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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying to take a nap in this helicopter, but that was very hard to do since I could hear these guys talking sometimes, it was not comfy in here, and when I was thought about where I was going far away from home... I just can't sleep no matter how hard a try. When we finally landed at a base thing the men were taken to tents, but I was taken to a car with someone and they started to drive. It was a little more comfy, but not enough to sleep in still and this drive lasted for what felt like an hour before I started to see a town then when we stopped and the driver opened my door, so I got out. I looked around to this place was a little messy, but it looked kinda nice in some places then I saw a lady walking up to us and she had a gun and knife on her.


???-Why hello there.

Soldier-There's going to be a strict curfew for him.

???-I already got the intel I need. I'll take it from here.

The man pushed me to her a little and I don't think he was very nice, but she took my hand and walked with me.

???-My name is Sheva and you must be (Y/N), right?


Sheva-Well (Y/N), first we're going to see a nice doctor to get you checked again then we'll get you settled in at my place.

(Sheva's POV)

Poor thing must be going through a lot, but I need to get him checked as to my report from Chris and also get him a few shots for some diseases around here. I'm surprised this kid isn't dead silent and putting himself in a corner to cry after what he's been through assuming has hasn't already.

Sheva's mind-This is way too much for a kid to go through, even half of it.

When I got him into a tent for a check up for fever or anything before we did a full body search for what Chris describes as mold, but after everything he came through clean and now was the fun part. When the doctor pulled out 3 shots that he needs to avoid getting sick here he just jolted up and looked nervous, so I went to his side to do my best to comfort him, but I don't think it will help that much since we just met.

Sheva-Hey, it's ok. It's just like little pinches that hurt for a second then your done.


I just sat down next to him and now he was silent like I would expected, but I pulled him into a hug and lifted his sleeve a little and he closed his eyes. I tried to talk to him to keep him calm, but he squirmed a little in my arm from the needle, the other 2 were the same thing and he was even showing some tears threatening to fall.

Sheva-Hey, you're done. Nice work.

That was almost no help because he really hated it, but I just took him out of here with me and since he was healthy and clean medically I should take him home to get him actually cleaned because I could feel the sweat on him from his flight and ride here in the heat. I never took care of a kid before, but how hard can it be? I helped save the world,... literally.


(No POV)

In the airport there was someone coming off the plane from the cargo hold and she had 2 bags with her. When she was noticed by airport security 2 men walked up to her to try and arrest her, but one of the bags cut itself open to reveal 2 dolls with sharp razor blades for hands then...




Just after another doll came out of the other bag before she was picked up by the woman as they walked into the crowd to blend in to it quite nicely.


(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

We were at my home and (Y/N) was taking a shower right now while I was getting clothes in his size ready for him when he got out. This was going smooth considering I was practically getting prepared last minute, but this was also awkward since this is the first I will be caring for a kid.

Sheva-Ok, so what do kids like?... Toys, games,... sweets,... comics,...-

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the water turn off in the bathroom, so I cracked open the bathroom door to put his clothes on the sink then closed it again before I just went to sit on my couch. I waited out here in my living room until I saw him come out and he looked a little cuter with all that sweat and dirt off him.


Sheva-Do you feel better now? Wanna talk?

(Y/N)-... Um,... ok.

He just came up to and sat next to me on the couch and I let him have his space and wondered about my first question and I have to make it nothing serious or touchy for him.

Sheva-Do you like to card games? I have pack.

(Y/N)-I played go fish, war, and speed.

Sheva-How about a game of go fish then? You can even tell me about yourself and i'll tell you something about me. We might as well get to know each other since you're hiding out here with me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were playing our game and I told her stuff that I liked and hated, but when I tried to tell her my story of what happened to me she said she already knew and it will be best to leave that alone for now. She told me stuff that she likes to do and that she was one of the best agents around here and even showed me some kind of ninja moves. She was as cool as Jill and when our game was over we played other card games while talking and I when it was my turn to talk...

(Y/N)-So do your mom and dad have the same job as you?

Sheva-Um,... let's talk about something else.

(Y/N)-Oh,... what kind of shows and movies do you like?

Sheva-Well,... I do love romance and mystery with some action here and there. I think my movies might be a little too much for you, but I have some books that you might like the stories too.

(Y/N)-Um,... I don't really like reading.

Sheva-Well these are really big books, so you might need me to read them too you and if you close your eyes and imagine it, it's really relaxing and nice. Why don't we give it a try after our game before dinner?

(Y/N)-Well,... I guess I could try.


(Sheva's POV)

After our last game I got a book that seemed right to read for him and I remembered my mom and dad reading to me, but dad didn't need books. He could come up with a whole story and it would always be good and he made me a princess in half of them. When I sat down with the book I was caught off guard when he just helped himself to put his head on my lap while looking up at me with the big and innocent looking eyes. I got lost in them for a bit until I rubbed his head and gave him a smile.

Sheva-Getting comfy?

(Y/N)-Oh,... should I move?

Sheva-No, you're fine right where you are.

With that he closed his eyes and I opened the book to start reading to him and during that time,... it was nice. No training, no fighting, no arresting anyone, no patrol, no infected, and no cooperate pricks. It's just me reading a book to child and he was really really calm or really shy, either way this was a very nice change of pace and i'm getting paid for this, but I would gladly do it for free.

(Timeskip 27 Minutes)

Sheva-As the pair walked up the stairs to the boss's office there was a feeling from Martha that the boss wasn't ha-.

(Y/N)-*Soft snoring*.

I stopped reading to look down and (Y/N) was passed out on me and the sight of this was so adorable. He just got here today and already he feels that he can just nap on me and I thought kids hate naps. I usually see kids out running around causing trouble or playing games, but I never knew some could be this easy. I just put the book down to rub his cheek while he was sleeping and he made a little stirring noise in his sleep.

Sheva's mind-You are just the sweetest kid I have ever met. I think you might've been a momma's boy before all this.~

While he was sleeping on my I got a text on my phone and it was from Chris. It said "The mission was a success on the most part, but Miranda and most of the lords might've made it out. Be ready for anything." I doubt they'll find him all the way over here anyway. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt him turn and he was about to fall, but I stopped him and pulled him deeper on my lap. I also started to think about what I did as a kid and I was a daddy's girl and slept with my parents sometimes and he does seem to be a cuddlier.

Sheva's mind-I wonder,... is this a one time thing from you or something you love to do?... No harm in teaching you to love it just in case, right?~

(???'s POV)

I just arrived in Africa and this airport could use better days since I already counted 3 broken windows and 5 people arguing in public, but here to track down that shipment that came here and I managed to find out who got it and where they live.

???'s mind-You won't mind a surprise visit, won't you Sheva?


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