take the "prisoner" soon.

???'s mind-Now for the moment i've been waiting for.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Aqua, Aerith, and Yuffie were outside with me on the stairs since Eraqus said he was going to try to get the creature back to it's world then he can probably know how to do the same for me, but now the girls were acting strange.

Yuffie-Hey, you won't mind if we come to visit, right?

(Y/N)-No, but I do have school and stuff.

Aqua-I see,... but what about you coming back to this world?

(Y/N)-Um,... I don't know what my parents would say, but I think they will like you.

I felt Aerith hold me a little tighter when I said that and if Eraqus can get me home then maybe I can talk to my mom and dad about coming back here. It does look nice, but there's not a lot to do here as far as I can tell right now and if it was raining outside here, it might get more boring. I tried to get up and stretch a little, but Aerith won't let go, but she did let me stretch. Suddenly the wind started to get stronger and stronger and clouds were coming in pretty fast for some clouds. They blocked the sun and the girls got up about to head inside before it started to rain out her, but just then a lightning bolt hit the door to stop us then suddenly.


We all turned to see Yuffie wrapped up in a lot of vines and flowers as the wind was blowing harder then more plants came after us and covered the door before they grabbed us and took me from Aerith. She was screaming for and trying to reach me, but I was getting farther away from her then I saw something really dark and someone came out like it was a portal.


???-Wow, you're even cuter than you are in my drawings.~

(Y/N)'s mind-Who is she?!

She covered the girl's mouths by drawing something in a notepad before the vine brought me down to her.

???-It's going to be nice having you to keep me company. We just need to do something first.~

She rubbed my cheek before she drew something then suddenly something like a see through flower came out of the ground and trapped me inside it, but it cut the vine, so I could move, but now I can't get out or hear anything outside anymore. I saw the girls screaming and the door was moving bit like it was trying to open, but then this girl put her hand on the glass.

???-Get some sleep ok, you don't need to worry about anything. I'll take care of it all.

(Y/N)-Who are you?!

???-Sleep tight (Y/N)... You're mine now.~

Suddenly I felt so tired and I tried to stay awake, but it didn't even help a tiny bit. My eyes closed and it was getting hard to think until I quickly fell asleep.
