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(Julian's POV)

It was night time and the timer said there was only 10 minutes left, but i've been tired since the first 10 minutes of being strapped to the bed and Sarita was "playing" with me. My face just felt so hot and we were both naked and she would rub her body on mine, tickle me when I can't stop her, she put a ring gag in my mouth that she takes out sometimes, so she can kiss me whenever she wants, all kinds of stuff, but the worst of all was when she would put her nipple in my mouth and make me suck on it.

Sarita-Awww, we're almost out of time. Guess i'll take the gloves off now and play a little rougher.~




Sarita-Go away! We're busy!

Kalma-Ugh, Blair wants you to know that dinner's ready and wants Julian to come eat.

Sarita-Wow, she seems real calm all the sudden, must be her mood swings. *whisper* Tell her she can wait a few more minutes! Now, fuck off!

With that Sarita turned around, so her butt was over my face and I tried not to look at her private spot, but she put it a little higher above my face and it looked kinda wet.

Sarita-Enjoying the view? Hold still and feel free to scream for me.~

Just then I felt her put one of my toes in her mouth and started to lick it until she bit me kinda hard while licking it still.


(Blair's POV)

The medicine I gave Kalma while she was sleeping seems to be keeping her calm, but now i'm pissed off that Sarita locked herself in her room with Julian doing god knows what with him for hours. Soon they finally did come out and Julian's face was just so pink and Sarita gave him a kiss on the lips to make it worse, so I went to them and took him from her.


Blair-What the hell did you to him this time?!

Sarita-What didn't I do other than take his V card?

Blair-Did he even eat the lunch I left at the door for him?!

Sarita-Of course he did... On parts of my upper body that I made him lick clean after.~

Blair-You're disgusting!

Sarita-Do you even know who and what you're talking to? I literally fuck the life out of people.

Blair-I hate you sometimes.


I put Julian in my seat to get his food before I put him on my lap and soon I made cut us both pieces before I made us plates then put them on the table and put him on my lap.


Sarita got a slice for herself before Kalma just took the rest of the pan fresh and hot out of the over and if it wasn't for what she was, she would get burned.

Julian-You're going to eat all of that?

Kalma-That's why I grabbed it.

Blair-She's just going through something honey. I took care of her bad mood, but she's gonna eat a lot more for a few more days.

Julian-Is this a... demon thing?

Sarita-Depends on how you look at it.~

Blair-Shut up and eat.

(Erelah's POV)

I was making 2 separate dishes, but the same thing since i'm putting Cody's "mother" on a diet still, but this time she's more likely to listen to me. I had them both at the table and his mother buckled in a wheel chair waiting for me and soon I finished both dishes at the same time and they were both nice and healthy, but I put laxatives in the mothers to help her lose some weight.


Cody-These smell good!

Erelah-They are stuffed bell peppers. Nice and healthy and as one of our many new rules, no more fast food for dinner every night.

I was looking at Jasmine when I said that and she only gave me a dumb looking smile and laughed a little and when I gave her, her special ones she stared at them a bit before she tried to pick one up.

Jasmine-Ah, hot, hot, hot!

Erelah-Give them a bit to cool down. They just got out of the oven.

I sat down and made sure I was between them since I need to ease my child into this happening, to not risk him picking up bad habits. Soon when we started eating I saw my child eating and enjoying his dinner then I looked to the mother who was iffy about her food until she tried it then liked it, but was a bit of a messier eater, but at least she matured a little enough to not act like a baby anymore. Cody is still more mature than her.

Cody-Erelah, when we go out tomorrow for shopping for my mom, can we get some ice cream too?

Erelah-Maybe, but you 2 are going down for naps when I leave tomorrow after lunch for shopping. It will be very, very hard for me to shop while looking after someone who would only constantly beg for treats and junk food while I would have to watch you as well.

Cody-But what if my mommy promises to be really good?

Jasmine-*Snickers* Butt.

Erelah's mind-At best, i'm ok with putting her down for a nap and taking you alone with me to go shopping.

Erelah-No, you mommy has special needs now and after dinner you're going straight to our room to watch some movie and shows in bed while I tend to you mother because she's about to be very busy in the bathroom.

Cody-Is that why you gave me a bath with you before dinner?

Erelah-Yes, now eat.

When we all finished eating I saw to it myself that Cody was put in bed and he had a cup of water, a nice warm blanket, and the T.V. remote before I brought Jasmine to the bathroom. She was groaning and holding her belly and that was no surprise because of the laxatives, so I stripped her and got her on the toilet just in time. I was flushing for her, so it doesn't smell through out the whole house and I was just so upset that Cody wanted her back here in the first place. I went over the rules I wanted to with Cody around, but still... I checked to make sure the door was closed then made jasmine look at me.

Erelah-Jasmine,... listen to me right now. You have more rules and if you don't follow them, this is what happens. Your tummy hurts and you get a punishment by me.

Jasmine-B-But *inhale* I d-don't l-like this.

Erelah-So you just need to listen to me and do as I say... Don't take anything from Cody, don't be too loud to disturb us, and most importantly... Do. Not. Touch. Cody. Unless I let you. Do you understand?

She was starting to cry a little from how much the laxatives were working on her and nodded her head, so I smiled and rubbed her cheek.

Erelah-Good girl. This will be over soon and it's bath time before bed.~

It took about 9 more flushes, but she was finally done letting everything she had out and when I picked her up I could tell she was a little lighter, but not by that much. I just took her in the shower to spray her down before I actually started to wash her and she was enjoying it, not that I cared, but she might listen more like this too, so...

Erelah-Do you know what else you can do to be good and get treats and toys?~

Jasmine-Treats and toys?!

