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(Aqua's POV)

The fire went out a little while ago and we were warm thanks to body heat, but now I was cold thanks to this hike down a snowy mountain with (Y/N) on my back. This hike was not that bad though because the path was easy to follow, going down a mountain is the easy part after all and soon we made it out of the snow. It was getting warmer out here now, so maybe I think it was spring or summer time out here and soon we made it into the town only to see some families look like they were grieving while holding scrolls in their hands. I don't want to ask about it since I need to tackle one problem at a time and when I figure that out, maybe i'll know more by then of what is happening. I just need to find an inn or somewhere to stay to think for a while then all the sudden I saw a man collapse next to me and dropping his cane, so I put (Y/N) down really quick to help him and (Y/N) did too.


Aqua-Sir, are you ok?

???-Thank you for helping me, but I am fine.

Aqua-Do you need help getting home?

Just then I saw him look a little depressed and I saw (Y/N) pick up something behind this man and it was another scroll then he held it up to the man for him to take it with a small smile.

???-Is this your little brother?

Aqua-Oh,... yes.

???-You both have... odd clothing. Are you travelers?

Aqua-We are. We're also looking for a place to stay for bit. Do you know any inns?

???-Non-sense, come to my home. I have always had interest in different cultures.

Aqua-Well,... if you insist on it.

(Fa Zhou's POV)

This was my last time to do a good deed before I head out for the war and my life will end. My family was devastated, as were many others from having sons, husbands, or fathers sent off to war with little chance of coming back. My daughter Mulan was devastated and went to her room and it was heartbreaking having to put my daughter through this.

Fa Zhou's mind-Forgive me Mulan. I promise to do my best to make this last night at home a good one.

(Timeskip 20 Minutes)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were at this man's house and they all had weird names. The man was Fa Zhou, his wife's name was Fa Li, and the grandma just wanted me to call her Grandmother Fa and just then they both came in while Aqua was talking with Fa Zhou and lying to him about where we came from.


Grandmother Fa-The water shall be done boiling in a while.

Fa Zhou-... Mulan is still in her room, isn't she?

Fa Li-We tried to get her to come out, but she said she will be out in a few moments.

I saw Fa Zhou look a little sad again, so I guess his daughter must be mad or sad about something. I don't know what could make her not want to be out here with her parents and grandma. We just had something called curry and it was rice with meat, vegetables, and spicy sauce, so I needed water.

Fa Li-So what is it like where you're from? Your home looks like it's unique to fashion.

Aqua-We... have a lot of pride when it comes to designing clothes and also helping those who don't have much. My dad was very generous.

Fa Zhou-He sounds like it. What about your mother? Did she teach you anything?

Aqua-Everything I know.

Grandmother Fa-What about you? Following in your family's footsteps like your big sister?


I went along with Aqua's lie and dinner went on until someone came in and I think this must be Mulan and she looked pretty and happy before she bowed a little at us.


Mulan-Sorry for waiting for so long. I'm Mulan.

Aqua-I'm Aqua and this is my little brother (Y/N).



(Mulan's POV)

I tried to enjoy dinner after I cleaned myself up after I stopped crying, but I was still destroyed inside. I kept a smile on my face for our guests and my father was also wearing a fake smile too. I tried to talk him out of it earlier, but the emperor's word was final. All families must have one man fight in the war and my father was clearly permanently injured from the last time he was in a war, but to that arrogant man from the council, it didn't matter. I was going to lose my father and there was nothing I could do. My father put his armor next to his bed, so he may leave first thing in the morning to spare us the pain. I felt so angry, but then (Y/N) tried to get up and I saw how he was too, so he was sitting on the back of his legs and if you do that for too long they get very weak for a little bit and that made him fall backwards. I caught him before he could fall back to hit his head on the small shrine behind him and he looked at me before he looked behind him.

(Y/N)-Thank you.

Mulan-Your welcome.

(Timeskip To Night)

I was in my room and I held my hair up to make me look like a man, but without my fathers armor which will be very hard to get, it will be hopeless. Even if I get the armor I need the invitation and I don't know where my father put if he doesn't always have it on it. It was getting late and maybe I just need to accept facts...

Mulan's mind-I'm never going to see my father again.

Mulan-... *Whimper* *hic* *hic*.

Tears were threatening to fall again when all the sudden my door slid open again and I quickly collected myself before I turn expecting to see my father, but I was greeted by someone else.


(Y/N)-... Are you ok?

Mulan-Why aren't you with your sister?

(Y/N)-I can't sleep and was about to get some water... Why were you crying?

Mulan-... I don't have a brother, so... my fa-father is going to a war and... you saw how he is. He can barely walk without his cane. How is he even going to stand a fighting chance?

I let my emotions get out of hand and I don't even know how old he is and now he just looked hurt a little by my words. I just turned my back to him in shame, but soon I felt his little arms wrap around me from behind and they only made it to my waist.

(Y/N)-Why does you dad want to go?

Mulan-He-... He doesn't. He has no choice. The emperor is making him.

(Y/N)-He sounds mean... I wish there was no wars.

Mulan-*Sniffle*... Me too.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was about to leave, but when I let go of Mulan she turned around to grab me and cry a little again and I don't like it when people cry,... unless they're mean. I just gave her a hug back since her dad was leaving and I never had anyone in my family in the army before, but I don't know how bad it will feel if my mommy or daddy left and never came back. I thought about what my mommy would do if I was crying and there was a few things, but there was only one thing I could think of.

(Y/N)-Do you want me stay with you tonight? Maybe you'll feel a little better.


She just looked at the ground still crying a little, so i'll take this as a maybe and when she laid down I was confused on what to do until I saw her looking at me like she was waiting, so I got in her bed. When I cuddled with her she held me close. She didn't want to talk, so I stayed quiet too until she stopped crying and smiled at me.

Mulan-*Sniffle* You're the sweetest child i've ever met.

(Y/N)-Hey, i'm not sweet... I just don't like people crying. *mumbles*

Now she was looking at me like I was cute and I thought men cuddling girls makes them look strong and nice. While Aqua thinks tomorrow, i'm going to show her how strong I am since I did see they had wooden sticks for fighting and I saw some moves on T.V., so if i beat up a few dummies then i'll look strong. Every place i've been to has either called me cute, saw me as cute until they went crazy or I had to leave, but not this time.

(Y/N)'s mind-I can leave with someone thinking i'm a future strong hero!

(Timeskip To Morning)

(Aqua's POV)

I woke up to a rooster outside acting like an alarm to wake up and I stretched a little before I saw (Y/N) was missing and I was instantly worried. Why can't little kids just stay still? I just left the guest room I was in and found a note on the table, but it was meant for the family here from the father, so I left it alone. I silently looked around until I saw Grandmother Fa looking into a room with a smile on her face until she saw me and pointed inside.


Grandmother Fa-*Shhh*.

I walked over to her and peaked inside before I saw (Y/N) sleeping with Mulan and I would be worried about this if she wasn't ok with this.


I took a closer look and soon I noticed that Mulan was already awake and just looking down at (Y/N) while she was spooning him. It's just innocent cuddling and (Y/N) is a nice boy, so maybe he came here by himself. I tried to think of other possibilities before judging this, but I started to have a feeling in my heart and it kinda hurts, but I ignored it for now.

Aqua's mind-It's just cuddling Aqua and she was pretty sad, so maybe he was just trying to help.

The more I was fighting it now the more I wanted him away from her and with me, but I was snapped out of my thoughts when Grandmother Fa walked off now looking kinda sad. They were all grieving and if this helps him before we must go...

Aqua's mind-I'll put up with this for the time being.


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