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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up and I felt a little dizzy even when I was just laying down then I just turned over to hold on to Aqua to feel a little better. I was keeping my eyes closed because of the light then after a bit of getting used to the light I just opened my eyes to see that I wasn't with Aqua anymore. I just saw Mulan sleeping next to me until she just opened her eyes just now.


Mulan-*Yawn* Morning little guy.~

(Y/N)-Where's Aqua?

Mulan-Your sister came to me in the middle of the night to take and watch you until she comes back. Said that the thing she needs to find is too dangerous to go after for you, so you'll be safer here with me until she returns.

I knew that was a lie because Aqua wanted to go to another world with me and that was the lie we told them. I don't think I should tell her I know that she's lying. I have to find Aqua first and get out of here, but maybe I can move around more if I let her do what she wants.

(Y/N)-Ok,... can we go play outside?

Mulan-We have to have a bath and breakfast first. You can play while I do my chores real fast after.

I tried to get up, but still felt so dizzy that I almost fell over, but she scooped me up and carried me to the bathroom and I know what she wants to do and I don't know why everyone wants to take baths together, even Aqua did it with me...

(Y/N)'s mind-Where are you Aqua?

(Aqua's POV)

I woke up a while ago on a wagon in the middle of nowhere on a trail with a mule just eating some grass. It was hard to move, so I had to let this pass through and I have a pretty good idea of who did this to me and when I get back i'm not even going to bother to say a word to "her". I'm just going to take (Y/N) in front of her if I have to and just leave. I mustn't give in to the darkness and that's the only reason I need to only do what I need to do. Soon I was good enough to finally walk around, so I just hopped off the wagon and summoned my glider to head back and that will be tricky since I have no idea where I am, but all I need to do is let my heart lead me to (Y/N)'s and i'll be sure to find him.

Aqua's mind-You tried to take my little brother?! When I find him, i'll take him somewhere you can "never" see him "ever" again!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

(Mulan's POV)

We were just finishing some breakfast and I really did love my little brother by my side as we ate and my mother and grandmother Fa bought into my lie about Aqua leaving him here. My mother even tried to comfort him a little or more for herself before we all got started on our chores this morning. He was just sitting still and looking around for a bit before he started to walk around the house and he looked kinda in awe at times for some reason and it was so adorable. Like he was just so curious about everything when his sister is not around.

(Fantasy Start)

I was walking around town with my little brother holding my hand while snuggling up to my side until he wanted me to pick him up, so I did. It was also Chinese new years, so I got him a little lantern for him to carry around as we celebrated. Others were watching him have fun as I held him close then he gave me a hug and kiss.

(Y/N)-This year I want to be with the one that loves me.

Mulan-Well, I think you're already with her. You're just the cutest little thing here.~

He just smiled and gave me some more love in front of everyone as we went to play games and do other festivities like enjoying the food and he let me feed him. He would only beg for more until his little belly was full and he fell asleep on me as I brought him home.

(Fantasy End)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mulan looked very happy and like she was not paying attention to what she was doing, but I kept on looking to where she might've put Aqua. She can't take her very far and be back so early in the morning, so she has to be here somewhere. I also tried to stay away from everyone and whisper yell Aqua's name sometimes only for nothing to happen.

(Y/N)'s mind-Ok, where else can you hide here? Is there secret tunnels, caves, or bunkers?... Why does everything have to be so hard?!

Suddenly I was picked up from behind and I screamed a little and I only heard laughing before I turned around and saw it was Mulan just laughing at me.


Mulan-*Giggles* Awww, did I scare you?~



She just took me to the tree in the garden and laid under it with me and just started to play with my hair. I didn't want to talk to her and she didn't talk either. All she did was play with me and as good as it felt I stayed quiet and didn't move until after a while we started to hear something. It was like a plane, but then I thought about it and there should be no planes hear, so that can only be Aqua! I just sat up and  looked around until I saw her on her glider and land in front of us holding her giant key.



Mulan looked very mad before she got up and picked me up to hold me close and run before...


When she said that I saw these light clock things floating around us and we both couldn't move then Aqua walked over here and took me from Mulan.

Aqua-Be lucky i'm only leaving you like this for about 5 minutes. We'll be long gone by then... Don't. Touch. My brother. Again.

I still couldn't move, but she held me like Mulan did, like a baby when she put her armor back on and her glider popped out of nowhere. We looked back to Mulan to see tears fall from her eyes as Aqua got on her glider and started to fly off super fast with me and into a portal then soon while we were still flying I could move again.

(Y/N)-... Where are we going?

Aqua-Somewhere I know we'll be safe. I'm taking you to my home where my master is. You'll be staying in my room while I talk to him, ok?

(Y/N)-Master?... Like a kung fu master?

Aqua-Keyblade master.

I asked some more questions about her master and he did sound kinda nice, but when we got there I saw how pretty it looked.


She landed at the front door with me before she got rid of her armor and glider and took me straight inside. She motioned for me to be quiet as she went down the halls of this place and it was pretty big in here. Soon we made it to her room and it looked so girlish in here, but also kinda nice then she put me on her bed and bent down to me.

Aqua-Just stay here while I go talk to my master.

(Y/N)-Do you think he can help me get the other fragments to my world, so I can go home?

Aqua-We'll see, but I promise that everything will turn out ok as long as you just listen and do what I say.

Just then she left her room and closed her door and looked around to see there was almost thing to do in here, so I tried to think of something to do. When I could think of nothing I just laid back on the bed and closed my eyes to use my imagination to think of a fantasy I like.

(Fantasy Start)

I was all grown up and super strong, so I could lift 5 million pounds with my pinkie while spinning it in front of everyone. Everyone called me things like cool, the man, very strong, and handsome.

(Y/N)-Now that i'm done with my little warm up, add the other 500 trillion pounds!

Everyone was cheering for me being so strong and I had to use both of my arms now, but it was still kinda easy for me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Nobody can call me cute or adorable now!

(Fantasy End)

(No POV)

(Y/N) was just smiling on Aqua's bed about the man he wanted to be, but meanwhile Aqua was trying to think of the right words to say to her Master to have him let (Y/N) stay under her care here. She would need to make it look settle, but then 2 boys from a distance noticed how tense and stressed she looked out in the hall.


Ven/Terra's mind-What's bothering her?


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