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(Sheva's POV)

Yesterday was nice to have some company over and I was out right now alone to do some shopping to get things for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Last I left, he was asleep and I left him a short note if he wakes up, I just hope that he can read. On my back I passed through a few checkpoints and I flashed my badge at a new guard, so he would let me through to get home. On my few turns home I accidently bumped into someone and I didn't drop anything thankfully and this woman looked very religious.


Sheva-Oh, sorry.


This was kinda awkward and I don't know if she was a mute or just very shy or whatever, but I just let it go and continued my walk home.

(No POV)

As Sheva was walking away Donna and Angie continued their search unknowingly that who they ran into was the one that had the to that they were looking for, but just before Sheva could turn at the corner Angie pointed something out... A Badge sticking out of her back pocket and it looked kinda familiar at a distance, so they decided to follow her back home to see if they could even find a clue or know she was a dead end to them.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to the sound of a door slamming shut out of this room and I hope nobody was mad, but when I slowly got out of bed and rubbed my eyes before I made it to the living room and saw Sheva putting bags of food down.


Sheva-Morning sleepy head. Hope you're hungry.

(Y/N)-You went shopping?

Sheva-You gotta eat something. I was just going to make some pancakes for us.

(Y/N)-Did you hear anything from Chris?

Sheva-No, nothing yet.

I just went to the couch to wait for breakfast to be done and I tried to turn on the T.V., but there was no show on and only a blu-ray player. I needed a movie, but the ones I saw only looked like adult movies, so I just turned off the T.V.



I turned to the window and when I did I saw nobody there and when I was going to go get a closer look I started to smell the food and my stomach growled. It did hurt a little this time since I didn't eat much yesterday, so I just went to the dinning room to peak in the kitchen and saw Sheva pouring the pancake batter on the stove. There was nothing to do since i'm not good at reading and I fell asleep during story time yesterday. Soon there was a knock at the door and I was going to go answer it, but Sheva stopped me.

Sheva-Let me answer the door.

She went to the door and opened it, but I saw that nobody was there, but there was a box and she kicked it a little with her foot before she pulled out a knife from the thing on her leg and slowly cut it open. It took her 3 minutes of carefully opening it before she peaked inside before she opened it all the way.

Sheva-*Sigh* It's just some junk.

(Y/N)-Um, what is it?

Sheva-Broken and old doll. I'll see if anything from accounts got charged. Just leave this alone, you don't know where it's been.

She brought the box inside and put it on a high shelf before she went to go take care of the pancakes. I wanted to see what was in the box too, but I don't wanna Sheva even more. I already came here and had her forced to take care of me, so i'll just sit and be good until they find and save my mommy and daddy.

(No POV)

When breakfast was finished Sheva only had one chair since she was used to living alone and when (Y/N) thought he was just going to eat on the floor she just put him on her lap. Before he could grab his fork Sheva grabbed it and cut up his pancakes with a knife and fork before she held a bit to him. He let her feed him and was enjoying it, but someone else in the house was watching too... and they didn't like it.

(Sheva's POV)

When we were both done and full I washed the dishes and joined him on the couch and realized that I forgot to bring out the movies I got for him that are still in the bag and I only 2. "The Secret Life Of Pets" and "Big Hero Six" I just hope he likes them, so I put one of them on for us and cuddled with him.

Sheva-Hey, you still feel a little tensed up. Nobody is going to get you here.

(Y/N)-It's just... I'm still kinda nervous here and what's happening back home.

Sheva-Hey, I know a thing or two about what you're feeling... Bad things happened to me too when I was little, almost like what happened to you.

(Y/N)-... Really?

Sheva-Yeah, but even if you're really scared right now, this all will only make you stronger.

(Y/N)-... As strong as Jill and you?

Sheva-*Giggles* Yes, but what you need right now is others to help you get better first.


