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(Cat's POV)

I was sunbathing with my kitten laying on my chest and I even had my favorite rubber sun ducky with me to play with. My kitten wanted to leave, so I tie his arms to my bra and he was too scared to lift it and take a peak at what he already saw. I don't see why he was so embarrassed anyway, i'm his mother and I washed his whole body at bath time. I tried to keep him free, but he was getting fussy.

Cat-Isn't this better if you just be a good little kitten for mama.~


Cat-*Chuckles* Just lay there and be good then who knows, i'll help you get to normal size.~

Yeah, I wasn't going to do that, but in order to catch a clam from the lake, you need the right tune... Or am I thinking of something else?... Who cares?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just laying down doing nothing while she was just laying on this hill in the sun then her ears pointed up a bit. She calmed down again soon and was petting me again and I hated it, so I tried to slowly untie this knot from her bra, but she put her finger on my wrists to stop me while she smiled. I was about to try and fight her off while being careful until...


We both looked to our side to see the twins running at us with nets and the cat only got up to try and fly away, but one of the twins jumped on the other to catch us in time.


Dee-I got them Dum!

Cat-I think not.~

The cat disappeared, but she left me behind and I fell deeper in the net and I saw my hands were still tied together. The twins looked happy then the cat came back from being invisible she looked happy until she saw I was in the net then Dee blew her tongue at her.

Cat-Put. My kitten. Down.~


Dum/Dee-... RETREAT!!!

The twins ran off into the forest with me while Dee was still on Dum's shoulders and the cat was just chasing us and she looked like a monster now. I was away from her, but now she was angry and I was with the weird twins and screaming while trying to get out of this net then suddenly the twins fell over by tripping over a small fence at a house and I was sent flying out of the net.

(Dee's POV)

When we fell in a garden was saw our boy toy was not in his net anymore then the cat got here. She looked just as scary as she did a while ago has she was floating over to us or to our nets before she saw they were empty.

Cat-Where is he?

Dee-Um,... FIND HIM AND RUN!!!

We started to search this garden, but all we saw was carrots, garden toys, and of course the fence, but no boy toy and after a bit of searching...


We all stopped looking before looked over to see some bunny lady walking over here and she looked mad at us and even the cat went back to looking normal again, but still mad.


???-All of you get out of my garden! Shoo, shoo!

Dum-But we lost our favorite toy in here.

???-There is no you lost anything that you can't see right now! Now leave before I... I... i'll do something like... JUST GO!!!

She grabbed a big shovel and a spray bottle before she started to chase us off and now I have to think of a plan and just then I thought of one and stopped running to face the rabbit girl.

Dee-WAIT!!!... How would you like a free kitchen repair?...


(Mrs. Rabbit's POV)

I left the girl with a bump on her head and being very dizzy then dragged away by her sister and as for the cat I didn't she where she went, but as long as it's not my house. I checked on my garden and tossed pout the nets and looked for anything they might've broke. Soon I saw a bag of mine was moving like someone was inside it and I was not putting up with this. I went up to my bag and pulled it off them to see who it was and my heart stopped when I saw who it was.


Mrs. Rabbit's mind-IS THAT THE QUEEN'S LITTLE BOY?!?!?!

I was panicking now because if the queen sees her future husband here at my house she will have my head on the spot! How did he even get out of the castle?! Maybe if I were to explain I saw him with a cat and 2 girls-... I am so dead. I took a closer look and noticed he was not really moving and I soon saw he was trying not to cry and his leg looks bruised.

Mrs. Rabbit-What do I do? What do I do?... Are you ok, um... you.

He didn't answer me and that was stupid, so I scooped him up and he whined a little while I was bringing him inside on my bed and I can't treat him like this. He's way to small of that drink the queen must've given him, so I pulled out a piece of a cookie for him and fed it to him to make him grow to normal size. I could see the bruise better than saw he had 2 of them and the tear stains on his eyes were new to me too, but this is an easy fix.

Mrs. Rabbit-It's ok, we're just going to get you some ice, make you feel all better then hopefully you can make the queen not want my head.

???-*Sniffle* *hic* *hic*.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was laying on the bed after I got bigger and still trying to not cry, but I was getting closer to that from my leg really hurting after that fall. I can't even open my eyes to see who was helping me then soon I felt something very cold on my leg where it hurts the most.

???-There, just don't move. Ummm,... here.

I felt something fuzzy rubbing my head and she opened my mouth to slip something in and it kinda tasted bad, but not that bad then my leg felt a little better,... but now I could barely move. When I opened my eyes I looked around to see where I was then I saw "her".


(Y/N)-It's... you.

Mrs. Rabbit-Oh,... I guess we did meet at the castle. I'll get you back to the qu-.

I did my best to grab her and closed my eyes which made me so happy I could leave this stupid dream. I was waiting to get out of here and wake up in bed, but I just felt the back of my head being pet.

Mrs. Rabbit-Ummm, *giggles* why are you cuddling me?

I didn't answer that since maybe I just need to focus or maybe fall asleep with her. I heard her laugh a little then she held me a little tighter.

(Mrs. Rabbit's POV)

I didn't know boys could be so affectionate, no wonder the red queen wants one so bad, but she did a terrible job at keeping them. I never thought about having a boy before, but after seeing this one come here and the queen having them, I tried to push myself away from him for the sake of my own life, but now... he is cuddling me all on his own after he got to my house...

Mrs. Rabbit's mind-Is this... destiny?

I poked at his little smiling cheeks and all he did was groan, hold me tighter, and got a little pouty. It was adorable and I never saw boys that much before since it's really hard to leave and all of our men already died, so I don't bring any here, but now that 1 is here.

Mrs. Rabbit's mind-*Whine* Why do you have to so cute and clingy?!

I thought about what the queen would do to try and not get too attached already, but this was so hard then I thought about the queen's rule... and how she used to break the rule if it meant taking another husband. I know the red queen is unstable and will kill him if he dares to cross her and... I don't want that to happen. I kept on thinking about this until I started to hear snoring coming from him, so he fell asleep on me and looked so peaceful...

Mrs. Rabbit's mind-You take all the men,... you take my husband,... but you can't take him,... if you don't know where he is.~

I deserve this and after placing a soft kiss on his head in his sleep I took a breath to relax and enjoy my new company.

Mrs. Rabbit-Hey, if you don't want to go back to red queen, just stay silent.~ *whisper*


Mrs. Rabbit-Then it's settled. I can take care of you. I deserve you,... my little baby bunny.~ *whisper*


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