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(Gena's POV)

I went from almost getting fired to being in a meeting on how Mr. Stern plans to show off our new creature and he says "no idea is a bad idea",... until he thinks it's a bad idea and yells at you, or worse. I was nervous didn't speak and the other men in here were thinking of stuff then one perked up which got our attention.

Mr. Stern-Ah, the first one. Let's hear it.

Man#1-What if we perform shows like we do with out trained jaggers, but instead of dare-devil shows, we have a cute one. Everyone has that soft spot for cute stuff.

Mr. Stern-Hmmm,... this creature does look rather tiny and fragile... What are the shows about? I want something unique.

Man#1-Well,... um,... how we train it to eat out of a volunteer's palm.

Mr. Stern-... Say, you know what that sounds like?




He picked up one of his marble statues and the man took off running out of the office which made Mr. Stern put it down and I was never in a meeting like this before and I wish I wasn't here for that. It's terrifying in here now!

Mr. Stern-Alright... Anyone have anymore bright ideas?

Man#2-Umm... merchandise?

Mr. Stern-That's a given. Anything you suggest?

Man#2-Um, how about,... a photo booth. Put it at the edge of a cage to get a close photo with the creature, but it won't know we're there because there will be a 2 way mirror.

Mr. Stern-And how to you propose we always make sure the creature is close by for a picture and have them look at a camera they don't know is there?


Mr. Stern-I am giving you until the count of 3 to get out of my office!

Without hesitating the man took off and made it out of here at 2 and sooner or later i'll be looked at for an idea. I tried to think and since he was a sentient being or at least I think he is, he won't be too happy to be trained.

Mr. Stern-Jeni.

Gena-Um, it's Ge-.

Mr. Stern-I want to hear your idea. You found this creature first, so out with it.

Gena-Um,... maybe we don't need any shows or special attractions.

Mr. Stern-Then what do you purpose?

Gena-... How about-.

(Timeskip 45 minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was locked in this room when I tried to leave, so I just got back on this bed to stay in the far corner from the door where that monster would come in from. When the door opened I saw the monster girl come in and she looked kinda happy then she looked at me with most of her smile gone, but it was still there.


Gena-Sorry to be go so long. Are you still hungry?


Gena-Hey, I don't bite.

She slowly came to me and got on her bed while I was stuck in the corner for her to get closer to me and she pet my arm. I just looked at her then she reached behind her then she showed me something.


It was small, but she gave it to me and she even squeezed it a little and I thought it would squeak, but instead a powder came off it a bit and when I smelled it, it smelled like cake... I gave it a few more squeezes and liked the smell and she laughed a little at me while petting my arm again.

Gena-Hey, I know you're not having fun in here... We have a room that's not being used and it has toys and swings in it. Nobody will see you and you can stay there while I work and think of a way to help you out or make things better for you.

That didn't make me believe her, but no matter what it's going to be bad, I just know it. I just nodded my head since I didn't want to talk and she smiled a little more before she stopped petting me.

Gena-Good, I can get you there tomorrow while nobody is looking. You'll have fun.

(Gena's POV)

The room should be ready and Mr. Stern made it clear that all the hallways here must be empty while I get him to his exhibit tomorrow. We will have a special glass in place to make up for a whole wall. To him, it'll be a black glass wall, but for everyone else, it will be a clear window to see him and it will be sound proof to not disturb him and while he warms up to his exhibit by playing or even examining it himself, he won't be disturbed by many others looking at him or even hear them. We just can't them tapping on the glass because he'll hear that.

Gena's mind-Ok, just try and bond with him or at least get to where he doesn't think I want to hurt him for the day, bring him to his habitat, and we're home free. Just be slow and gentle.

(Timeskip To Tomorrow Morning)

I tried everything I could think of, but the most I could get was a "thank you" from him after I gave him some more food and he liked the smell coming off that toy I gave him. Last night was kinda tricky because he would barely sleep and I caught him trying to leave my room, but thankfully I locked it on both sides and before I could even try to tell him I wasn't angry he just went to a corner to cry himself to sleep despite me trying to comfort him and I just took him back to my bed and this was the second time I held him. I did like the feeling, but I really love it when animals or others don't hate me. I was even holding him right now and he was frozen in fear.

Gena-(Y/N), let's get you to that room soon. I can make sure nobody gets in.

He didn't answer me with words, but he nodded a little and I looked at the time to see it was time for us to go on schedule. I opened my door and peaked both ways to make sure everyone was gone and went down the hall with (Y/N) and his exhibit was F-12. When we made it and got inside I kinda liked what they did. The glass was impossible to see through, there was a few tire swings, balls, and jungle gym, the theme in here was like a forest and even a heating pad for him to nap on.

(Y/N)-Wh-What is all this for?

Gena-We just lost an animal that used to be in here a few days ago and we closed it. Nobody should come in here, but i'll be back to check on you later.

((Y/N)'s POV)

She just put me down and closed the door, so I looked at the room feeling a little better that I was alone in here, but I still wanted to go find my daddy. I just went to that little bed that's against the wall and it just felt so warm to sit on and I could even lay down. I grabbed a ball next to the bed and threw it at the wall for it to bounce back to me, but I had to get off of this bed to catch it and threw it back at the wall. I even kicked the ball sometimes to make it hit the ceiling a bit.

(Gena's POV)

Mr. Stern was standing in front of our new attraction and the people that were here were taking pictures, videos, and just adoring (Y/N) playing while Mr. Stern was giving a few words about him that was kinda a lie, but as long as I wasn't in front of that crowd, I was fine. Soon he left, leaving the crowd to enjoy the new creature he forgot to give the name of when I found out his species was called "human" yesterday, or at least who he spelled it on a tablet. I saw my boss come over here and he looked happy.

Mr. Stern-Oh, Kina, just give this a day or 2 at most and we'll be packed. I want you to make sure this creature is well looked after.

Gena-Yes sir,... and it's Gena.

Mr. Stern-That's what I said, isn't it?


Mr. Stern-Feel free to get some food for the both of you later and make sure it's from a good place too. That raise isn't just for show, you know.

Gena-I got a raise?

Mr. Stern-Take care Serina.

I didn't bather correcting him this time and went to blend in with the crowd and saw (Y/N) running around and bouncing one of his balls all over the place.


Gena's mind-I never saw him this active before... It's so cute!... I wonder if the zoo would pay for a few cute outfits I can have him wear... No harm in doing something me and the public would enjoy a little.~

I saw my skin turn pink a little, but then I saw a few people look at me, so I quickly left to go back to work and he does need breakfast, so I need to focus on that right now. I ran to the restaurant across the street and got 2 breakfast bowls, one of them was no meat for me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I got really tired from playing and running around this room, so I just laid in the bed until I heard the door open and I saw Gena walk in with to-go boxes.


Gena-Hey, I got you something. You must be hungry.

She was right, but I was still scared of her and when she put the food in front of me and when she opened it she grabbed a piece of bacon for me and held it to me while waving it.

Gena-Go on, it's yours.~

I slowly took it and ate it and it did taste pretty good then she gave me another piece then she got some cheesy potatoes and from what she was doing they were hot. My body acted on it's own and ate it from her hands since she was getting burned and she was nice to me before. She looked surprised, but then smiled at me before she pet my head.

(No POV)

The crowd was awing at this "show" of the caretaker feeding a harmless newly discovered creature. However someone want to know if it was possible to be a volunteer to feed this creature and if there's one thing her mom taught her, was not to take no for answer.


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