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(Moltra's POV)

Teddy wanted to wander around his new home after he had something to eat while I watched the game and I have to say... WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING OUT THERE?!?!?!?! The coach is benching our best player, we're behind 5 points and this team is now just mostly playing keep away! At this rate we'll lose the preliminaries and not go to the championship and the thought of that pisses me off!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I looked around for a way out, but the only way out was that front door since there was no back door and none of these windows open. Moltra was also getting mad at her game that she was watching and I saw her crush a rock in her hand. I think her team was losing because my dad and his friends kinda act the way was when watching a game, but she was worse. I gave up for now since she'll see me if I bring a chair to the door to leave and just need to wait until she goes to the bathroom or something, but when the game was over... she punched her table into 2 pieces and I jumped and screamed a little. She just got up and walked past me, but before I could go get a chair since it would be a good time to leave.


I jumped again and saw something roll out in the hallway, so I slowly went down the hall and peaked in the room Moltra was in and she punched a hole in her rock wall.





She picked up a big set of weights and through it at the ground making it crack a little before she turned to me when I screamed again.

Moltra-*Grunt* Teddy, come here!

She walked up to me before she picked me up and held me kinda tight and looked at me.

Moltra-Do you believe this?! A whole game without number 12 and we get destroyed! Seriously, i'm surprised they didn't just call the game because our defense got destroyed by putting in the wrong players and played the fucking same each time!

She kept on going on as she went back to the couch and only stopped when she grabbed a metal bar and took a bit out of it. She just held me close until she finally calmed down a bit, but still mad.

Moltra-You're a good listener... Mostly because you don't talk... How about I go show you off to my ex and his side piece at the hospital?

She got up and didn't even bother to put on shoes, but she did grab a jacket of hers and used it to cover me up like it was a blanket.

Moltra-Just to keep you hidden from him for the surprise.

(Moltra's POV)

My pet was helpful in calming me down unlike someone who is now pissing in a pan in bed. His feet were sticking out, but he did have shoes on and I did want to play with him a little on the way there. He struggled to keep me from taking his shoe off, but just as i was about to do it he brought up his head and hit my chiseled hair then...

Teddy-Ow! *gasp*

Moltra-Huh?... Did... Did you just talk?!

I held him in front of me and he had a look on his face that just said guilt and i'm not stupid. That was not some weird bark or whatever noise, he spoke!


Teddy-... H-Hi.

Moltra-Who and what are? No, better question! Why didn't you say anything earlier?!

He only curled up and whimpered like he did earlier, so maybe it's something his kind does for defense, but it was pathetic. I have no idea what he even is and he decided to take my feelings and kindness for a joyride.

Moltra-You little whatever you are, you think i'm stupid or something?!


Moltra-Well then why did you lie to me into thinking you were an animal?!

Teddy-I didn'-.

Moltra-You know what, you want to be a pet so bad?! You get to be one now Teddy!

Teddy-My n-name is (Y/N).

Moltra-I said... your name is Teddy.

He went quiet and I held him tighter and I don't care if he thinks this is a game or not. The only games he's playing are the ones I make him play with me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Moltra was taking me in the streets still wrapped in this jacket and holding me tight. She knows i'm not an animal now, but she still wants to keep me as a pet because she was mad at me. I tried to get out, but she was just too strong. While I was kicking a little I accidently kicked someone.

Man-Ow, hey rock head, keep your pebble away from me!

Moltra-What'd you call me?! How about you get away from me, I can smell booze all over you!

Man-You wanna fucking go?! Because I can-!

She let go of me with one arm and lifted the guy in the air and he hit her arm and this only made her put me down on something while still in this jacket.


I saw her take the guy with both hands before she threw him into some park on the grass then grabbed him to pin him on a tree I was scared, but maybe this was my chance while she was distracted. I just got out of the jacket and fell off the bench she put me on, but then I started to hear gasps and other things then looked to see others look at me while others were watching Moltra, so I grabbed her jacket to cover myself and ran.

(Moltra's POV)

This guy just keeps on hitting me, but I think it was hurting him more while I could do this all day without kicking his ass. I heard everyone making noise until someone tapped my back and I turned and looked down to see a koteshiki guy.

Man#2-Hey, you're kid or whatever just ran off!



I slammed him on the tree and threw him to the ground before I started to run and look for my pet. They are in so much trouble when we get back home from the trip to the hospital and i'll make sure he knows not to do this again. I looked around the park and soon I saw my jacket moving through some trees until they looked back and I saw their face clear enough from here.



((Y/N)'s POV)

I just turned and ran only looking back a few times only to see that Moltra was getting closer to me and I was panicking. I tried to think of something then I saw tall bushes making a maze or something and if I can make it maybe I can lose her. I did make it, but she was very close, so I took the first turns I could and this was a maze and hid in a corner and even pushed myself in the bush. I saw her through the leaves and she was looking right at me, but didn't see me in the bush, so she left and when I got out the other side the jacket protected me from being cut since it was leather. I ran through the part trying not to trip in this jacket and hid in it. When I left I crossed the street and tried to look for the way out of the city and I saw mountains the way I was going, so that has to be the way out. I'll just go back to when I got here and hide there until someone comes to help me. I kept on looking down and away from the monsters and saw the mountains getting closer and I don't know, but I think it looked different. When I did make it out I heard sirens heading back to the park and if I had to guess, Moltra did get in a fight.

(Y/N)'s mind-Better for me if she goes to jail or at least talks to the cops.

