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(Cody's POV)

My mommy was on her way here and I was so happy to get to see her again very soon and Erelah said she was gonna make breakfast for her too. She also said there was going to be a family meeting after breakfast. I couldn't stop jumping while I was looking out the window to see if cars will come and my mommy would be in it. I was supposed to be watching cartoons and relaxing, but I can't then soon I saw a van come up to the house and I just felt more happy than I ever did ever!

Cody-Erelah, she's here! MY MOMMY'S HERE!!!

Erelah-Honey, please sit down while I go out and talk to them. I'll bring your... m-mom-my inside in a bit. Be good.

She went outside and I just went to the couch like she said and I was jump-sitting for a while until I saw the door open and I saw my mommy being pushed in by Erelah with her wings away now.



Mommy-*Laughing* Look at him. He's so... tiny.

I ran up to her and jumped on her lap while Erelah kept on pushing until we were in front of the T.V. then she got in front of us.

Erelah-Family meeting after breakfast you 2. Brittney, be good and watch the cartoons with Cody. No touching the remote, that would be very mean and bad.

Mommy-Ok, angel lady.

Erelah just went back to the kitchen to make breakfast and i just held my mommy closer and tighter and she hugged me back.

Cody-I missed you. *whisper*

(No POV)

Erelah was watching from the kitchen and stirring the eggs in the bowl a little faster in anger until her grip was so tight that it bent the metal spoon she was stirring with.

(Jonah's POV)

I tried last night to get Violet to let that guy go and not hurt him, but all I got was a time out and an early bedtime. Right now breakfast was being made for me while Violet was just playing with my hair since she was still full from last night after drinking that guy's blood just to scare him. I was on her lap trying to stay as quiet as possible, but then she started to rub my belly.

Violet-Sweetie, do yo know why you went in timeout last night?

Jonah-Um,... because I wanted you to let that go.

Violet-After he tried to do what?

Jonah-He didn't touch me, I swear.

Violet-I don't care if he touched you, the point is that he was "going" to. Did he get really close to start threatening you? Don't lie to me.

Jonah-I mean,... y-yes.

Violet-So where does he belong for trying to do that?

Jonah-... The c-cattle.

Violet-That's right... and you know what, I never got to do all my teasing last night, so how about we go have it right in front of him and the other cattle too.~

Jonah-Um, I-.

Violet-Maids, I want a nice table set up in front of my new cattle's cell and bring me a blanket for my baby when we go down there!

Jonah-*Gulp*... M-Maybe we-.

She put her fingers on my lips to make me stop talking before she got up from the table and a maid came by with a foldable table and chair, so Violet followed her downstairs to the cattle.


Maid-Breakfast will be ready in a moment and another maid should be here with your blanket.


With that she set the table in front of the cell and Violet sat down while I just turned into her to not look at everything in here. This was going to be a long breakfast and it will be more hamulating than scary.

(Lucas's POV)

Diana just gave me some bacon, sausage, eggs, and potatoes in a bowl for breakfast while I was sitting on her lap in front of everyone and my mommy was having the same thing, just that she was sitting next to us. It tasted good and this breakfast wasn't that bad, but then my mommy tried to pet my head then Diana growled a little, but didn't stop her. I just saw her put her tail in the middle of us instead and around me.

Diana-Tracey, I have a run for you to do later in the human town after breakfast.

I wanted to stay with my mommy after she just came back, but she does what Diana says then I thought maybe I can go with her.

(Y/N)-Um... Can I go too?

Diana-What?! No!


Diana-I said no! I have been there myself to find you before and it was a mess and everyone out of our pack will be looking at you!

(Y/N)-But... what if you come too?... You might see something you like or-.

Tracey-Hey, we can see if we can get a cute little costume for you. It's almost Halloween.~


Tracey-Oh yeah, they are just things you wear to look like something else.

Diana-I like my pup the way he is.

Tracey-... Not even if we gave him cute little wolf ears and a tie on fluffy tail?~


(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

We were riding on the back of Diana and I didn't want a costume like that, but they both wanted me to wear one. I just wanted to spend time with my mommy and I got it, but not really what I had in mind.

(Julian's POV)

Kalma was calming down again since she was getting tired because I think she stayed up while I was sleeping last night after what happened. She was still in her big dog form and was curled up with me in the middle then I heard the front door open down the hall and soon Blair walked by until she quickly came back to look at me.




Julian-Don't, she gets really mad really easy right now for some reason. I don't know why. *whisper*

Blair-*Sigh* Hellhounds. *whisper*

Blair came up to us and slowly took me from Kalma while she was still sleeping and she was a very heavy sleeper right now then we left the room and she closed the door. She carried me down the hall and to the kitchen then she put me on a chair by the counter.

Blair-I have a feeling you didn't have breakfast yet.


Blair-Alright, let's so what we-.

She opened all the cupboards to find some find, but it was mostly all gone and there was claw marks too, so I think we both know who ate all the food.