It took a bit of stroking his back, but he finally relaxed to watch the movie and I wasn't watching the movie, but him just snuggling up to me. It was adorable that he wants to be like me when he grows up. For hours today I spent cuddling and caring for him by remembering what else my parents did and what other parents to to help their kids. After both of the movies I read him a story, got him in a nice bath then another by me when I found out her was barely using any soap, played some games, gave him shoulder rides, I just felt so happy and complete with someone to care for. After a long and nice day the sun was coming down and just as I was getting us both ready for bed after a nice dinner I got a message from work. They want an update on how he is doing both physically, mentally, and emotional and worth a whole report on what i'm doing.

Sheva-Sweetie, go wait for me in my bed. I'll be there in a moment.

(Y/N)-Ok,... can you we watch a movie in your room.

Sheva-Sure. Now go.

He went to my room as I gave a detailed report of what I did in some cases minor details and in a detailed 750 word report for today that I did in 15 minutes since most of it was just me telling that no hostiles came for him, his health is just fine, and other things we did that made him happy. I was about to head to my room, but then...



I turned to see nothing and I think it was just the wind, but then I saw the box from earlier was on the floor, sideways,... and empty. There was no way (Y/N) could've snuck past me to just grab some box on the top shelf he couldn't reach. After all the shit i've seen I just reached on the table for my gun and knife and had my guard up. It could be anything, so I should expect just as much.

Sheva-(Y/N), stay in my room and lock the-!


((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard Sheva suddenly stop talking after she wanted me to lock, what I guess is her door, but what if she was really hurt! She did say bad things make you stronger, so right now I need to be strong, but I was so scared... I slowly got out of the room and when I did I saw the front door suddenly open with nobody there and Sheva was on the ground with her gun and knife, so I ran to her.


(Y/N)-Sheva!... Sheva, get up! Come on, get-!

Just then the lights in here went on and off until they stayed off and because the curtains were closed the only light in the room was coming from the open and I saw a shadow. I turned to the front doo and when I did I saw "them" and I felt my heart sink.


Angie-Long time no see, my little toy.~

They closed the door behind them and there was little to no light in here and I was so scared that I started to cry. I heard tiny footsteps and giggling until all the lights came back on then I saw Donna was right in front of me, but Angie was missing then I felt something in the back of my head.


(Donna's POV)

Angie was so happy to finally have her favorite toy back and it eased my heart to see her in a good mood again. I helped her bring her little boy toy to bed and tie him too it, so he'll be forced to behave when he waked up. As for this woman, she can be another toy for Angie when we "fix her" when we get back home. While Angie was cuddling her toy in the room I dealt with this woman by tying her up, gagging her, and I found a big chest full of blankets. First, I think it will be easier later on for fixing her if we get rid of her clothes while she's not fighting, so we can put her on the table and work right away and after a few minutes I was done.

I just tossed her clothes in a bag to take later then took out the blankets, cut some holes, and put her inside to see she fit perfectly all curled up a little before I closed it. There was no lock, so I just put heavy stuff on it.

Donna's mind-That takes care of her, for now.

I went back to the room and when I did Angie was cuddling her toy and I joined in with her.

Angie-*Giggles* I can't wait to have my favorite toy back home! I want to get them a stroller, a bottle, and a bib to play house with them!~

I tried to hold her toy closer to me, but she slapped my hand, so I loosened my grip only for her to tighten hers.

Angie-Answer me,... we you preparing that other toy in there for me?

Donna-... Y-Y-Yes,... I have her ready for the table when we get home. We just need a lock for a chest. *whisper*.

Angie-Well, I don't want her. In the morning just throw the chest in a river or something. I don't let others playing with my toys.

I just nodded this time and turned off the lights to get some sleep and rest before I tie the chest shut to throw it in a river in the morning.

(???'s POV)

I was scooping out the place all day and intercepted the email Sheva sent back to her bosses for a copy just before something happened. I got a peak in the house threw a window before I saw a woman with her doll cuddling a kid, but there was no sign of Sheva.

???'s mind-I'll do some peaking around later tonight then see what's so special about this kid in the morning.

I snuck into the house and the locks were so easy to pick here, but I can't do too much because I have to leave no trace. I soon spotted a big chest in the middle of the room with stuff on it, so I remembered what was on it and how it was before I started to take them off and one of them was a mirror, so I looked at myself a little.


Ada's mind-Let's just hop what's inside this chest isn't disappointing.


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