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(Mulan's POV)

(Y/N) is just the sweetest little thing all day during breakfast and helped out a little at chores, but I was still crushed by the loss of my father. It did help however to have someone like a little brother and what was cute is when I was trying to move the hay to a now empty stable he somehow ended up under a pile of hay with his little head sticking out.

Mulan's mind-How cut can a boy be?

His big sister was also helping a bit and made sure to watch her little brother then after a while we got done with the chores around the house before lunch. It was time to relax, but we really couldn't with everything going on then suddenly (Y/N) came to my side.


Mulan-Hello, little helper.

I just pet his head and he kinda liked it before he got up to just explore around the house that we just cleaned, but I had something else in mind.

Mulan-Hey (Y/N), can you come here for a minute?

He did what I said and I just picked him up and it was kinda easy and I just put him on my shoulders to give him a ride then I felt his tiny arms wrap around my head.

Mulan's mind-So cute.~

(Aqua's POV)

I had nothing so far on a plan of what to do when we leave here without getting into some kind of trouble, but I don't plan to stay too long. When I walked outside with some water I saw Mulan giving (Y/N) a shoulder ride until she leaned over to flip him and catch him in her arms while he was laughing.

I felt the need to walk over there kinda fast and I was also thinking of something to take him without seeming rude.

Aqua-Excuse me, but I think (Y/N) could use a bath after all the work he did.

Mulan-Oh,... here, go with your big sister.

She slowly gave him to me and I oddly felt much better when I was holding him again then took him with me to the bath area. Things around here were different to get hot water, so I had to heat up the water for him myself when we got to the bathroom and I also saw a slab I had to open to get the water in the tub and lit the coal under the bath a little to a low flame.

(Y/N)-So uh,... do I have to go in with the fire going?

Aqua-We're going to wait for it to heat up a little more before we go in. Better if we get it down in one go. We're brother and sister after all.

(Y/N)-Um,... you do know that is just pretend,... right?

Aqua-Oh, um, right. I guess I just got caught up in it a bit, but it would be better if we got this done quicker.

(Y/N)-... Maybe we can both be fast at different times.


I just bent down to him and started to get him ready for his bath and I did feel uncertain about this at first, but then I remembered that children could always use some help and attention, so i'm just doing both. This is all completely fine since I don't have any perverted desires. We stay for much longer like this anyway before one of us slips up on our story and they start getting suspicious.

(Mulan's POV)

I was comforting my mother right now in the living room then later I saw Aqua and (Y/N) come out here and their hair was kinda wet. They saw how my mother was right now then (Y/N) came up to try and help her while Aqua just came over to get her brother back.

Aqua-This might be a bad time, but we were thinking of leaving tomorrow morning.

Just then I felt my break again almost like I went back to how I felt before when my father left. I looked at (Y/N) now being held back by his older sister and I just had this feeling that,... I needed him to stay. I lost my father and felt like I gained a little brother, I can't lose him too and when they left us I started to think of anything I could do. Soon I thought of something and got up to let my mother grief while I actually do something.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Aqua just left me in our room while she was getting ready to go out and get some stuff to pack before we leave, like food, water, extra clothes, and medicine stuff. I just had to stay in here and when she left,... I was so bored. There was nothing to do in this empty room other than sleep, but just then the door opened and I saw Mulan walk in and closed the door behind her.

Mulan-Where's your sister?

(Y/N)-Aqua went out for a little bit to get stuff.

Mulan only walked up to me before she sat down and pulled me on her lap then started to pet my head.

Mulan-Where are 2 off to in such a hurry?~

(Y/N)-Um,... I don't know. She said she was thinking about it.

Mulan-Well,... would it be so bad if you stayed here?~

(Y/N)-Um, we actually can't stay. I'm looking for... a few things before I can go home.

Just then I felt Mulan hold me a little tighter and her smile went away for a second before it came back.

Mulan-Would you like it if I helped you find what you're looking for here?

(Y/N)-I don't know if what i'm looking for is here.

Mulan-Well you don't know until you look. You and your big sister can stay here until then.

(Y/N)-I don't know if Aqua wo-.

