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(Zara's POV)

It was 9am and I tried my best to search for this creature online by describing it in search, going on zoologist websites, biology websites, and I even went as far as to go on crazy fairy tales, but there was nothing. I was amazed and frustrated at the same time since I got nothing to go off of, but if this is something brand new, I just made a discovery, but I find that hard to believe since they have clothes on, so they had to have got them from somewhere.

Zara's mind-Where did they even come from? What do they need to live? What do they like?

I'll have to wait until he wakes up and it should be any minute now since the sedative has long since wore off and I just stayed quiet to let him sleep. I already got the hard part done by taking pictures of his body parts for references, only thing I found out was his gender and a clue of his eating habits. I just got up and got to work on setting up a few tests.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to something smelling good and I knew it was bacon, so I guess I fell asleep in the car and we must be at my grandpa's house. That was a crazy nightmare, but when I opened my eyes I saw I wasn't at my grandpa's house and when I tried to move my leg it hurt a little, so I looked to see I was on some blankets and pillows and there was a bandage on my leg, so my heart felt like it stopped for a second.

(Y/N)'s mind-No, no, no, no, no!

I looked around some more and I never saw this place and it looked kinda weird at some parts and when I looked in the kitchen I saw that monster girl that chased and caught me then she just turned around and saw I was awake.


She gasped a little before she came over and I looked for a place to run and get out of here, but by the time I saw what might be the front door she cornered me, so I just backed up to the wall.

???-Hello... Can. You. Understand. Me?


I was scared, but nodded my head yes while feeling I was about to cry again, just wanting my dad or that this is a nightmare in another nightmare.

???-Can you speak to me again? My name is Zara. What's your name?

I didn't want to talk and tried to go off the side a little to hopefully run past her, but she followed me to keep me trapped.

Zara-Hey, i'm not going to hurt you. If I wanted to, you would not be waking up on a bed a made for you... I also made you some food. I heard your belly growl in your sleep.

She slowly backed away while still watching me, but I made a run for it to the door and tried to open it, but it was kinda slippery and when I did get it open, it was just a bedroom. I quickly tried to find another way out, but then I saw Zara coming for me again and I just ran back to the corner again only to see she actually had 2 plates, a bowl, and rocks.


She put them all down on the table and sat on her couch away from the food a bit and I was hungry, so I got up and looked at everything. I don't know why she put grass and rocks up here, but I just grabbed some bacon first. While I was starting to eat I saw her grab a tablet and started to type on it.

Zara-I know you're scared, but I just want to get to know you... Do you think we can talk?... I'm still wondering what your name is?

(Y/N)-... (Y/N). *whisper*

Zara-(Y/N)?... Can you spell it for me?

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Zara's POV)

I was making some progress as long as I listen closely sometimes like how his name was something I never heard of, he was only 5, and when I asked him what species he was, he said he was "human". When I did a quick search there was nothing on this and the auto correct said humus.

Zara's mind-This has to be a new discovery, but how is he so well dressed?

Zara-... Are you lost from home? Do you know if it's near by?

(Y/N)-... I don't know... I... I just s-saw a l-l-light and my dad's car was gone and I tr-tried to f-find h-him, *hic*-.

Zara-Ok, ok, that's good enough.

He was on the verge of crying again and I was curious about his dad. If he saw this light and came here then maybe his dad did too and I get to see a fully mature human creature. He clearly doesn't know where his dad is, so I won't pry into that for now, but creatures such as this are going to be hard to miss if someone comes by. I can't get much out of a child from questions since he won't know, so now I need other approaches then I remembered that he still hasn't had a bath, so this can be a good time to see his bathing habits.

Zara-Hey, we'll take a break while I take a shower then you can get in, ok.

He only nodded his head, so I went to my bathroom and actually did take a shower to get the excess oils out of me and replace it with fresh water then used soap to pour in my body to clean everything with a nice smell left behind, but I brought my phone and tablet in here to hide them. Thanks to my glass door for the shower I will be able to see everything clearly, but I would have to probably add more detail in a report since he is so young and maybe not fully aware on how to bathe himself properly. If it's anything like how most races bath, maybe with slightly different habits, that would be one for my report. With that I just left my bathroom making sure both camera's were out of sight.

