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(Aqua's POV)

I have been talking in careful words and detail to my master on what happened, how the situation is, and I have no idea how to fix it or if it can be done right now. I begged for him to let me watch over (Y/N) personally after he said he would send him to a place that he would be safe, but he's safest with me, I just know it. Now he wanted to see (Y/N) for himself to see what was so important about him, so I was bring him to my room where I left him then we ran into Ven and Terra in the hallway like they were waiting.


Aqua-Ven, Terra?

Eraqus-You 2 weren't listening in, were you?

Terra-We saw something was troubling Aqua, but we didn't hear much of anything? Did something happen?

Eraqus-As a matter of fact, yes. Aqua has brought a little guest back home after her extra long leave.


Aqua-I'll explain later, but right now I don't want all of us to go in there and overwhelm him.

With that we walked past the boys and headed for my room again before we made it and I slowly opened my door to see (Y/N) napping already and I could hear his little snores.


As peaceful and cute as he looked asleep, I had to wake him up gently, so I poked his cheek a few times and that made him groan and stir until he opened his eyes to see my master was right behind me. He looked nervous about this, but I just grabbed him since he wasn't under my blanket and maybe i'll tuck him in myself after a few questions.

Aqua-(Y/N), this is my master Eraqus and he's just going to ask you a few things then you can go back to sleep.

I felt him shuffle a little more into me and only took glances at my master and the floor.

Eraqus-Hmmm, just tell me if this is all true. Did Aqua find you and help you travel worlds as your were trying to find these stones to get back home?


Eraqus-And do you think Aqua is truly caring and will help you get home?

He only nodded his head this time and I felt happy that he was defending me, not like I gave him a reason for doubt.

Eraqus-... *Sigh* I will look into this home of yours and for the time being, you may stay with Aqua. It seems you trust her.

With that he turned and left and a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders then I saw how he was still half asleep. I gave him a kiss on his head before I got him tucked in my bed under a blanket for warmth this time and he started to go back to sleep and just looked so cozy. I slowly backed away from him until I got to my door and left to go get something to eat for us since he might be getting hungry, but on the way I ran into Ven and Terra again.


Terra-Hey, feel like showing us now?

Aqua-He's trying to go back to sleep right now, but I will tell you that I brought a lost child here.

Ven-You took someone from their world?

Aqua-No, he was traveling after his world got invaded by heartless. I was just about to get some food for him and after you can meet him. He's going through change after change and that's very stressful at his age.

Terra-How old is he?

Aqua-About 5 years old.

Ven-So, what's gonna happen?

Aqua-I'm planning on taking care of him until we find his home. I'll introduce you, but let's just do it slow.

Terra-We understand.

Just then Terra turned and left to go into his room and Ven headed outside while I went to the kitchen and did some cleaning before I grabbed some toast, cook some bacon and eggs, and pour him some orange juice before I headed back.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up again to the smell of food this time then I felt someone poking me again and I just wanted to sleep, but I was also getting hungry now. When I opened my eyes I saw Aqua and she had a plate of food with her and I loved the smell of the bacon.


She sat on the bed with me and I sat up before she gave me a piece of buttered toast and I ate mine while she ate the other.

Aqua-Morning sleepyhead.~

(Y/N)-How long was a asleep?

Aqua-About 30 or so minutes since I woke you up. I just thought you could use some food.

After I was done with the toast she got a bit of eggs for me and fed them to me before she got a bite for herself then she fed me some bacon and it was nice and crispy, I didn't know she could cook. While we were eating I wanted to lean on something since my back was starting to hurt and the back of the bed was too far from the food, so I just leaned on her side after I left the blanket.

(Aqua's POV)

It surprised me a little to see him get out of the blanket just to snuggle up to me, but I just loved this feeling so much. When we were done I just pulled him on my lap as I sat in the middle of the bed and played with his hair a little before I saw how bored he looked.

Aqua-... You wanna play a game? I mostly have only strategy board games though, like chess, checkers,-.

(Y/N)-I played checkers before.

Aqua-Great, take a seat at my table and i'll get a game set up.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Ven's POV)


Terra just got orders to investigate recently darkness consumed world to see if he can find the world Aqua described and even told him a secret on how to help find it. I wanted to go, but i'm never allowed to leave this world since I have to study, learn, and practice.

Terra-You'll have Aqua and this new kid. I'm just doing a quick look around.

Ven-Can you at least tell me the secret?!

Terra-Sorry Ven.

Ven-Come on!

He only laughed before he left to go on his journey and leave me here and I wonder if it was a good time to go see Aqua and that kid we heard about. I guess it couldn't hurt to say hey, but just then I heard something outside...



I looked outside and I saw some kind of ship and Terra was on the ground.


I quickly ran outside to go see if he was okay and what just attacked him, so I summoned my keyblade to my side as I made it to him and saw he was fine. He'll be able to shake it off.

Eraqus-What happened?!

I just turned to see our master running to us.


Terra-Ugh, i'm fine master. This thing came out of nowhere.

He got on his feet and summoned his keyblade when we saw something open on the side and we saw 2 girls step out.


Eraqus-Who are you? State your business.

Aerith-We met with king Mickey and spoke with Master Yen Sid and he told us if anyone can help us, it would be you.

Yuffie-I'm the great ninja Yuffie and this is Aerith. We need help looking for a little boy lost in other worlds.

Eraqus-Little boy lost in worlds?... What is his name?

Aerith-(Y/N), sir.

I couldn't believe our luck, 2 girls were sent by a king and some other guy to look for some kid we have here.

Eraqus-I trust there are no ill intentions since King Mickey has lead you here. You might find it hard to believe, but rather we will show you. Follow us inside and Terra, Ven, fetch Aqua.

Terra/Ven-Yes, master.

(Aqua's POV)

We were on our 4th game and he looked so serious it was cute and when I let him win a game after losing 2 he looked so relieved after he was getting pouty. During the game my door suddenly opened and I saw Ven and Terra come in.


Terra-... Nice to meet you formally (Y/N). I'm Terra.

Ven-Name's Ventus, but everyone calls me Ven. We have 2 friends of yours here to see you.


I just took (Y/N) with me out of my room to follow the boys and see these friends of his and I didn't like this, but I shouldn't cause problems. We made it to the throne room when I saw our master speaking with 2 girls until they turned over to us and looked happy,... so was (Y/N).




Just then (Y/N) jumped out of my arms and I was taken off guard by this as I see the 3 run into each other. I felt hurt and angry that one moment (Y/N) was clinging to me then the next... he leaves me... for them.

Aqua's mind-... No... You're mine.


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