Mulan-Then it's settled, you're staying here and maybe Aqua can go and look for it herself while her little brother is safe here.~

I was going to talk again, but she covered my mouth before she started to rock back and forth with me while she was shushing and petting me, like she was trying to get me to calm down, sleep, or something.

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

(Aqua's POV)

I was done with getting everything for leaving tomorrow morning and just as the sun was starting to go down I made it back to the house. When I did I went straight to the guest room to see (Y/N), but when I got there, there was nobody and I started to worry. I just put the stuff down to go look for him around the house for him then I heard giggling coming from the living room then when I got out there I saw Mulan and her mom playing with (Y/N).

Mulan-Oh, hey Aqua. Mother, can you stay with (Y/N) for a moment, I want to talk with her alone.

Aqua-Talk to me about what?

Mulan-May we talk in my room?

She got up and walked past me and I slowly turned to follow her as (Y/N) stayed with her mother and when we made it to her room we sat down then she took a few deep breaths like she was preparing for something.

Aqua-So what did you want to talk about?

Mulan-I had... a talk with your little brother and he told me something?


Mulan-You 2 were looking for something and you just don't know where they are, so I have an offer... You can look for what you need and you can leave your brother here until you're done.

When she said that I felt a bit of rage and I happen to be a master keyblade wielder, so I am more than capable to take care of a child... I was not leaving him here.

Aqua-... Excuse me, but... I think I can care for my baby brother just fine.

Mulan-But it would be more responsible to leave him somewhere safe and cared for rather than bring him out into the cold and dangerous places.

Aqua-I am simply not leaving him here.

Mulan-... And you're supposed to be his big sister? How can you even think of putting him in danger.

Aqua-He stays with me AND HE STAYS SAFE!!!

I had no idea why my anger erupted so suddenly when I was trying to stay in control, but the thought of this clueless girl wanting my... my brother to stay with her is just burning me up inside. She was getting mad too, but I don't care at all.

Mulan-Leave him here where it's safe!

Aqua-He's not staying here!

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Aqua was holding me tight on her lap during the whole dinner tonight and I don't think she likes Mulan anymore and the same goes the other way around. Earlier I tried to play with both of them to see if they would feel better, but it just turned into a tug of war with me. When we went off to bed Aqua just laid me down in bed while she grabbed the bag and sat next to me.

(Y/N)-I thought we weren't leaving until morning?

Aqua-We're leaving when the others are asleep. We can sleep in the next world.


Aqua-Don't you want to find these other stones to get back home? Then we have to leave before things get complicated.

(Y/N)-... I'm just tired... Can I at least nap a little before we go?

Aqua-... Ok, come here.

She took off the bag and laid next to me to cuddle with me and she looked happy now before she closed her eyes. It made me feel a little better and maybe I can help Mulan feel a little more better before we leave, so I just closed my eyes to sleep too.


(Mulan's POV)

I was just so furious, but luckily my ancestors left behind some handy knowledge to help us through tough times and some of which were acupuncturists, but they also had something to help put their difficult patients to sleep... and I had everything ready now.

Mulan's mind-If you want to leave so bad, then fine!... You're not taking "my" baby brother with you though!

I waited a little longer to make sure everyone was asleep before I snuck to the guest room only to be angered at the sight of that irresponsible welch touching my brother in her sleep.

I snuck up to them and carefully opened Aqua's mouth and used a technique to make her swallow bits of this medicine at a time then did the same to my baby brother in his sleep. I just waited a while longer before and they were a tad responsive, so I clapped to be a little louder and it was the same response. It should almost be in full effect sooner and during the waited I pulled my new baby brother away from her and carried him to my room. I gave him a few kisses and with no response it just shows the medicine worked and when I put him in my bed to cuddle when I get back I went back to the guest room to deal with the problem. I walked up to Aqua and shook her more and more until I wasn't holding back and with no reaction I felt so happy and in the heat of the moment I raised my hand above her face then...















(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I got my anger on her and her face was nice and pink and I only wish she could feel the pain now, but you can't have everything. I snuck into town dragging her with me thinking of something until I saw a cart with a mule tied to it and smiled. I snuck up to the cart and loaded her on before I went to the mule and gave it's behind a good smack like I gave her and in a panic it made it's way out of town taking Aqua with them.

Mulan's mind-Bye bye,~... you worthless whore.


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