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((Y/N)'s POV)

We made it to the place my daddy put on Google Maps and it was a very big house, but my daddy said it was a mansion, and when we got to the gate a guard let us park our car in the front driveway when he opened the gate. We were led into the house and to an elevator that needed a passcode to use, and we got in then started to go down.

Guard#1-When we get to the lab floor, we'll take your soon-to-get cleaned off and will need to wait a while to make sure it works. There's a break room you can wait in.

Daddy-What?! Why can't we go where our son is going?!

Guard#1-It's just an order I was given, sir. The one in charge here can be called to answer your questions, but this is how it must be. Your boy will be fine.

Mommy-You can't just separate us from our child without an explanation!

Guard#1-I'll have our employer see you in person to answer your questions.

My mommy and daddy did not like that at all and were very mad. They were yelling at this guy now and I stayed close to my mommy and daddy until the doors opened and more men came in then grabbed us all to pull us away from each other. I was scared as my mommy and daddy were screaming for them to let go while reaching for me and I was trying to get to them too.


Guard#2-Relax kid, you're going to be fine. You just need to be alone for this next part.

(Eli's POV)

Ken was bothering me about his damn bonus for getting me the Raptors so quick and he'll get his damn bonus in time. I just have other things to do, and the kid should be here soon if not already. When I got a message saying they were here. The parents are pissed off and that could lead to the press if they leave unhappy, so I have to step in to defuse them. I started heading to the lounge where they were being held and when I got to the door, I could already hear them yelling.

Eli's mind-Play it cool Eli, you dealt with angry people before. Some pretty words and pretty checks can fix "anything".

When I stepped into the room with security, I saw how mad they were, so I got to work by taking a seat.



Eli-Not how I would start this, but the name's Eli.

Lady-We don't care! Take us to our son, NOW!!!

Eli-I wouldn't recommend that. I'm no scientist, but the people I hired are. We're basically trying 4 different things and unless you want what he has on him, I would relax and let the professionals do their job.

Man-What do you mean, "different things"?!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was put in a room and there was no doctor stuff in here, just a chair, some cameras, vents, and some of those sprinklers on the ceiling. I just sat down on the chair since they locked the door and soon the vents turned on in here and they were kinda loud.

Speakers-Ok kid, we'll get everything taken care of, so just sit back and relax. Here comes the first spray and just tell us how it smells.

(No POV)

They didn't care how it smelled when it was sprayed into the room since it was only air fresheners instead of anything to solve his problem, but what they were really doing was blowing air into the room to replace the air being sucked out with the boy's scent only to be put in another room to observe the real test subjects,... the humanoid dinosaur girls and most importantly to them,... the newest one in her own room.

???-*Sniff* *sniff*.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The first smell kind of smelled like flowers, the second smelled like oranges, and now we were on to the third one. When they sprayed it this one smelled like cookies then I heard something from the vents, but I could barely hear it enough to know what it was. Maybe something just broke in there.

(Y/N)-This one smells like cookies.

Speakers-Ok, now for this last one, we want you to do something.


Speakers-Run around, do jumping jacks, anything to help you sweat. We'll turn up the heating to help you.

(Y/N)-Um,... ok.

I have no idea what this has to do with anything, but I just got on the ground to start doing some pushups until I got tired after 14 then got up to start running while this room was getting warmer. I was starting to sweat a little now and maybe if this is done I'll be done and I can go back to my mommy and daddy and go home to be done with all this.


(Scientist's POV)

We are monitoring the raptor test subjects through a 2-way mirror right now while checking the properties on the unfinished anti-serum Valorie made and after a small spray it should have a temporary effect, but it could not be confirmed to be permanent, yet.


They only calmed down for a short moment before the scent of their desired target put them back on their path to try and break out of their room. We got reports that the T-Rex and Indominious are acting the same way, but as for the newest classified subject, we have no data.

Scientist-Honestly, I did not become a scientist to watch animals all day like a zoologist.

Assistant-These animals are half human through perfect gene slicing.

Scientist-So was that to make them more readable like they all say or was it just some weeb out there wanting their wet dreams to be in the real world?

Assistant-I mean... At least we're getting paid handsomely for observing. How easy is that?

Scientist's mind-Fucking greenhorns.

I was hoping to actually work in actually creating and designing living creatures, not to babysit someone else's work. These girls are just freaking out and trying to get out of this room to get the kid, so what else do I need to know? When it was lunch time my assistant left to go get us some food while I just went on my phone. There was going to be no change in their behavior, so why bother with constant servalence?

(No POV)

Meanwhile in the section of the lab where the new test subject was being observed... The door was open after they thought the subject destabilized and already died and would need to be created again and look for flaws, but what happened instead... involved blood all over the walls.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

((M/N)'s POV)

I was so fucking done waiting for my son and my husband and I have been yelling at the guards this whole time, but they won't even let us out now! (D/N) was inches away from actually fighting these guys if it wasn't for me holding him back, so he doesn't get arrested, but God would I love for my husband to kick their asses. I was just so worried about my son now and I tried calling the police, but they took our fucking phones by force. All we could do was wait until...

The guards in here just looked at the door before one of them got out their walkie-talkies.

Guard#1-Hey, what's going on?!

Radio-... *Static* Asset out of containment! *Static*

Guard#1-Which one, the raptors?!... The T-Rex, the indominious?!


Guard#1-Hey, answer me!


(D/N)-My son's out there! You have to let me go get him!

Guard#2-You just shut up! If it's an asset out of containment, odds are your kid is only going to be cared for like an adopted loving child! He's safe while we're only before a fucking standard door from something wanting to tear us apart!



I couldn't think straight since my baby was in danger and they won't let us do anything. When I was starting to cry my husband tried to comfort me while these guards only started to barricade the door. Then I realized something...

(M/N)-Wait,... cared for?... We came here to get that stuff off him.


(M/N)-... This was all bullshit, wasn't it?... WASN'T IT!!!

Guard#1-Shut up before you get us killed!


Just then my husband jumped one of the guards to take hold of the gun to shoot the other guy before they fought over the gun. I quickly got so mad I ran to the dead guard and got his pistol and pointed it at him and when he froze my husband ripped the gun away from him.

(D/N)-... You're going to show us where our son is.

Guard#1-The asset is still out there somewhere in the lab.

(D/N)-Then "we" better get moving.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard all those noises out there and they were getting to here and I tried calling for help, but not even the person from the speakers was not talking to me anymore. I was just supposed to get this stuff off me and maybe they already did, but then why am I here?! I just went to the sliding door, tried to force it open, and called for help.


I only heard stuff breaking and when I put my ear to the door. It was getting closer, so I ran to the other side of the room since I couldn't hide in an empty room. I heard something break and the lights flashed a little under the door before they turned off and the door opened to show me a dark hallway. I was breathing a little harder now then I saw sparks light up the dark a tiny bit and I saw someone walking slowly down the hall... with a tail. IT WAS ONE OF THE RAPTOR GIRLS!!!... Then I saw they looked kind of different and I saw what they looked like when they got into the room where it was light, and I never saw this girl before.


(Y/N)'s mind-Who is she? I never saw her on the island in any cages and my uncle never told me about any new dinosaurs.

She was walking closer to me until she was close to my face and smiling before she licked my cheek.


???-*Chuckles*... You're cute.~

(Y/N)'s mind-What?!... Did... she just talk?


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