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Species: Vaisie (V·ai·sea)



Body structure: Their bodies are made of 90% water, but how they form is that they have a special bacteria that can form and also digest their food and dispose of any normal liquid or substance that isn't 100% compatible with their body like things that aren't nutritious for their bodies. They learn how to control later in life so when they're born their just a colorful little puddle with eyes, with this they can also manipulate their body to slip into tiny cracks. How they grow is when the special bacteria in them grows and are also known for learning things faster than other species.

Diet: Liquid foods like fruit and vegetable smoothies, flavored water, soda, hot chocolate, coffee, tea, etc. as long as it's a liquid.


Species: Latimeria (lat·​i·​me·​ria)



Body structure: Their bodies are mostly like fish so I guess you could also call them mermen or or mermaids, but here's where the difference is. While the can live underwater and breath under there they can live in moist areas like a rain forest or anywhere as long as they get lots of water for their bodies even if they have to drink it all. Their very fast swimmers and they can feel vibrations in the earth or ripples in the water to know what's around them instead of just relying on their eyes, ears, and nose.

Diet: Just like us humans they eat what we eat, but the only thing that's different is that they eat their meat raw.


Species: Zinkenite (Zen·kin·night)



Body structure: Their body is made 70% stone, the insides are like a molten magma in some ways, but just not as hot and it makes up 30%, but it's still hot. This somewhat magma brings enough heat to the stone structure of the body to allow them to move and it also acts as organs to was some species might call it. The heat in the body is also hyper which give these species a strong personality which in most cases maybe stubbornness, prideful, assertive, etc. If you get on their bad side and made them mad they can be very unpredictable such they can be destructive, full on controlling, possessive, have a emotional breakdown etc. This species is also known for their strength and 'very' durable bodies since a knife literally won't cut it.

Diet-They tend to have some water or drinks, but don't need much of it. What they eat are things like stones, gems, and metals.


Species: Hihishe (hi-he-she)



Body Structure: Their bodies can get cold easily so they love warm things so they usually live in hot places like a desert or places that are usually sunny. Their bodies can camouflage with their surroundings and can also change from their emotions and when the emotions aren't so strong anymore they will turn back to their original colors. When their happy their original colors get darker, when scared the color turns to black and white, when mad they turn yellow and red, when sad they turn blue and darker blue. There are more colors and they can mix with each other and can be very predictable.

Diet: They have fruits, vegetables, and plants. No meat.


Species: Sparnai (spar-nay)



Body Structure: The wings on the body are sensitive until they reach a certain point of maturity where they lose what you could call 'baby wings' then the grown up wings come in and they are more firm and help them fly faster. The ears on their head have really good hearing and their eyes help them see in the dark.

Diet: They eat nectar from flowers for most of their diet that they can put on their food or in their drinks, so they can eat what humans eat even cooked meat.


Species: Keiban (key-ban)



Body Structure: A thick coat of fur covers all of their body so they don't wear clothes to cover up to keep warm. These are a very passive and sensitive species that live underground to stay out of the hot sun and away from conflict and they make their colonies by digging them since their good diggers. They garden underground by using a special soil for their plants and even share with others and not only food, but everything. Females can produce a high pitch wailing that others of their kind can hear from up to 50 miles and will come to her aid due to their passive and sensitive yet protective nature, but as for males they can't wail as for they are almost as strong as a Zinkenite, but only fight as a last resort to protect themselves or others. They also feel the need to take others into their pack that can't protect themselves. How they sleep at night is they cuddle with someone or something for the right amount of heat they like.

Diet: Fruit, vegetables, and plants.


Species: Koteshiki (co-t-she-key)



Body Structure: Their bodies are small and very light which let them jump really high. Their feet weigh more than anything else in their body which still isn't much, but it helps them land on their feet and their ears are pretty good too. Their stamina is the best out of any species for an average of their species they can run for 30 minutes without a break and can recover from that in 2 minutes, but they aren't very fast or strong so they launch themselves of platforms and objects for speed and have remarkable agility.

Diet-Like what we humans eat. Meat, fruit, and vegetables.


Species: Rentenia (ren-ten-uh)



Body Structure: They have average speed and strength, but their stinger is meant to put their prey to sleep and they also like the taste of their venom in their food. They have a habit of charging in head on with their horns to impale, but it doesn't have venom. Also they have thick skin so it's a little hard to cut them.

Diet-All meat, cooked or raw, and water to also help replenish their venom in their tails.


These are all the species from the first book that I am confirmed to use, i'll use species from the second book as well, but i'll put their bios up another day. Can't wait to post the first official chapter. Hope you all enjoy!


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