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((Y/N)'s POV)

This dinosaur girl who could talk would call me stuff like cute and rub and poke my body while holding me down. She even licked me a few times before she finally picked me up and held me in front of her while smiling. I was so scared and confused about how she could talk, the others couldn't talk, and everyone on the island knew they couldn't talk, so why could she?!

???-You're going to be my little one. Understand?~

(Y/N)-... Wh-What's your name?

???-Name?... Oh right, those things that those annoying people use for each other... Don't have one... but I'll think of one for me and you.

(Y/N)-M-M-My name is (Y-Y/N).

???-Hmmmm... I don't like it so that just will not be your name anymore. I'll think of something cuter for you. Let's go.

She just took me out of the room with her and everything was a mess up here and I even saw dead bodies. I was breathing faster, crying, and didn't know what to do because I was so scared and knew that she killed them.

???-Don't like it, then don't look. Here.

She turned me into her boobs and held me in there and it was dark now, but I could hear everything then we bumped into something, and it was a button table when I looked, and she was looking at a big red button.

???-Why do they say to not press a red button?...

She just pressed it and a big alarm went off on the table and it said something that I couldn't read from here, but she didn't really care and turned me back into her.

(No POV)

While the men were still trying to load up humanoids and regular dinosaurs in cells all the doors suddenly opened since the system to the doors was reset for when some of the doors were unresponsive. With over 2 dozen humanoids and dinosaurs free the carnivores attacked or tried to run out with the herbivores and some of them attacked those trying to unload the trucks which led to more getting from and running off into the forest. There were a select few humanoids that were wreaking havoc near the giant house or in the lab looking for their baby.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This Dino-girl with no name was carrying through the lab, but I don't think she knew the way out since she keeps on turning at dead ends. Soon she did find the way out, but when we got there, we saw the girls and they looked very mad while this girl was calm.


Blue-*Growl* *hiss*.

???-Hmmm... *crackle* *crackle* *crackle*.

Just then the girls looked a little confused and this girl walked up to them and made the weird noise again before she held me out a little. Blue was about to slowly grab me, but this girl didn't let her take me, when she petted me, she let me do it while she made the noise again. The girls joined in, and the new girl smiled at this.

((D/N)'s POV)

We made it to the room where this guy said my son would be after he said we had to slowly take detours to avoid the "test subjects", but my son wasn't here, so I pulled the gun on him again.

(D/N)-He's not fucking here!

Guard-This is where he was supposed to be. You saw how everything was before we got here, he might've run off.

(D/N)-Then check the cameras! I know you can do that!

Guard-All the monitors were smashed upstairs in the lab!

(M/N)-Can you check on your tablet or phone?!

Guard-I would need clearance and the one that did, you shot!

(D/N)-... I know there are more monitors! What about the ones upstairs in the house?! I know there has to be some upstairs!

Guard-I can't do that, I'll get fired and you don't know what else they'll-!

(D/N)-Not my problem, now get moving!

We left this room and if my son did run off, he might be hiding, but if he got taken, he should still have that stuff on him. If for some reason my son got hurt and it's all their fault, I'm not thinking twice about gunning this prick down. We soon made it to the elevator, but the controls were smashed and glitching, but they still worked... They just shocked him. There were some scratch marks and when the doors opened, we saw a few things knocked over and broken.

(M/N)-Where are the computers to the cameras?

Guard-... Upstairs, in an office.

???-*Chuckling and giggling girls in the distance*.

When we heard that we knew they were up here, so we quickly hid behind a pillar of a statue. I don't know how many shots I have, but I don't want others to come if there's more than I think.

Guard-Those sound like the humanoid raptors, I think. I never heard them laugh or anything like that. They were yelling and screaming in anger since they got here and woke up. *whisper*

Sounds like something put those girls in a good mood all of a sudden and I have a pretty damn good guess why.

(D/N)'s mind-(Y/N)... They have my son!

I snuck up to behind the wall at the end of the room and peeked into the hallway a little and I saw my son being held by a humanoid. There were 5 of them, but 1 looked a little different from the others.


I can't shoot because I might hit (Y/N), so I need to get him away from them somehow. He'll be fine and I'll explain everything to my wife about what I saw and what I plan to do. As for that man, he's going to help us keep track of them. I know they treat these Dinos like zoo animals and as rich as they are, I don't think they'll risk losing track of their test subjects if they somehow run off.

(D/N)'s mind-Hang on (Y/N). The first chance we get or even make, we'll get you back.

((Y/N)'s POV)

It's like they listen to her now when they never listen to me, and the new girl was looking at things and then just breaking them when she didn't care about it. We were heading outside, and Delta wanted to hold me, but the new girl still didn't let her.

???-Open the door. You all can hold and play with him when I say so.

They listened to her and walked off into the forest of the house. I know that town isn't far from here and there will be police and everything to help.

???-... Find us a better place to stay. Nice, not too big, and a spot to keep my baby safe. I don't care where you go, but we'll wait here. Now, go!

(No POV)

Without a moment to lose Blue and her sisters obeyed the order of their new alpha and ran off to the top of a hill and saw a town with a big neighborhood off in the distance with sirens going off from police cars already from the last visitors. They didn't care since they needed to find a place to stay even if that meant someone was going to be kicked out of their home, but when they got in the neighborhood they got a faint scent of (Y/N) like he's been here, so they started to follow it not knowing it was leading to his house.


It was hard, but in the tunnel, 2 huge beings were crawling out from the lab under the mansion and both stood up outside with only one goal in mind so far... To find (Y/N) and take him for themselves.




Back at the island soldiers were still capturing dinosaurs and humanoids there was an attack from a mama T-rex after some men took her baby for an easy capture and a stampede of scared dinosaurs and humanoids were running from her into the camp site near the main power grid. During the attack and man was flung into a power box making it short circuit and electrocute him to death, but not only that... the gate to the water exhibit opened and someone noticed this and left her cage smiling since she last smelled her baby's scent leaving the island and going into a certain direction and she knew which way.


(Eli's POV)

I was informed that all my test subjects have escaped and are on the loose and if any of this gets back to me, I'm ruined. I thought of something and started to create a team last minute to help deal with this mess by making me look good and get all my test subjects back. I even gave them a list of the 7 test subjects I want back and take top priority.

Eli's mind-Do I have to lock that kid in a room with them to make these stupid hybrids know to stay fucking put?!


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