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(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to my nose being tickled and making me sneeze and I saw it was that creepy doll and lady in the black robe that had my mommy. The doll just started to laugh at me while the woman was quiet and I wanted to scream, but there was something in my mouth and taped on. She didn't say anything which made this even more scary somehow, but I saw I was still in Sheva's room and tied to her bed.

Angie-Morning little toy. It's been soooo long since we last played and we barely even got to do that. I say it would be great to make up for lost time.~

(Y/N)-*Muffled screaming*!

Angie-*Giggles* We'll start by playing house before we leave to go back home. Now, how about some breakfast?~

Donna just got up and left to go get us something and the second this tape comes off I can scream for help. Just then she pulled a knife from the table and let me see it before she put it to her wooden lips.

Angie-Shhhhhh *giggles*.~

She put it back down on the table and I think if I scream,... she'll use it.

(Sheva's POV)

I woke up on a roof naked under a small shack and I saw my clothes next to me and a woman sitting on a lawn chair looking into the neighborhood, so I grabbed my clothes to get my knife first.


I tried to sneak up behind her since she was the one that had to broke into my home last night.

???-I know you're up. I have a camera set up back there, see.

She showed me her phone while not even looking at me and it showed behind me, so I covered myself with one arm while still holding up my knife.

???-Relax, I wasn't the one that broke in and besides, we're both women and when I opened the chest I found you in last night, I saw "everything". The one that jumped and stripped you is just 2 blocks away from here.

Sheva-... Who are you?

???-*Chuckles* You covering your ass to the camera makes it really hard to be scared of you. How about you get dressed before we talk?

I just grunted, but just went to get dressed before someone sees then I can deal with her and for her sake, she better not be lying to me or involved in last night in anyway or I will drive my knife in her neck.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

After breakfast Angie has been yelling at Donna for a while about losing her other new toy. I heard Donna kinda crying and mumbling before Angie pointed her out of the room to go into "time-out" and she left and I had no idea what to think or say. Angie just came up to me mad that now nobody can be the "babysitter" now and that was supposed to be Sheva, but now she was just I think walking before she sat down.

Angie-Now that I have no babysitter, I'll just have to make sure you don't move so much as an inch while I get things ready to go. When we get back, you'll learn how to love to play nice with me.~

She tied the rope on my hands and feet a little tighter before she poked my nose before she got up and left. I couldn't see them anymore, but if Sheva got away, I think she's just going for help and will be back. I just need to wait for to come and get me.

(Ada's POV)

We both exchanged what we know, like I explained how I got here and what the reason was for and she told me a few things that were almost nothing or why I was asking the question, so in the end she was lucky I gave her my name. She barely gave me anything I wanted, so I barely gave her anything of value, but when I take this kid, i'm gonna have my answers. People can call me a double crosser, because most of the time I am.

Sheva-This is a highly valued target, so I just reported it to my employers. We take them down and secure (Y/N).

Ada-Yes madam, we're just dealing with some crazy supernatural lunatic and a puppet, I dealt with worse.

Sheva-What agency do you for?

Ada-Good question, i'll get back to you on that when you give me real answers.

We started to go down the stairs and to the streets to head over to her house fully geared up and in her case dressed. It was clear she doesn't trust me and since she didn't give me the answers I wanted she has a good reason since i'm gonna take the kid if I don't get the answers right then and there. The streets were a little busy now, so it will be hard to see us coming especially since they never saw me.

Sheva-I'll go in through the front and draw them out then you take them by surprise.

Ada-Love not being a decoy. Be careful they don't strip you again.

Sheva-Shut up.

She went up ahead and I got to the side of the house and a dart gun ready for the woman that will come out.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still tied to this bed and I think Donna was still in "time-out" while Angie was playing with and petting me. Soon there was a knock at the door and that made Donna get up to only go look at the window before she looked over to Angie and motioned for her to come, so she did. I saw her go to Donna and look out the window before she giggled and ran back to me all happy.

