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(Violet's POV)

I had Jonah in my arms as we were heading to the restaurant after an amazing spa day and as I promised he can anything from the menu he wants, but he won't be touching the drink menu here. I was in a nice dress that was just hugging my body and assets to tease all the horny men while I smother my baby in love. When we got in I saw men and women singing karaoke before we sat down and Jonah was on my lap then I gave him the menu. I saw some men already staring at me, so it was show time and I started by hugging my baby from behind to let my boobs flex on his up back. I caught some men talking while rubber necking at me and I kissed the top of Johan's head then dragged my nail across the back of his neck to fell his body shiver.

Violet-You decided what you want yet, my little stud muffin?~


Violet-*Chuckles* Don't be so shy. I already see some men already wishing to be where you are.~ *whisper*

He was about to look, but I stopped him and made him look up to me and kissed his forehead and watched his cheeks turn pink the rubbed them. I'm planning to start small, but soon I plan to really have some fun teasing Jonah and every man here. When his food gets here, i'll just playful feed him in front of everyone and play a little dumb to it.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

(Jonah's POV)

My burger and fries finally got here and I was so hungry from waiting, but before I could reach and grab them Violet stopped me by pulling them down.


Violet-Hands. Down. You know the drill.~ *whisper*

Jonah-P-Please, not here. *whisper*

Violet-Unless you want to make a bigger scene, be a good boy and let me feed you.~ *whisper*

There was already people looking at us and I don't want more, so I just let her grab my burger and she held it up to me to take a bit. She even made small quiet noises just for me to hear and I hated it, but when I was done with my burger and fries she gave me back the menu to see what I wanted for dessert and I know what she is going to do when it gets here. While I was deciding on deep fried ice cream and a chocolate mountain pie slice a man came over and he smelled kinda like the bar area here, but worse and was also kinda dizzy.


Man-Well heellllooo, you're looking fine over here by *hic* yourself.~

Violet-Oh, stop it. I'm just treating my son to some dinner after being so good today.

Man-Son? So where's daddy?~

Violet-No daddy.

Man-Well there *hic* can be one.~

Violet-No thank you. My baby's a mama's boy and he's all I need right now.

He only had that smile on his face until he looked at me then Violet turned my face into her boobs a little and was petting my head in front of him. This guy was about to sit at our booth, but he missed somehow and feel on the floor for others to laugh at, even Violet did a little. He just left our table kinda talking to himself. I ordered dessert, but before it got here she got up and went to the bathroom to get the grease off her hands from my food. I just stayed at the table then the guy came back and this time he looked kinda made, but also like how a stupid person would look in a cartoon.

Man-Hey kid, you listen and you listen *hic* *hic* g-good. I need you to tell your mom that I should come sit with you.

Jonah-Um,... I don't think that's a good idea.

Man-I didn't ask for lip!

He tried to grab my arm and I was scared, but I know what Violet will do if she sees this or if someone tells her. Someone came over and tried to pull him away from the table and it was working, but not fast enough because I saw Violet walking over here and the guy was still reaching for me.


Violet-What's going on here?


Man#2-This guy was harassing your kid.

Violet-... What did you say?

Man#2-He was grumbling something to your son then yelled at him for something.

Violet-Did he?

Man#1-L-Listen, I can-.

Violet-Let's not talk here... Let's talk somewhere else.


Violet-Sweetie, the adults are talking.

I could hear it in her voice that she wasn't happy and I saw this happen before when someone did grab me and she was so angry then. When she let the man sit at our booth this guy just won't stop talking while Violent didn't say a word with me on her lap and I don't think that was good. I need to do something or he's just gonna get hurt.

Jonah-Violet, he didn't touch me. I swear. *whisper*


She just started to pet my head and I hope she was calming down, but when my dessert got here in a to-go box she just stood up with me in her arms and I was holding my dessert.

Violet-You're so funny. I guess we just got off on the wrong foot, but how about we take this back to my place.~

Jonah-Violet, please-.

She just covered my mouth and this guy just smiled while Violet motioned for him to follow her slowly and we were going back to the limo waiting for us. She wouldn't let me talk right now and I was scared about what she was going to do to him, but I already knew,... she was going to put him with her cattle.

(Julian's POV)

Right now, it was night and Kalma was happy now and her tail was even wagging, but it was also very, very, very easy to make her mad again. I just have to let her cuddle, pet me, and act like a dog like she wants and we were alone, so it was not too bad, but I would like it if I didn't have to act like a dog. After a while she was starting to get hungry and so was I, so she just stood up and stretched while I stayed on my hands and knees to not risk her getting mad again.

Kalma-Stay here and wait for me. I'll be back with food and I don't want to risk Blair or Sarita taking you from me for anything.