Erelah-That's right. You just have to remind Cody that i'm the boss around here. You can even make a game out of it where you do whatever I say. Want to play and get treats and toys from it?~

Jasmine-Yeah! I like games!

Erelah-Ok, arms up then.~

She did what I said with a smile and it made it easier for me and I did a few other commands during her shower until we got out. When i finished drying her off I got in front of her and put my fake smile back on.

Erelah-Ok, now you just need to be quiet, close your eyes, and get ready to go to sleep. If you do that, you get to wake up early for breakfast.~

She looked excited and closed her eyes in front of me and I carried her naked to her room before I put her in her bed and I don't mind giving her some stuffed animals to make her believe in this game to make her behave better. She's gonna get up at the same time early in the morning regardless, so she'll be more likely to nap when I leave.

(Violet's POV)

I remember the looks on my cattle's faces at breakfast when they were jealous of my baby and I would do it again if it weren't for the fact Jonah was afraid to go down there. Right now we were in the living room and I noticed how my baby hasn't been very active lately and might just want something new to do, but I don't want to throw him in with a couple of Strangers. Soon I remembered that Diana had a "pup" and they seemed nice when they were in a cage together. I do owe him from taking him down to the cattle and teased both him and them.

Violet-Oh sweetie, you wanna go do something fun? I think you'll really enjoy it.~


I saw how his cheeks just went pink for me and as adorable as that it I won't be teasing him... as much as I usually do when we go out.

Violet-Do you remember that time we went to go see those werewolves? How would you let to go see and play with Lucas tomorrow?~

Jonah-... Ok.

Violet-Good. Remember to play nice and be sure not to let any of those werewolves touch you. I don't know where they have been or what rules they come up with. Last thing I need is one of thinking even thinking they can somehow have you.

I was serious about that too and if Diana won't do anything if that happens, nobody will like what I would do. He just nodded to me and I smiled and kissed his head. I suppose I can put up with the stupidity of werewolves tomorrow and see Diana.

Violet's mind-Wonder what she's doing right now anyway?

(Timeskip To Night)

(Diana's POV)

I took a nap on the way here since it was going to be a long journey back to the den and carrying 2 humans without causing trouble will be too much trouble, so i'll take the pup and send some Deltas for the parents. When I finally made it I was in my wolf form and rolled myself in the mud to mask my scent. Human's have bad senses of smell, but not if they have dogs then when I saw the house thing there was lights on, so i'll wait until they're off before I sneak in.

(Julian's POV)

Blair was getting me ready for bed with her after Kalma was getting in a bad mood again because she wanted to sleep with me, but Blair said something like "Not until you're out of heat" which is a problem since I think she's part fire. I was in a bath with Blair and she was using her wings to cover me up, so Kalma doesn't try to take me.

Julian-Kalma does look really mad... Maybe I should just do what she wants before she breaks something or worse.

Blair-She might very well do something worse than Sarita if you sleep with her tonight. You're sleeping with me, Kalma can get over it, and that's final.

Julian's mind-Worse than Sarita?... I don't think she can do anything worse than her.

We got to her room and she turned off the light while holding me to take me to her bed and laid down with me. I heard Kalma getting mad again before it sound like she finally stopped and started to go to sleep because it got quiet now.


Blair-You're not going to her. Now, come here.~

She pulled me closer to her and gave me some kisses before she closed her eyes to go to sleep while rubbing my back, so I went to sleep, but I really think Kalma will try something.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Diana's POV)

All the lights were out now for a while, so now was a good time to get in and I tried the entrances first, but it was really easy since the front door was unlocked. When I got in I smelled all kinds of weird stuff and I didn't like any of it, so on second thought, i'll just take the pup and leave the parents. I went into my human form and followed the scent of the cub and opened a door to see fancy stuff before I saw the mother and the pup in the sleeping pile together.


Diana's mind-She's lucky that I don't hurt her for making her pup stay in a place that smells like burning meat mating over and over again.

I snuck up to the sleeping pile and saw the mother was turned away from her pup in her sleep which made him easy to take, but I got an extra cover for him to be in, so he can stay warm on the trip back to the den and he will have a better parent looking out for him. When I took him away from his mother by carefully scooping under him from the top and kept him completely covered. When we got out of this house thing I felt him stir in my arms, so I propped him on my chest for a heartbeat, but he just can't see me since he's covered.

???-*Groan* K-Kalma?

I just stayed silent and got moving since it was going to be a long trip and by now my pup should be asleep already and when I get there in the morning i'll be there for breakfast. I can stay up for 3 days straight, so i'll be fine and Tracey better not think because i'm not there she can sleep in her Alpha's sleeping pile without my permission.

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Kalma's POV)


I jumped awake from the sudden screaming and I was super pissed off now when I saw it was Blair and Sarita at my door looking into my room. I just got out of bed naked since I tore up my clothes last night.


Sarita-Do you have Julian?!


Blair-I checked with Sarita first then you and he's nowhere in the house!


I just went ahead to check outside, but then I noticed some footprints coming to and away from the house and they were visible enough for these 2 to see as well.

Sarita-Somebody actually took him?



I just sniffed the ground to try and find a scent and it was faint, so they can be very far, but they won't be getting away from me! I turned into my alpha form before I started to run off as fast as I could to follow this scent.

Kalma's mind-When I find you, i'll bite your dick or pussy off and leave you to bleed to death!

(No POV)

For the past hour on the final ways to the den Julian was panicking that it wasn't Kalma who had him and noticed Diana's tail and wolf ears. He tried to tell her she was in danger and had to take him back right now, but she didn't listen or care. On the final ways home as Julian was fighting to go back to keep others from getting hurt Diana was reminded of how her pup used to act...

Diana's mind-I wonder if you and pup would be great friends?


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