Zara-It's all ready for you. Just let me know if you need anything.


He was still nervous when he walked by me and into the bathroom and i'm nervous as well because I don't know what he can do or what a human can do even when it's all alone. During his shower I checked to see what else he touched and it seems I was right to cook the meat and through in other food I borrowed from my neighbor since they think i'm babysitting then I saw they had some fruit too, but the grass and rocks were not touched. I didn't think he would go for the rocks since only 2 races have those for food, but better safe than sorry.

Zara's mind-Let's just get this cleaned up. This is going to be a busy day... I'll tell my professor about this later... Some day. This discovery is going to be all mine and will be my ticket in the history books.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying not to slip on some slippery parts of the shower while washing myself with my hands since there was nothing to scrub my body with. When I was done I just got out to dry off, but I slipped and caught myself on the sink then I saw a small light under the sink, so I opened it... It was Zara's tablet and it was recording the shower.

(Y/N)'s mind-What?

I stopped it and looked for how to play it and when I did find it I saw Zara setting this up before she left and I came in. This thing kinda worked like my tablet, but I didn't see a home button, so I tried the buttons on the side and accidently turned the screen off and when it came back on I needed a password to get in. I didn't care since she was spying on me. I knew she was going to hurt me or something bad and this was it.




Zara-Are you ok in there?

(Y/N)-... I'm fine, i'm just getting dressed.

I put the tablet back where I found it before I dried off and got dressed before I got out and saw Zara again.


Zara-I just need to use the bathroom real fast then I have a little game for you play.


She just walked in and closed the door and I tried looking for the front door, but I found something else,... a window and there was some kind of metal stairs going down, so this was good enough. I just opened the window and got outside only to see how high I was and got so scared that I was going to fall.

(Y/N)'s mind-Remember what your dad said,... don't look down.

I just slowly and carefully went to the stairs and started stepping down without looking and being careful.

(Zara's POV)

I was watching the video on my phone first since that had the best angle and he did try to look for something with the soap and it must've been a scrub brush or a sponge that I don't need. With that aside I watched until he was out of the shower and when he almost fell by slipping... I saw him discover my tablet and messed around with it until he jumped a little by the time I came...

Zara's mind-Oh no!

I quickly dashed out of the bathroom and checked my apartment only to see my window to the fire escape open and looked outside and down to see (Y/N) through the bars heading down the last set of stairs before getting to the ladder.


Zara-(Y/N), WAIT!!! I CAN EXPLAIN!!!

I think he went a little faster when I got out here and there was no time to catch up to him unless I...

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just made it to a ladder after I heard Zara was out here now, but when I got down and was about to run i saw green slime coming down then...


I fell back a little before I saw the slime move and i saw Zara,... but she was naked and was covering herself while getting darker.

Zara-Please, listen to me and i'll explain everything! We just need to go back up before someone sees you!

(Y/N)-... N-No,... STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!

I just ran away from her and she was about to chase me until we heard other voices and she stopped before she turned back. I kept on running until I can get around this fence somewhere or maybe there might be a hole, but soon I got tired and just started walking. Nobody was chasing me, but just then I saw a window break and some monster guy came through looking hurt and I quickly hid and peaked from behind a trashcan to keep an eye on him. I saw the door from the same building of this dead end turn open and a very tall girl made of rock came out looking mad and she was taller than any basketball player I saw by a lot.


???-Say it to me again!

Guy-*Cough* *cough* F-Fuck you... I said I won't trust you with any animal with that temper.

???-No, the other thing! I heard you say it behind my back!


???-Last chance.


???-Oh, that's it.

She walked up to him and grabbed the guy before throwing him back inside building and go in after him to slam the door before I heard...





Guy-Wait what are you-?! No,... no, no, no, no, n- AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

Soon the door opened again I I saw the tall rock girl carrying this guy and he looked soaked in something and they got to the fence I was close too and she hung him up by the back of his shirt and I saw something move in his pants. I also saw there was leashes tied on his ankles to keep what was in his pants, in his pants.

