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(Lucas's POV)

I was sleeping with my mommy in the cage since she knows Diana didn't want her in her bed while she was gone and it was just nice to be with my mommy alone for the night. Just then I was waking up to others talking outside and I was still mostly tired, but knew what that meant. Diana was back and the voices were getting closer and one sounded like Diana and the other was a kid, so I guess she did get the mom and boy from the store. Soon I saw her come in after I rubbed my eyes to wake up while my mommy was starting to wake up then she put down a blanket to let the boy from yesterday out.


This boy looked scared and like he was crying then Diana came over and took me out of the cage since it was open and held me. Almost every kid that comes here cries or just screams, but I think he already did that.

???-Wh-Where am I?

Diana-We're at my private territory in my den and I saw how you act, so maybe my pup can help you feel better... Play nice while we get food.

She put me down before she went to my mommy and helped her out of the cage and they both left while my mommy was stretching and I looked at the boy and he just curled up like he was about to cry again.

Lucas-Umm,... hey... What's your name?

???-*Sniffles* J-Julian.

Lucas-Where's your mom? I saw her at the store.

Julian-... Well,... *sniffle* she's still at h-home *hic* and I have to g-get back b-b-before she comes here. *sniffle*

Lucas-I thought she took you both you?

Julian-You don't understand, they're dangerous!

He was really about to cry again, but stopped himself and I don't know what he was talking about unless he was with a werewolf or vampire before or a magic person like that man Jeremy was.

Lucas-Are they like Diana or a vampire?

He only shook his head no before he only started crying now until I heard more stuff go on outside. I don't know what to do about him because he does look like he's really scared for some reason and I thought it was because of all this, but if it's not...

Lucas's mind-What is he afraid of?

Just then I saw my mommy and Diana walk in with meat on a stick, but there was someone else with them and I know who they are.



Lucas-... Is she here to take the ones locked up?

Diana-Not today, she brought her pup over to play with you... You can play after you 2 eat, I will use my free time to tend to this pup myself.

She gave me a stick of meat and it did smell good and had seasonings on it thanks to other people being here that know how to cook. Diana took me and Julian with her to her bed for us to eat with her while my mommy ate at the side of the bed while Violet leaned against the wall while holding Jonah in her arms and giving kisses. Diana does worse to me, so I don't really care, but I saw his cheeks turn a little pink.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Diana's POV)

I did love this feeling of 2 pups leaning on me while they ate until they were full, but the new pup looked so scared still, but so does every pup and human adult when they get here. After they were done eating I like Lucas go play with Jonah and had Tracey go to watch him and make sure nothing happens while I tend to this pup. He does look like my pup a bit and was just as light as him, so I really want to see if I should take in another pup.

Diana-Oh little pup, we're alone now. Can you tell me your name?

???-Pl-Please let me go... They'll be here and be very mad.

Diana-If you mean those parents, they can stay in that smelly place and if they come here, they will know I hate their kind of parents. You're much better off here with my pack.

???-You don't understand... They're monsters.

Diana-Monsters?... DID THEY HIT YOU?!?!?!

He only flinched and whimpered at that and if there is any parent cowardly enough to turn on their own pups I have them bleeding out on the ground to rot. I curled up around him more protectively and this scent on him was coming off today to put mine on.

Diana-I decided. My pup will be happy to know he has a brother now and-.

???-No, they're going to hurt you! They're real demons from real-!

Just then I heard screaming and yelling coming from out in the den before I heard something else.

Diana-... *Growl*.

(Kalma's POV)

I could smell Julian was here and I will tear everyone here apart if it means finding him and I know how werewolves work. I know they're an alpha here and they will definietly put up a fight before her pack gangs up on me and that will be risky if that happens, but I don't care right now even if I have to leave and come back with my pack of hellhounds. Just then I saw a big wold come out from a door at the top floor of this old mine and hopped down until she got in front of me into a fighting stance.



Kalma-*Growl* *snarl*.

We circled around just waiting for one of us to make the first move and unlike her bites, mine literally fucking burn. Before the fight could start I saw Julian come out of that door too before he tried to run down.