I finally looked up and saw something looked a little different maybe or maybe it was because it was morning. I saw the kind of flowers I ran into before they poked me or something and I couldn't move, so I was not going to touch those. I tried to go up the mountain and away from this city, but then I saw some vans come out and go off in the fields and more monsters came out and went to plants or found weird animals out here. One came close to me and stopped just up ahead then a few monsters came out, so I looked down to keep them from seeing me, but I saw someone with blue legs in front of me.

???-Hello, um, I don't know if you know this, but trying to walk to the next town is really long and dangerous and... you don't seem to have much.

(Y/N)-... I'm fine.

???-Oh, you're a kid. Why are you out here? Is something wrong.

I saw her blue hand try to make me look up, but I just turned away from her and tried to go past her, but she stopped.

???-Wait, you can't go out there alone!... I can help you with what you want as much as I can.

I tried to get past her, but she wouldn't let me and kept on begging for me to stop until I tripped over my own foot and she grabbed me by Moltra's jacket and I accidently looked right to her as the hood fell off me.


She looked surprised to see me and I tried to run now, but when I got up and the jacket fell off she jumped and her skin turned white and black like she was part lizard. I just ran down the street and past her, but then something poked my leg and I tried to keep running, but I was starting to feel tired.

(Gena's POV)

Who or whatever that thing was they just got shot in the leg by a dart from one of the hunters I was sent out here with to collect more animals for the zoo. I panicked and ran to them with this big and oversized jacket they had and checked to see he was still awake, but no doubt very groggy and fatigue from the drug then the hunter came over, so I covered up the creature.


Hunter-Hey, you alright? I heard screaming and saw your scared colors and someone running.

Gena-I'm... I'm fine. Just a misunderstanding, but... Actually, if I give you the address to the zoo can you take what you all find out here. I'll do the count when they get dropped off.

Hunter-Who did I shoot?

Gena-Um,... it doesn't matter. They just need someplace to rest, so i'll find out more when the drugs wear off.

Hunter-... Ok.

I just sent them the address link and brought this creature into my van and secured them before I started the drive back to the zoo.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I fell asleep I think a few times before I felt all better, but had no idea how I got where I was for some reason... It was kinda hard to think, but when I looked around I saw I was in some kind of girls room then a door opened and closed before I saw that girl from earlier.


She saw I was looking at her and had some food and water in her hands before she put them on a table while watching me. Her skin was still blue, but I think it was getting lighter. She stayed back a bit from me and I kinda liked that, but I would like it more if I was in the mountains and not back here.

???-Hello,... I heard you spoke out there... I-I'm Gena... D-D-Do you have a name?


Gena-Oh, um,... I... br-brought you some f-f-food and water... I f-f-found out your d-diet more or less fr-from your teeth.

I took a look at the food and saw what it was and I felt hungry all of the sudden.


Gena-It's toasted BLTs... I-I hope you like it.

I took one and ate it in front of her and she was just watching me eat and she wasn't like Zara, I don't think and definitely not like Moltra...


Gena-Is that your name... It's... very unique... I never saw anything or found anything like you... I'm gonna,... just step out for a bit.

She bumped into a few things before she left the room and I think I heard it lock, so I guess I wasn't leaving and I was still hungry and thirsty.

(Gena's POV)

I had just got that count done a while ago and my boss Mr. Stern was not impressed by it since it was nothing new and he was mad that he couldn't afford anything other than animals around here to draw in more people. He wanted to speak to me and i hate going to his office, so I tried to delay it, but I can't anymore and he's a zinkenite, so it's not going to be pretty if he's in a bad mood.

Gena's mind-Please, be in a good mood.

When I was getting closer to his office I saw a hole being fixed in the manager's desk, so this was a bad sign as I got into his office. I saw him with his head down on his desk until he looked up at me with his scary eyes and I saw my skin turn purple.

Gena-Hello sir, y-you wanted to see me.

Mr. Stern-Yes, Gianna... I got some bad news.

Gena-Oh,... i'm sorry to hear that... Also, it's-.

Mr. Stern-You constantly working overtime and staying here is costing me a lot and you know how time and time again I tell you that we can't afford more caretakers,... BECAUSE OF YOU!!!

He slammed his fist on his desk and I let out a little yelp and he stood up and my skin was starting to turn white.

Mr. Stern-This place use to be a huge tourist attraction that earned millions... AND NOW MY OWN ASSISTANT SAID THAT OTHERS REFUSE TO DO BUSINESS WITH ME!!!

In their defense after he put 3 other zoo owners in the ER for just sassing him that kind of news spreads like wild fire.


I don't think he was directly angry at me, but he flipped his desk and my heart shattered for multiple reasons, but mainly was because I loved this job and working with animals. I don't want to lose it and move back in with my mom and dad! They work at a slaughter house!

Gena-W-Wait sir! Pl-Pl-Please, i'll do anything!

Mr. Stern-Oh, unless you can find a multi-million dollar attraction... YOU'RE FIRED!!!

Gena-*Whimper*... I... I think I have something.

Mr. Stern-You think?... Then do tell, just don't make this a waste of my time. You know how much I hate that.

I remember he threw someone over the wall of the zoo for wasting his time by giving him a deal he didn't like. I just walked up to his desk and pulled up the security footage in my room that's mostly off. He looked at the creature and he can look it up like I did, but will find nothing on neither animal or other races.

Gena-I found them today and there's nothing about them, but I can see others wanting to take a look at this creature... Well,... do you like it?


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