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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up and I saw I was in a nice soft bed in I think was a hotel room and it looked kinda nice too. There was also an air conditioner on, so it was cool in here too, but I was confused on how I got here, so I tried to remember... I was in a tent getting checked with Sheva, but then she left and Ada was with me then I sat on her lap and... something poked me. Just then the front door opened and I saw Ada come in holding a bag in her hand then she smiled at me.


Ada-Ah, look who's up and just in time for their treats.~

She walked over to a table and took something out of it before she put the rest in a mini fridge before she showed me what she got and it looked so good.


Ada-Doesn't this look yummy?... It's all yours.~

She just gave it to me before I took a bite and it was so good, but I finished it in 5 bites and she rubbed my head.

Ada-There's more where that came from, but how about we talk a little first?~

(Y/N)-About what?

Ada-Wow, someone wants more ice cream. I was just wondering why that crazy lady and her toy wanted you so bad and why the BSAA brought you here.~

(Y/N)-Well,... it's a long story.

Ada-And I have plenty of more ice cream with your name on every last one.~

(Ada's POV)

That made him sing like a bird and there are some details he could've spared, but after almost an hour of his story I get what I needed to understand. He's just a victim in all this, but he's a high targeted victim that would be dangerous to be left unchecked if he's around you, so I guess you can't let them know where he is or many others would be in danger which sounds like BSAA. He just just eating the last bit of ice cream I got for him and half way in his story he got carried away and snuggled up to me on the bed without knowing much about it and that was cute.

Ada's mind-Well, I could just take him back to Sheva now since he told me everything.

I need to find a place to drop him off without them spotting me and where they can easily find him. While I was thinking of a plan I felt (Y/N) tap my shoulder, so I looked at him to see what he wanted.


(Y/N)-Can I ask you something now?... Why did you poke me with a needle and take me here?

Ada-Just wanted to know more about you, kid. Not every day BSAA is obsessed with a little boy.

(Y/N)-Well,... can we call Sheva to come over and take me back? We can watch a movie while we wait.

Ada-Yeah, she's not going to be happy to see me.

I tried to get up and maybe i'll take a quick shower before I take the kid back to be found and leave, but just then I saw him playing with a basket of yarn in here and started to play with it. I guess he was just bored, but... he almost dropped it and kept on hitting it back up in the air and around the room and got himself tangled a little trying to clean it up.

Ada-*Chuckles* Need some help there?

(Y/N)-No, I got it... I just need to unwrap it starting from here and-.

(Timeskip 3 Minutes)

I was actually laughing a little while sitting on the bed enjoying the show of (Y/N) having a hard time getting out and doesn't want help. Little boy wants to be a man and do things by himself when he can't even do something so easy.

(Y/N)-No wait, it's here next... No, I found where I need to-.

Ada-You're pretty funny.


Ada-I have to admit, you're pretty good for a show and taking the tension out of this problem for me.

(Y/N)-Hey, i'm the one stuck in yarn, not you!... Oh, you mean Sheva.

I just laughed some more and I haven't had this kind of fun in what feels like forever and I am due for a vacation... Maybe it won't be so bad to bring him back with me instead and I do have a ride ready and waiting for me. I can just slip away before they have time to react tonight, but let's see if (Y/N) will make this easier or harder.

Ada-Hey, how about you come and hide out with me, seeing as that woman found you.

(Y/N)-... I'm supposed to stay with Sheva until-.

Ada-Others find you? That tell lady, scary monster, Miranda, and that old man might find you here if they're not here already. You don't want to go back where they can find you, do you?

(Y/N)-No,... but I think Sheva will take me somewhere else.

Ada-How about we call her when we go to where i'm gonna go and far away from those monsters? Do you really want to be a pet, toy, or do you want to be you?

I could see it all over his face and kids are so easy to manipulate. You just feed them sweet words and scary lies then they are more than happy to do what you say. I just had to pull him into a hug for comfort and he was stiff and tried to fight me off, but he gave up when I showed some affection.

Ada-Do you really hate me that much? Those monsters will just find you here and hurt Sheva like they did at your home town.

(Y/N)-... Can Sheva come with us... and I can tell my neighbor and Jill where I am?

Ada-I'll leave something for Sheva, but we can't call people because the monsters might find out... If it makes you feel better, I know some places that are popular with kids back where I grew up, you'll love it then maybe we'll see about telling the others where we are.

He was still unsure about this, but not like it matters. If i'm going on vacation, no point in doing it alone and being bored, just never thought it would be a child to make it fun. We'll leave tonight when it will be harder to find me at an airport at night where I can just sneak on a plane again.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Sheva's POV)

There was multiple squads out looking for Ada Wong and securing (Y/N) to bring him back to me and apparently there was a tracker place on him, but these stupid rules made you need clearance from higher ranks to use it. I tried to get a hold of these higher ranks and Chris said he was trying too with no luck so far.

Sheva's mind-Why the hell do you need clearance to use a tracker in a time like this?! I should be able to have access to it at all times since i'm watching him!

At this rate Ada could already be gone and far away from here and if I have to go out of state to get (Y/N) back I will, but it will help if I knew where to go! With no tracker all we could do was search town after town and she was known by few agents to be really hard to pin down or even find.

Sheva's mind-Just wait until I get this tracker on! If I find you with him, i'm breaking all of your fingers!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was going on a plane with Ada and the only thing I didn't like about it was that we snuck on through the parts where people work and I had to be quiet. She said the flight was going to be a few hours, so I should sleep and she would take care of the rest and she didn't let me nap when I wanted to today, so I was tired, but I wanted to stay up a little longer.

(Y/N)-Ada, we might get in trouble. *whisper*

Ada-I did this plenty of times before, we'll be fine and harder to find this way. Just let the adult take care of you.

She kissed my head and buckled me in while we took off and so far nobody knew we snuck on. When we could unbuckle she took me from my seat and put me on her lap before she gave me a kiss and put my head on her chest.

Ada-Come on, I can see in your eyes how tired you are.~

She was rubbing my head and I could hear her heartbeat and it was just so hard to keep my eyes open and I just fell asleep.

(No POV)

While Ada was enjoying (Y/N) sleeping on her lap on this stolen plane ride there was someone just 4 rows up working on a report and doing research on something. When she saw her reflection on her computer when she turned it off to order some food to take a break she looked at herself for a bit.


Clair's mind-Wonder if Jill knows more about this stuff now?... Wonder how (Y/n)'s doing?... Never mind, I need to focus on this trip.


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