Angie-*Giggles* Your babysitter is back!~ *giggles*

She just hugged and snuggled me and I could feel the dirt coming off her clothes a little and on to me. I heard the door open, but soon Angie looked surprised for some reason.

Angie-No... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!!

I was confused until she tried to run, but fell to the ground and stopped moving. She just looked like the toy she was on the ground then soon i saw Sheva come in with someone else I never saw before.


Sheva-Oh, thank god you're alright!

She ran to me and untied me and took the gag out then picked me up while I saw the other girl pick up Angie and she was just dangling a little.

Ada-Guess our perverted friend loves playing ventriloquist.

She tossed Angie to the ground and I guess she was just a doll being controlled by Donna, but how? She wasn't even touching her most of the time. Sheva took me to the living room and I saw Donna's feet coming out from behind a counter and I was scared of what they might've done.

???-Relax kid, we just knocked her out. Your mother figure wanted her to be questioned at her work place, but since we have time to talk here-.

Sheva-Ada, he's been through a lot. Not. Now.

Ada didn't look to happy about that, but just sat down on a chair with her legs crossed and leaned back. Sheva sat on her couch with me before she started to check me even by taking off my shirt now.

Sheva-Do you feel any pain, sick, anything that feels like a needle poked you?


Ada-If he got injected by anything they had no reason to wait until now and whatever would've happened, would've happened already.

Sheva-Help is coming and we'll get you checked to be sure and i'll be doing it with you this time.

(Y/N)-Did they give you a shot?

Ada-What they did is adult stuff little boy.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

(Sheva's POV)

I was in the middle of a full check up and I wanted a full examine, so that meant I had to be away from (Y/N) for a bit. I woke up naked after Ada said these woman and doll were the ones that did it to me, so they could've done anything and I won't take chances. (Y/N) didn't want to be apart from me, but it's only for a bit and he had a tent all to himself while that woman was locked in the back of a BSAA helicopter to be transported to a secure facility while she was still out cold. After I dropped my pants for the doctor to give me the exam I wanted I stayed in this tent for another 15 minutes before she came back.


Doctor-You're all clear. No virus, no nothing.

Sheva-That's a relief.

Doctor-That boy you were taking care of just got cleared too. You 2 got really lucky.

Sheva-Well,... it could've gone a whole lot worse. I'll just take the boy back to my home now.

Doctor-Don't let me stop you.

I just left the tent and walked through the crowd a bit before I made it back to the tent (Y/N) was left in,... but he wasn't there. My heart suddenly stopped while I did a quick search in the tent and went outside to ask others if they have seen a little boy and I even showed a picture only to here.

Soldier#1-Ah yes, agent Marcela said there has been a reassign due to the previous caretaker being contaminated.

Sheva-I'm the caretaker and I just got cleared! Who's agent Marcela?!

Soldier#1-She said you knew each other.

Sheva's mind-... Ada.

I felt the rage course through my body and wanted to hit something, but instead I got up in the soldier's face.


I flashed my badge to him and all he did was salute before he ran off to go tell his commanding officer. When I get my hands on her for taking who was "clearly mine" I will break both of her arms!

(Ada's POV)

I was in a jeep and it was easy to give this kid a sedative by surprise and lie to a gullible guard I saw eyeballing me a lot since he got there, so there might've been a fetish behind it. One fake name, a quick lie, and giving him an "accidental" peak at my goodies and he let me slip right by. Most men and women I come by are either gullible, stupid, too focused on their job to care about me, or all 3. The kid did look kinda cute and peaceful sleeping as I was taking him somewhere that we can talk then i'll decide to keep him or give him back, but since a whole organization is after him, i'm expecting he might be too valuable to let go.

Ada's mind-Let's find out what's so special about you little boy... Maybe some ice cream and a place that doesn't scream horror movie and serial killer will butter you up into talking.


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