I hate this habit of him asking me not to kill others that dare even touch him and I can smell her scent all over him, but mine was still on him as clear as day. He tried to get to me, but other wolves stopped him and that's when I lunged at the alpha, but she got low for second and went for my belly to push me out the entrance of this mine and back outside.


She lunged at me then I swung a claw at her side to send her flying to a tree, but just then I felt a jab on my side that made me go a couple of feet back. I looked to see who did it and it was a human... No, I saw her sharp teeth and with no tail or anything I could only think of one thing.


Kalma's mind-Vampire.

Just then the whole pack came out in the means to help their alpha as she got up again. Dealing with weaker werewolves and an alpha was bad enough, but a vampire added to that is going to be a huge problem. I can't do this alone and need my pack and even Blair and Sarita this time, so for now I need to retreat and that really pisses me off.

Kalma's mind-Just all of you wait! I won't only defeat you, i'll let you all live after I take the things you love the most as trophies!

I do that a lot with new enemies and the best part is when they come to try and take what I took back, I kill them after they fail.

(Violet's POV)

I know a hellhound when I see one, so someone had to have summoned one and they're either on the loose after killing the summoner or someone managed to tame them and sick them on Diana's pack. When Diana went back to her human form she looked fine and we went back inside after it ran off, but Kalma sent a few deltas to try and kill it. I don't know if it will work, but it's not my place to say.

Diana-I remember her scent, it was on this new pup!


Diana-You couldn't tell? I smelled her in heat.

Violet-Uhhh, yeah. What now?

Diana-Let our pups play for now. If this was a pup from another pack that hurts pups, i'll take this pup for myself as a rescued pup.

I know better than to argue with her about this since it's like talking to a wall and also, I don't care if she decides to take this child. Maybe the hellhound was even sent after them or something. I just went back to my baby and saw he was fine and Tracey took her child and put him on her lap too after the event that happened. As for Diana she just went to take this new child up to her room and "put her scent on him".

Tracey-Sweetie, do you want to play a game still?~

Lucas-I... I don't know.

Violet-Oh Jonah, how about we take you 2 to my limo and watch a little show together? You do like (F/C).~

Jonah-... Can you not do what you did on the way though?

Violet-Hmmm, now that you say it... Nope. Come on.~

(Diana's POV)

I could smell my first pup leaving with Violet, her pup, and Tracey while I was tending to my new pup that used to belong to that fire werewolf girl and I don't know how she even has horns, but I don't care right now. She comes back, we kill her for hurting what's mine now. To my surprise my first pup usually hates this and fights more at a tongue bath, but this pup only whimpers, struggles a little, and is actually calm for the most part. Maybe afraid I would hit him if he fought me, but I would not hit him, I would just make him submit to me.

Diana-You're being so good. My pup Lucas would love to have a brother to play with. What's your name?~

???-... Julian.

Diana-Well Julian, welcome to my pack. After this we'll go to the bathes here with everyone else and you'll have my scent to show others that your my pup now.~

I loved the idea more and more about having 2 pups. I can turn into my wolf form and curl up with them against my belly when we sleep, always let them play with each other in here and it would look so cute and funny. I continued the tongue bath then when he's ready i'll go get my other pup for his bath too.

(Timeskip 15 Minutes)

(Erelah's POV)

I was outside with Cody playing a game while I left the mother in the house until she ate all her breakfast that was supposed to be healthy for her, but she threw a little fit. It's sad I need to treat an adult like a toddler and Cody was more mature than her to begin with even when during our game of catch he got distracted by a butterfly and tried to chase it. It was cute to watch him try to get something far out of his reach, but he stopped when we heard something off in the distance.

He got scared and ran over to me and I picked him up and that didn't sound like a regular animal, but I recognize that sound from the times I went to hell to show souls what await them in near life or death experiences... I know that roar.

Erelah's mind-Hellhound?! How did they get out of hell?!

Erelah-Cody, sweetie, you're ok. We're just gonna go inside, ok.

Cody-What was that?

Erelah-Don't worry. It will be taken care of if it comes here.

I just took him inside and locked the door behind me before I put him on the couch to make sure this house was locked up tight and nothing can get in without me knowing.


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