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(Ken's POV)

I was under strict orders from my boss to find my targets all over again and in return I get paid double which was a win for me both ways since I get to have more fun. I got word that they were both in the same place and a new one was there that I get to capture. When I pulled up in a neighborhood, we walked the rest of the way on foot to sneak up on them. We heard enough non-lethal firepower to bring down 7 Dinos the size of a T-rex and soon we saw something in the distance, and it was most likely the indominious and she was just around the corner.

Ken-Fingers on the trigger men. Quick and easy mission if we do this right. Blue will be harder, but if we stay in a group, she can't pick us off.

With that, we went behind a house, and I peeked around the corner to see what we were dealing with, what I saw was almost hard to believe... All the targets were in one spot aside from that kid, so far, but he must be nearby.


(No POV)

As Indranee and Dominica were in a standoff not taking their eyes off each other while trying to assert their dominance since they both could tell they were part raptor. As for the Raptor girls and Tessa, they were just waiting for someone to make a move to start fighting for their baby, but they got interrupted when Indranee and Dominica both got shot with a few darts. They both turned to see where they came from, and the others looked too to see who it was.


Dominica, Tessa, and the raptor girls saw this man before and really hated him, but Indranee only saw him as a man who attacked her and was a threat to (Y/N) in her eyes. The men were surprised to see neither went down and when Tessa and the raptor girls got to cover behind houses neither Indranee nor Dominica got to cover.


Ken-Keep firing, they'll go down!

The men obeyed the order, but now the 2 were charging them while pulling out darts since Indranee was immune and Dominica quickly built an immunity to the darts. Soon they reached the men and took 2 down at the same time which made the others start running and Ken dove under a car to hide. Just then the others came out to help their alphas or in Tessa's case, her friend to protect their baby.

((D/N)'s POV)

I was in my neighborhood now with Eli since he said his team would have everything under control by the time we got there. I'll believe it when I see it, but when we were only 2 blocks away, we saw soldiers running until we saw a humanoid raptor jump on his back to pin him down and stab him repeatedly in the back on the ground.


Eli-What the fuck?!... *Beep* Ken, what the hell is happening?! I thought you said you had everything under control?!... Hello?!

This didn't look good and when the raptor girl looked at us the driver went in reverse to get out of here, but just then the back window shattered, and we all looked back to see another raptor girl.


Raptor girl-*Growl*.


I just grabbed my wife and ran out of the car with her while Eli got out and ran another way, but the driver got out too late as both girls went after him and quickly pinned him down to kill him. We ran into a random house with no idea where Eli went, but he could be in some humanoid teeth for all I care, we just needed to find our son and get out of here. The report said they were on our street and since they like his smell, maybe they went to where it smelled like him which would be our house. We just need to get there without being spotted and leave.

(Eli's POV)

I was hiding behind a tree here and peeked out to see the humanoids were gone and my driver was dead on the ground, partly eaten. I took a few breaths before I snuck over to some bushes and got into someone's backyard from a broken fence. I saw this place was destroyed and there was another hole in the fence that I was running to, but before I could make it...



I fell to the ground after my back got cut a lot then someone jumped on me before I saw the other 3 in front of me, and they looked mad.


I knew Blue had to be the one on top of me and I was helpless, but since they were part human...

Eli-Wa-Wait! I can get you anything! *cough* A safe place with your kid. All the food, water, and-!



They all pulled out their knives and were getting closer to me while Blue knelt down on my back and into my huge gash.

Eli-No, wai-!


(Ken's POV)

I was still under this car unnoticed by everyone having my weapon being useless I tossed it and switched to my live ammo pistol. I still get paid for my first job and keep my life, but I don't think this will really work with the big ones, but the ones more my size. When I was waiting for my moment, I heard footsteps getting closer and they were huge and when I looked at where they were coming from, I only saw dust coming up a bit and I knew it was the indominious, but she shouldn't know I'm under the car as long as I'm quiet. I heard she was right next to me, and she was only a little visible to me.

Indominious-... *Sniff* *sniff* *sniff*

I held my breath until the car was suddenly picked up and sent flying 5 houses down into another car then the humanoid became visible, and she was very mad.


I just got up and tried to back away slowly, but she only came for me, so I just took a few shots at her. I saw the bullets just scratching her and sticking in a little before they fell off and she opened them. She bit me by my leg and flung me high in the air.


I was flipping in the air as I was coming down and heading straight for her open mouth until I was halfway in and...


(No POV)

Ken's legs were sticking out of Dominca's mouth looking lifeless until she opened her mouth again and swallowed Ken. Meanwhile (D/N) and (M/N) saw the whole thing from inside their neighbor's house.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was following my husband as we were so close to our house, and I think we know where most of the humanoids are aside from the other Dinos around here. We snuck thorough the backyards since most of the fences were destroyed and we made it into our home very quietly. None of us spoke a word and I followed my husband upstairs as we were heading to our son's room. Just as he was slowly opening the door and peeking inside, I was suddenly pushed onto my husband through the doorway and on top of him. I saw my son on his bed shocked to see us before I saw who was on top of us.



(Y/N)-Indranee, don't, please!

Just then she looked out at our son and back to us before she smiled and grabbed my husband to pull him a few inches off the ground from his back then reached behind her back to pull out a knife and held it to his neck. (Y/N) and I were both horrified by this and so was (D/N).

Indranee-So Cuddle Buns... Do you care about them?

(Y/N)-These are my mommy and daddy! Don't hurt them, please! I'll do anything!

Indranee-Anything?... You will be a good boy Cuddle Buns?~

My son just nodded his head and she dropped (D/N) to the ground and put her knife away.

Indranee-If you're bad, I hurt them. If you're good, I will keep them alive, and fed. Understand?~

He nodded his head again before she smiled, grabbed both of us, and pulled us out of the room. My husband knowew we couldn't take her without any weapons and getting her mad was the last thing I want to do. She dragged us downstairs and down into the basement before she pinned us both against a wall.

Indranee-I don't want to see or smell either of you upstairs... Cuddle Buns is mine. *growl*

(No POV)

Indranee locked the parents in the basement and will tell the others to leave them be when they came back, but when she got outside, she saw Dominica first thing, and they both looked at each other differently this time. They saw great minds can have silent conversations and while both were neither willing to leave. They know what each other has done

Dominca-*Crackle* *crackle*.

Indranee-*Crackle* *screech*.

Just as the raptors were returning with blood on them, they saw the 2 watching each other then Tessa came right as Dominica lied in the front yard and Indranee went back inside with the raptors right behind her knowing they had to be clean before they could see their baby again. Tessa just looked at Dominica for a bit before she joined her on the lawn, but she peeked in the windows to see (Y/N) in his bed now looking at her seeming scared and jumped when Indranee came in the room. She now laid on the front lawn to help keep others away as she just relaxed after hunting down many other men.


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