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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

My dad said we were going to go to grandpa's beach house for the summer and there's a place called Santa Cruz a little ways and it has rides, an arcade, and a beach. We left right after my last day of school, so we can get there by night time to sleep and have fun in the morning. Right now it was dark out and we were in the middle of a mountain road place and I was playing a game on my tablet.

Daddy-It's getting late, you feeling tired?

(Y/N)-A little, but I wanted to wait until we got to grandpa's to sleep.

Daddy-Gotta make a stop somewhere though. We're gonna need some gas.

(Y/N)-How far is the town?

Daddy-Shouldn't be too long.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

My daddy made a few wrong turns, so I have no idea where we were and I think the maps on his car might be wrong. After a while we saw city lights up the mountain, but just then the car ran out of gas and the car stopped.

Daddy-Of course.

(Y/N)-Dad,... are we stuck out here?

Daddy-No, the city should just be over the mountain... Here's what we're gonna do, i'm going to give you my work phone and if anything goes wrong, call me or 911.

(Y/N)-What about you?

Daddy-I'm gonna go get some gas from a gas station on foot. Last thing I want to guess is the wild life up here not being friendly to us, but just stay in the car where it's safe, if i'm not back by morning call the police, ok?

(Y/N)-Ok,... can you call me when you get there?

Daddy-Sure and don't worry, i'm going to be fine.

My daddy left the car and locked the doors, so no animals can get me, but a window was cracked, so air can get in. I watched him walk up the mountain until I couldn't see him in the dark and being too far. I was scared, so I turned on the flashlight of my tablet and saw my reflection in the outside door mirror.


I kept on waiting for my daddy to call me... and waiting,... and waiting. I tried to watch a movie downloaded on my tablet, but I kept on looking outside into the darkness like something was watching me. I wanted to leave now to get to my daddy so bad then something happened... a light was coming from over the mountain and it might be someone who can to me to my daddy, so I got out of the car and on to the road to wait for them until they got closer. When I saw the light coming from just down the road...

(Y/N)-HEY!!! HELP!!!

The car kept on coming just as fast with it's very bright light that was hurting my eyes.


They kept on coming and were not slowing down, so I tried to run off the road, but tripped on a hole in this dirt road and the car was so close now and was about to get hit.


I just closed my eyes and saw everything get brighter and brighter until... they got dark, but I still felt the dirt under me and I wasn't hurting at all. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the car was gone, but not only that car... my dad's car was gone too.

(Y/N)'s mind-What?

I looked behind me and there was nothing there and I was so confused and scared...


I just got up and ran up the hill since I couldn't take this anymore and when I made it to the top of the hill I was super tired wishing I took that nap now, but I can see the city. It was kinda far, but I didn't have a car to go back to, so i'm gonna find my daddy. He should be at a gas station and a police man or someone can help. Just outside the city I did see a gas station, so why did it take so long for my dad to come back? I just went to it and peaked in through a window to peak in for my dad, but I didn't see him here then I saw someone working in the back a little wearing a work shirt, so I went inside.

(Y/N)-Um, excuse me.

???-Be a moment.

I went at the counter and I saw all kinds of weird candy names up here then soon the man came out and at first I thought it was a costume until I thought it looked too real and scary and he looked at me like I was to him with my mouth open.


I tried to think of something to say, but I couldn't move until he dropped something on the floor and my body acted on it's own when I ran away screaming out of the store. I ran to the city screaming monster over and over again for someone to help me, but when I got really close I saw other monsters, so I shut up and didn't know what to do until I ran behind a building. I wanted to call out for my daddy, but those monsters might hear me, but I remember he gave me his phone, so I pulled it out and dialed his number, but then...

I tried again and again, but it won't work and I was starting to cry with no idea what to do.

(Y/N)-*Whimper* D-Daddy.

I heard others coming close by and it has to be more monsters, so I ran and hid behind some trash cans and peaked to see the monsters walking by and I think they were police and heading to the gas station since that's all that was out there. Everything was so scary and weird, I just need to find my dad,... but where did he go?... Is he even here?...

(Y/N)'s mind-What should do?! What did dad say?!... Stay put and hug a tree!

There was no no trees here, so what's the next best thing in this ally?... Ok, not trash cans,... the poles are out in the streets and i'm not going out there... Why do I even need to hug anything?! With no idea what to do and my dad might not even being here because of that stupid car or whatever it was...

(Y/N)-*Whimper* *sobbing* *hic* *sobbing*!

I just leaned against the building behind me and couldn't stop crying when I was trying really hard to stop and covered my mouth, but it wasn't really working.

???-Hello?... You ok other there?

I heard footsteps coming closer a little over my crying and I would run, but there was a fence, the only way is go across where I think this girl monster can see me, or the streets full of monsters. I tried to stop crying and hide behind a trashcan and when I could hold my breath I was quiet now.

???-... Hello? Is anyone hurt?

I think she wasn't coming any closer and she'll leaving, but just then I felt something touch my shoulder and when I looked I saw it was a spider and I suddenly jumped and screamed then cried again since I wasn't holding my breath anymore. I crawled backwards away from where the spider was and that's when I saw the monster run over here and saw me and,... she was made of water.


She looked surprised to see me and not really scared, but I was, so I tried to run and I don't care where as long as it's away from them. When I was running I heard footsteps coming behind me.

(Zara's POV)

I have no idea what the hell I just saw, but it was crying, had fear in it's eyes and now running away. They turned out of the city and heading into the mountain areas and off the trail. That's kinda dangerous since the wildlife and plants can really hurt or kill you if you don't know what you're doing or watch your step and they don't look like they were being careful at all.

Zara-Wait, stop!

???-*Sobbing* G-GO AWAY!!!

Zara's mind-They talk?!

Just then I noticed what kind of flour patch he was about to run through and my kind of body, i'll be fine, but a body of their kind that no doubt has to have muscle tissue.

Zara-Watch out!

They ignored me and ran into the flower patch and when it stepped on a vine the plant felt it and on managed to bit his leg before he ran out, but fell to the ground crying and wailing louder. This kind of flower paralyzes the victims with a fast acting sedative for around an hour and that leaves them for scavengers or predators. He could barely move until his body went limp and he was still awake, so I could hear their whimpers now as they were looking at me with tears. Even if whatever this is was dangerous, it can't move now, so I picked them up and they were easy to carry.


Zara-Hello, what are you? *whisper*

I looked at their leg and there's no point in getting the sedative out since it just needs to work though now. I've been studying on all body types, races, and creatures for years, but I never saw one like this, not even in a book. They were still clearly scared and if they weren't sedated by that flower I think they would be kicking and screaming. I studied them with a first glance and they look so young.

Zara-Come on,... little fella, let's get you to my home and take care of that bite... You don't mind if I look up what you are while i'm at it, right?

They didn't respond and I don't even know if they are sentient because like kiferns they can repeat noises and words to lure in victims, so I won't know until they're not paralyzed anymore. On the way home I think this creature has had it and passed it in my arms as I snuck back home since it was close by and on the edge of the city, so nobody saw this creature. I got to my apartment from the fire escape in the back and put him on my coffee table.

Zara's mind-Okay Zara,... so first i'll clean the bite and bandage it, lock up every exit tight, think of something to keep them in place or somewhere easy to watch him at all times, then I should be good to start my research and since I don't know anything, so far i'll be studying them all night... Not the first time I pulled off an all nighter for studying.


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