Guy-Aaaahhhh, it's scratching and biting me!

Just then I saw the lump move to the front of his pant in the middle of his legs where the private area it before.


???-You know damn well that's not what this is about anymore! SAY WHAT YOU SAID BEHIND MY BACK OR I POUR ALL THOSE TREATS IN YOUR PANTS!!!


???-Oh, i'll let you down and keep your animals! I'll find a pet somewhere else!

Just then she went back inside and come out with a jar and he looked very scared before she pulled his pants open a little and poured everything into his pants before she let it go, tightened his belt and he screamed louder and louder before she finally got him off the fence and he ran inside. I was really scared of her when she looked so mad and when I saw her walk this way she was going to see me, so I tried to just run, but tripped over myself from getting up too fast.


I just turned to see her walking up to me and I saw she was so tall, I can only reach her knees before she picked me up and I froze while I couldn't stop shaking.


???-What are you supposed to be?... You belong to that racist, don't you?!

She got mad again and her grip was a little harder before she stopped, but her rock hard hands under my arm pits kinda hurt. I was so scared right now, even more than i was with Zara and i can't bring myself to talk.


???-Guess you must've got out while I was dealing with him... Hmmm... You're a good size I wanted, nice and soft, and... you look like you're a male... What are you anyway?

She still looked very scary and I wanted to go down, so I tried curling up to be more heavy, but she kinda smiled at this and I think she was so strong this was nothing to her.

???-I don't think he'll miss you and you won't miss that cage you were in. Let's go home,... um... You know, what, we'll worry about a name later.

She started to take me with her and I was still too scared to talk or what if I do talk now that she thinks i'm a pet and she's wrong. She got mad after what that guy said and really hurt him, so what would she do to me. I tried to wiggle out of her hands, but she held me another way and a little tighter.

???-No surprise that prick failed to train you... Eh, i'll just go back later.

I was shivering and the only thing she did was cover me in her arms and since I was so small to her she actually did cover a lot. I couldn't even see where we were going that much since I can't move my head a lot, like I was stuck under heavy rocks. After a while I saw her open a door and got into a house and when I could look around now I saw where she lived.


???-This is your new home. I don't have the toys and stuff right now, but i'll get those when I go back tomorrow.

She put me down and locked her door and I went to it only to see that I can't reach the handle without a chair or something and this girl just chuckled a little, so I got away from the door. I can wait until she's not looking to grab a chair then soon I saw a picture on the wall of the girl and it even changed like it was a T.V. and one said "Happy Birthday Moltra". I guess her name was Moltra and saw her go to the kitchen before she came back with rocks and metal bars... and she was eating them.


(Moltra's POV)

I was snacking to get ready for a good game of demoball while I was letting my new pet run around my home and I liked this feeling after that piece of shit boyfriend of mine brought another girl home while he was high. Some time in the ER and finding his stuff at the dump will show him he can have her and so far it's been a week and my home just got repaired after I destroyed it.

Moltra-Hmmm,... oh, Teddy, come here boy.~

He turned and looked at me before he still looked timid before of his new home, but he came over and I put him on my lap.


Moltra-I know you probably can't talk, but promise me something... Promise me you won't "ever' go behind me back and see other girls by thinking my love and dedication isn't enough... *deep breath* AND TO NOT MAKE WALK IN WITH YOU ON TOP OF EACH OTHER!!!... *sigh* I know you won't you do that to me.

He looked scared from me letting out my anger which felt as good as always, so I held them in one arm when the game started. I'll let him have my ex's food in a bit and see if he likes it until I find the right pet food for him.

Moltra-Alright Teddy, this is mama Moltra's favorite sport called demoball. You're going to love this.

I let my new pet take my boyfriend's place on my lap and played with his hair and it's only been a week, but I missed doing this so much. I got my team going for the championships, a new little guy to hold and play with during the match, and bonus, I see he likes to play dress up, so I get to choose what he will always wear.

Moltra's mind-Much better than my ex... Should I visit him with my new pet?... Maybe after the game. He's in a full body cast, so he's not going anywhere anytime soon.


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