Kalma-Good puppy. Stay here and be good.~

She just left me out here in the woods on the blanket and I was scared, but I know only her pack comes around here and knows not to touch me. They weren't even here right now, so it was just me and I was just listening to crickets, birds, and the wind, but soon I heard something that really scared me because I know what happens next.

???-Hey Kyle, I need some new batteries, my flashlight is dying. *In the distance*

Julian's mind-No!

I know Blair hates people getting close to our house without her permission, Sarita invites over a few people anyway to play in her room, but they end up even more tired than me, but Kalma,... she's really dangerous with her pack when it's about new people coming without Sarita. I don't want anyone to get hurt and Kalma will see my footprints if I get off this blanket, so I could only do one thing.

(Kyle's POV)

I just gave Jenny some more batteries while I was recording with my camera of us staying the night out here and see why this place got renamed the Dark Blood Woods. Rumors on the streets are all over the place, but when we asked police they said some teens came up here, but never came back and some others that were only here for a few hours at best say this place is haunted while others think this is all made up shit to scare kids away from this place. It was just me and my girlfriend out here until tomorrow when we drag them out here with us, but just then we heard something.

???-Get out of here!... You have to leave! *In the distance*

That sounded like a kid and it also sounded kinda close.


Kyle-Hey kid, where are you?!

???-No, don't come over here! *In the distance*

We just followed his voice and this was going to be good for the video and when we found the kid they were on a blanket, under the tree, in the dark, all alone.


They looked very scared to see us and this was kinda weird that we found a kid out here, but I remember seeing a house out here on the map when we looked at these woods online.

Jenny-Little boy, are you all alone out here?

???-No! You have to go before she comes back!

Kyle-Jenny, don't by this. This has to be someone else putting this kid up to this.

???-No, I swear! Go!

Jenny-*Sigh* Kid, is your mommy or daddy near by. Do you live here?

???-You're not listening to me! She left me here alone for now and-.

Kyle-Someone just left you out here in the middle of the woods at night?

???-Just listen to me!

Jenny-Why don't you come with us to find your parents.


I wasn't buying this shit at all because this looked too much like a scene from a movie. Even if someone did leave him here, I seriously doubt they are coming back when it's this late. Jenny just took his hand and this ankle biter was fighting to stay put like he really believe this person was coming back. This is either a very good act from the kid or just very sad that he was waiting for someone that would never come like a lost dog. I just turned off my camera while we were going to the car, but before we could make this kid actually started to cry.

Jenny-Listen, we're just tryng to help.

???-No, sh-she left me there *hic* to get something to eat and if *hic* i'm not there when she gets *hic* back she's just gonna get really, really mad! *sobbing*

Kyle-Oh my god. Who?

That noise just echoed in the woods and I never heard an animal sound like that around here. The kid was shaking in fear and this is when we say fuck this and get out of here, so Jenny picked him up when he was still fighting to come with us back to the car, but soon we heard footsteps and they were very fast until something jumped over us and landed in the middle of the path and we were both frozen in fear from what we saw.


It was fucking huge for a wolf or whatever it was and it was growling while drool was dripping to the ground and I think I heard it sizzling a little when it hit the ground.



This thing started to walk up to us or more specifically Jenny and she just put the kid down and he just ran to the monster and was about to talk to it, but it growl at him and he slowly got on his hands and knees. It reached over him and bit down on his shirt and pants to carry him like a baby animal before it just ran off with him.


Kyle-... We need to go.

I just grabbed Jenny and pulled her with me while we were both looking back to watch our backs. We soon broke into sprints back to the car and got in before we started to drive off and quickly not caring about how bumpy this ride was until...


The car was flipping on it's sides down a hill while we were both screaming until we hit the bottom. I was so dizzy and I thing I broke my arm and leg then I looked over to Jenny to see... her neck was broken.

Kyle-Ah, ah, AAAHHHHH!!!

I just crawled out of the broken car while I was traumatized with the sight of my dead girlfriend, but then I saw something come out from the top of the hill and it was that monster thing looking at me.


I was hyperventilating while trying to crawl away, but I heard it quickly coming after me and I did the last thing I could think of.



(Lucas's POV)

It was time for bed now and Diana put me in my cage after we just got done having a bath with everyone and my mommy was allowed to sleep in here again, but only on the floor for now. They were both very protective of me at bath time, but Diana made my mommy was her while she washed me.

Mommy-Can I give our son a hug a kiss goodnight, Diana?

Diana-Fine, just don't get too crazy with my pup.

Diana stepped out of the way then my mommy leaned in to give me a hug and kiss and I hugged her back. She stopped when one of the wolves came in and this made my mommy and Diana mad at them.