Blair-Kalma... *Sigh* Sarita is out looking for her own food and said something about you owing her 5 hours, so it looks like we're going out into town to eat then shop. You get to be my little helper today.~

Julian-What about Kalma?

Blair-She can get over herself or find someone to vent it out on. We can get some ham and cheese croissants with some donuts. I know someone loves the long maple bars.~


Blair just picked me up before she took me outside and started to fly with me in her arms as we were going to the city and I was worried about how mad Kalma would get and I also knew what Sarita meant by 5 hours. Maybe I can stay with Blair for a while, so it won't be as bad when we get back home.

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

I was in a shopping cart having my donut while Blair was pushing me while also using her finger to poke and play with my belly, chest, nose, ears, hair, and cheeks. She was getting stuff like pop tarts, eggs, pancake mix, bacon, bread, hot pockets, and all kinds of food, so much that she needed a second cart. Soon I was starting to get bored in this cart to be pushed around and Blair said I need to stay in here where she can see me and when we got to the outside of the food isles we got close to the clothes and they had costumes out. I would like to go treat or treating this year, but...

Julian's mind-How would the others react if I was around so many people?... Maybe a big bowl of candy would be fine. I don't want others to get hurt.

Just then Blair went into the clothes with me and I was confused on why because we only came for food.

Julian-What are you doing?

Blair-Umm,... since i'm getting you more treats like ice cream and such I thought it would be fair if you could wear something cute for me sometimes. I was going to make you a little angel to walk around the house. You would look so adorable.~

Julian-Just to walk around the house?

Blair-Oh,... I guess you're at the age where kids go up to... a stranger's door and take there treats from... their filthy hands that might've put a razor blade-.

Julian-N-No, walking around the house is fine!

Blair-... *Sigh* But don't worry, i'll get you bags of candy just for you. Whatever you want.~

She looked at the costumes until she found something, but was careful not to show me for a second until she spun around and I saw what she wants me to wear sometimes and I felt my face get a little warm.


Blair-You'll be like a little me! *Gasp* I can call you baby birdy.~

Julian-Um,... so I just wear that for this Halloween.

Blair-Huh, of course not. You're gonna wear it whenever I want you to all year long.

(Diana's POV)

We got everything we needed and some treats for my pup and now we were looking for the cute fake ears and tail for him. There was all these weird things and some made me made. Werewolves are not that harry in human form! Tracey found a few ears and tails for my pup and he was going to look so cute in them, but then I saw a wagon thing full of food, so I went up to it to sniff it and it smell like there was good meat in there, but I like to hunt mine down.

???-Excuse me.

I just turned to see who spoke to me and I saw a human with her pup.


Diana-What is it?

???-Why are you sniffing my groceries?

Diana-Just wanted to.

???-Well you can do it to your own groceries.

I don't know why, but the way this human was talking to me, her voice,... I didn't like it and her pup was going to be like her... I don't the harm in taking a few humans while we're here. I just have to wait until they're alone, so I got used to their scent, so I can find them later before I left them and went back to my pup and Tracey.


Diana-Come on, let's pay for this and get back to the pack. I have something I will take care of myself after, so Tracey... if you do something I don't like to my pup while i'm gone, I will drag you back to Violet's myself. Got it?

Tracey-Y-Yes alpha.

With that we started to go while I thought about that mother and human pup again and I saw a few humans like her. She just needs to be locked away for a bit, maybe with a male from my pack before she stats behaving then her pup will learn from us.

(Timeskip To Home)

(Blair's POV)

When we got home I carefully put Julian down while I was carrying 6 huge bags of groceries in the house then I saw Sarita in the living room watching T.V. until she looked at Julian and got up.


Sarita-Well, well, well, look who finally showed themselves to me.~

Julian-Um,... I was with Blair.

Sarita-And left me all alone? You owe me 5 hours still mister.~

Julian-... C-C-Can I just tr-try again?

Sarita-Of course,... after your 5 hours.


Sarita-Relax Ms. Angel, you know I just love to tease him. I take the prize when he turns 16, so this is training for him still. Don't forget who's mark is on him.~


Sarita-*Chuckles* Come on baby, let's get you stripped and strapped down.~

Julian tried to run, but like all of us, we always catch him easily when he runs at the last second. He was blushing like crazy and I wanted to stop her, but I had frozen food and she was not gonna stop until she gets what she wants. If I hear him screaming I will go in there and limbs will get broken and they won't be mine or his.

(Diana's POV)

I was letting Tracey dress up my pup while I was leaving and following the faint scent of those 2 humans. I might find a few more, but I can easily tie up around 10 humans and bring them back.

Diana's mind-Most likely the pup will have a bad parent again that sends them off somewhere and doesn't let them sleep with them at night for protection... Well, the bad human lock up places are not close to being full anymore, so maybe 2 or 3 days in there might teach them if it's bad.


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