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(Violet's POV)

Jonah would be so embarrassed and blush for me when I nibbled on his ear in front of his friend and mother and he couldn't do a thing to stop me. They were watching a movie on the T.V. in this limo and Lucas was kinda cute when his mom was trying to copy me in a way, but she would just wiggle her fingers on his ribs to tickle him. This was fun, but soon a werewolf was in it's wolf form tapping the glass with it's wet nose, so we just got out of my limo and followed them back into the mine where we saw Diana just dressings the new boy back up.


Diana-Ah, just in time. My new pup Julian finally has my scent on him and for 3 baths, he was very good.

Violet-New pup, huh?

Diana-Yes. Lucas needs a brother to play with and Julian can be a good pup to follow for him.

Tracey-Can I have Lucas more since you have our new pup?

Diana-No, I will be caring for both just as much.

Tracey-But how come you get to have both?! Lucas was mine first!... W-Wait, I, um-!

(Timeskip 4 Minutes)

(Lucas's POV)

Diana spanked my mommy all the way up her with her pants down until she made it into the cage and locked her in. She had me and Julian laying against her with her tail on my tummy looking kinda mad. Violet and Jonah looked at my mommy a bit while she was in my cage with my bed stuff and toys, but then they looked back to Diana.

Violet-So what will you do about the hellhound?

Diana-That fire wolf? If my pack doesn't kill her I was thinking that magic man can help.

Violet-Jeremy?... I guess I can give him a call if you need it, but what if she comes back before then?

Diana-Well,... I guess I can't have my pups in danger... How about we stay at your den while magic man helps my pack again?

Violet-It's a manor, not a den?

Diana-Huh, does that mean it's nice to others?

I don't know why Violet calls her house a manor, but I know Diana was wrong. Violet was also thinking about it while looking at Jonah before she looked back at us and I kinda hope she says yes because I have not been in a real house in forever.

Violet-Just so we're clear, if you come over I have rules.

Diana-Ok, it's your den.


(Cody's POV)

Erelah was not letting me outside and held me the whole time while she was putting light spells on the doors and windows. She looked worried about something and she won't tell me or my mom why she's doing this, but it was after that scary roar. I think it was a bear or something, but she can easily beat it, so I don't know what the big deal is. When she was done she had my mom locked in her room then went to our room to put me in my own bed.

Erelah-Stay here while I do something outside, ok.

Cody-Is something wrong?... Can you tell me?

Erelah-Everything's alright honey. After i'm done i'll make some dinner and you and your mom can watch some cartoons. Just stay in bed for now, I love you.

She kissed my head before she left the room and closed the door and I just laid in bed like she said, but this was just so boring. I saw the remote in here, so I got up real fast to go grab it and turned on the T.V. in here.

(Erelah's POV)

I was outside setting alarms in the woods incase that hellhound or it's packs comes near here again, but until this is all taken care of this house was going on lockdown. After I set a good number of alarms with my magic I flew high in the air to get a good look around only to see the animals moving out here. I have to find that hellhound and send them back to hell, it's the only way my baby can be safe. I tried to think of where to look, but then I remembered back when I first moved in here a man spoke about something...

Erelah's mind-Dark Blood Woods.

I went back inside to do some research online and saw that it was not an official name, but some kind of public name now when some rumors were spread in a town from where that state fair was. I checked on the rumors and there was stuff about psycho killers, ghosts, but one struck me...

Erelah's mind-Monster?... No,... demons.

That has to be where the hellhound was and I need to solve this quickly, but I can't worry my baby too much, so I need to think of something.

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

(Cody's POV)

Erelah was holding and bouncing me in the living room while my mommy was sitting on the couch and she put me next to her and gave me the remote. She said instead of cooking she was going to this pizza place to get us something good and I was in charge until she gets back, but there was no going outside or opening the doors or windows.

Cody-Can we get stuffed crust?

Erelah-Yes. No remember nobody leaves, no opening anything, and Jasmine, no touching what doesn't belong to you, Cody keeps the remote too.

My mommy just giggled a little before Erelah kissed my head then whispered something into my mommy's ear before she left and locked the door.

(Blair's POV)

Kalma came home and told us she needed her pack to deal with another werewolf pack that has our baby and I wanted to crack her skull for coming back empty handed, but i'll give her her fucking pack again. When I let them come up here I felt awful, but I need Julian back and if we need to butcher an entire pack of werewolves then fine. I only had one thing to request from Kalma...

Blair-I'm coming with all of you and that alpha is mine.

Kalma-... First come, first serve.

She howled and her pack followed her lead as they ran with her into the woods and I took off, but as for Sarita she said she had things to take care of in town before Kalma even came back, so she can just wait at home until we come back.