Omega-Alpha, one of the adult human males tried to fight a Delta and almost got a pup hurt.

Diana-Lock them where we keep bad humans and in 2 days Violet will be here to pick them up. I'll think about how long they will be gone.


Diana-We are going to sleep now. Leave.

My mommy went back to hugging and kissing me when he left, but then Diana started to look mad and pulled her out of my cage then locked it. She grabbed a blanket and threw it over my cage to make it darker then lifted one part to peak in at me.


Diana-Goodnight my little pup. Now, lay down.~

I got under my blanket and laid down like she wanted and she blew me a kiss and she was copying what another human lady did one time. She put the blanket back down, so I couldn't see anything anymore.

(Diana's POV)

I was getting comfy on my sleeping pile while watching Tracey wrap herself up on the floor and looking to where my pup is. I love watching him sleep at night, but I don't want her doing it since I was still mad at her fore being careless with my pup. Soon I could hear my pup's soft snoring which meant he was asleep and when I heard Tracey go to sleep too I snuck over to the metal box and pulled off the cover to see my pup sleeping and just looking so cute and peaceful.


I felt so happy and maybe if he wasn't asleep I would just shove Tracey in here and just have my pup in my sleeping pile with me. I was about to go to sleep myself, but then I started to hear screaming outside and footsteps coming closer to us before something flew in here and stuck to the wall and it was very sharp and loud when it hit the wall which made Tracey wake up and jump and so did my pup. I saw the fear in his eyes when he woke up so suddenly and I felt myself get really, really angry.

(Man's POV)

I was sick of all this crazy shit! I was kidnapped by fucking living furries, there is no privacy around here, they sound stupid when they say shit like sleeping piles and we all pile up together except for one bitch, her simp, and that kid! Now I was gonna be locked in a room all alone after I just punched some guy when he tried to was my back for me and that's where I draw the line. I was going to take out the bitch that ordered the others to bring and keep me here and they say they transform out of the cave for us, but I never saw it once after a week here, so it's just B.S.. When I got into the room I still had the knife with that girls name on it, but I was greeted with something different and I couldn't look away.



This wolf was starting to walk in a circle around me, but I kept my eyes fixed on it while ignoring everything else. I did hear the kid crying, but I didn't dare take my eyes off this wolf until someone tackled me and I knew who it was since it's the only other damn person allowed in here right now.



Man-Get the fuck off me you crazy-!

Just then I felt teeth dig into my arm and I screamed in pain making me drop the knife then I was dragged out screaming. When I was dragged down the path and brought outside of the mine I was swung around a bit before I was slammed to the ground. My arm was bleeding while I was too out of breath to scream, so I just started to hyperventilate then the tall wolf stood over me again to look in my eyes.


I never saw this before and this fear,... my heart was starting to heart from beating so fast until I couldn't feel my arm anymore then "she" put her teeth on my neck before she bit down and tore a chunk out of my throat. I saw blood gush as I was choking now and the wolf never looked away from my eyes until I finally blacked out only hearing the last thing I will ever hear.

(Cody's POV)

It was bed time and Erelah was just getting me out of the bath with her and dressing me up, but she also tucked me in my own bed this time instead of me sleeping with her. She was stilling tucking me in a until until the blanket was completely under me then she wrapped me up like a burrito.

Cody-What are you doing?

Erelah-We're going to try something new tonight since you were bad last night when you stayed up past bed time.

Cody-Is that why you said no dessert tonight?

Erelah-Partly. I don't need you hyped up on sugar during this. Now lets get in bed and just do what I say.

Cody-Um,... ok.

We went to her bed now and she laid me down where I was comfy then she made a ball of light circle around her and it flashed a little whenever it was in the middle of me and her. It didn't hurt my eyes that much and it was hard not to watch it.

Erelah-Just follow the light honey bunch. Relax and go to sleep... Whenever I cuddle with you in bed your eyes and body will feel very every until I let go.~

I actually was getting a little tired now and the light kept on going, making me a little more tired each time it flashed.

Erelah-Don't fight it. Being tired simply means that you need to sleep. Would it make you feel  better if I gave you kisses?~

(Erelah's POV)

I kept on going until I saw he could barely keep his eyes open I was glad this technique that I saw online worked. His mind might be a little foggy due to my magic being thrown into this, but when I cuddled him his eyes closed then I gave his head and cheeks some kisses like I promised. Soon I heard his snoring, so he went to sleep quicker than I thought. I was happy until I looked at the calendar I keep in here and that's when I was put in a little bit of a foul mood... His incompetent human mother is scheduled to come home tomorrow.

Erelah's mind-If she so much as throws another fit that goes into a tantrum, I have no problem taking her somewhere else to stay away from here.


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