(No POV)

Sarita was at a costume party she heard about online that some adults were doing early for Halloween that was mostly just busy parents or adults with work, but Sarita was there and she had a treat for them. She did tease a few men and woman and her favorite was from a man dressed as a

Man-Hey, are you from hell, because you are so hot.~

Sarita-Oh, stop it. If you want to feel something hot, feels this.~

She guided his hand between her legs  on her dress and he gave her a stupid smile as he was about to rub her a little, but when he did, he really did get burned a little from her body and when he stumbled back he tripped over a chair leg and fell back for others to laugh as she went up to and leaned down to him.

Sarita-Sorry, but i'm into shy and submissive guys.

Man-You fucking bitch! Do you know who I am?!

Sarita-Isn't that why everyone is here? Nobody knows who's who, so how about you tell me.

Man-I'm someone who can ruin your fucking life and take everything you love!

Just then she grabbed, twisted, and squeezed his dick before she grabbed a little pill from between her boobs and put it in his mouth.

Sarita-You're going to be such a good boy when I need you.~

She got off him while he was still completely pissed off and a few adults held him back from going after her as she walked off and while all eyes were on him going crazy Sarita went to the basement and went to where all the beer, water, and whatever jugs were and one by one took out the pipes and slipped some pills she had hidden on her body until all the drinks were infected with the pills, but as the party went on, it was like the drinks were normal,... so what did she do?

Sarita's mind-*Chuckles*. One party down, one city water supply to go.~

(Blair's POV)

I was flying over the hellhound pack to follow them to this werewolf den and I will have this alpha's head on a stick. I just need to get to her first, but during the flight there I saw something like a car driving away from here and I didn't see a town near by or anything. I know werewolves don't drive, but still...

Blair's mind-Where are you going?

I weighed my options and Kalma was going to bring our baby back regardless, but... damn it. I turned to follow the car because if someone is working with the werewolves maybe they helped. I was going to follow them until they got to where they were going then go from there.

(Julian's POV)

I was by Diana's side with Lucas and Tracey was left behind to help with the pack incase anything happened. I saw people making some things before we left, but I don't know what they were. Diana was rubbing my head and Lucas's too while Violet was bouncing Jonah on her lap while we watched a show. I felt her tail wagging a bot when she held us both tighter.

Diana-When is magic man going to see us?

Violet-*Sigh* The magic man was not even called yet. I'll call him when we get to my home in a few hours... How about we have a drink and let the boys sit and watch a show.

Diana-A drink?

Violet-Just leave the boys there and we move up by the small bar area.

Diana-I don't want to let go of my pups. What if something happens and they get hurt?

Violet-They'll be fine since you can see them.

Diana-Then I can drink while holding them.



She held us tighter and put Lucas on her lap and Violet just kissed Jonah before she put him down by himself and went to the bar area in this limo.

Violet-This drink might help you feel better and my driver gets around just fine... If anything happens i'll have the magic man do something to your pups that you'll love.~

Diana thought about it before she finally let us go and went over with Violet to drink and Jonah came over to us to watch a show while they just talked.

Jonah-Hey Julian,... you uhh... new to this?

He sounded like he was confused on what to say, but I don't think I would know what to say either.

Julian-No... I was with 3 demons.

Jonah-Violet told me about demons and angels and werewolves. She's a vampire.

Lucas-If you want to... What are demons like?

Julian-Um,... Kalma is kinda like a werewolf, but you met her. Blair is a dark angel and she likes to boss the others around a lot, and Sarita...

I don't know what to say and I also don't want to tell others what she does to me and they saw I was quite now.

Lucas-It's ok, Diana does weird stuff to.

Jonah-Um, maybe Violet will let us play in my room. She has a lot of toys for me we can play with.

I just nodded my head yes and we looked at Diana and Violet drinking and Diana didn't like it at first, but she still did it. I remember my daddy drink stuff like this before and my mommy said he's drunk and acts kinda stupid.

(Kalma's POV)

We made it to the den, but they blocked the entrance and they barricades have spikes and one of them shot an arrow at one of my packmates in the eye and killed them to make them fade back to hell. We attacked, but when we easily tore threw the barricade we saw werewolves on guard waiting for us to fight, but I smelled something... or rather not.

Kalma's mind-*Sniff* *sniff* Julian?... That alpha isn't here?! WHERE THE FUCK DID THEY GO?!?!?!

With no point to this I called back everyone to follow me and some werewolves jumped at us, but my packmates put up a fight as we left and I tried to pick up a new trail, but it was so faint now, so fast that i can't pick it up.


(No POV)



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