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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up a while ago while the cat was still sleeping and I was on her back, since she liked to sleep on her belly. She was holding me with her tail in her sleep and last night when I tried to walk around while she was asleep, she quickly woke up when I got off her and onto her bed and she just put me back before she went back to sleep again. Soon she finally woke up and stretched before she floated in the air to flip and move her tail to put me in front of her.

Cat-Morning kitten.~

She gave me a kiss on my head and it almost covered my whole face before she gave me a big hug and I tried to push away, but she was too big and strong.

Cat-Don't fight me. Let's get us in a bath before we go out for the day.~

She took me to the bathroom with her to turn on the bath and turned on the water in here before she put me on a sink to fly up a little and take her clothes off and now I could see more than when she squished herself together to look fat. I wanted to look away, but she grabbed me to take my clothes off before she slowly got in the water by flying.

Cat-Now, let's start with a tongue bath for you.~

(Y/N)-What?! Why?!

Cat-Good question.~

She didn't answer me before she started and I tried to get her to let go because this felt so gross before she was done in a bit and poured a lot of water on me. This was going to be worse than my bath at the castle.

(Mad Hatter's POV)

We had some traps set up around the forest and Ellie said she can run and climb trees to search for our little boy while the March Hare was helping me with this other trap we were working on and this cage was really heavy to pull up into the tree to drop down and trap (Y/N).

March Hare-Why do we *grunt* need so many traps?!

Mad Hatter-It's like *grunt* a cup of *grunt* tea! You can't stop on just one!

March Hare-I wanted *grunt* another cocoon trap!

Mad Hatter-And I wanted him home last night! Now he has to make that up to us and that's going to be "very" hard to do!

We finally finished this trap and we just needed the right bait and luckily we happen to know the perfect bait and the March Hare leaned in with me holding her hand to keep her from falling on the ground and trigger the trap by mistake and soon she did it.


The twin's don't stand a chance with all these traps set up in the forest and when we get him, they owe us an apology for letting him run away. Hopefully that bloody red queen has not heard of him being here. While we were looking around for another place to place a trap and check our old ones they were all empty and I was having high hopes for the glue trap...

Mad Hatter's mind-I should've used mayo on the sandwich for the bait instead of mustards.

March Hare-Where do you think Ellie is?

((Y/N)'s POV)

That was to worst bath ever, but now we were outside and she was holding me in the tree while petting my head and I saw all sorts of weird animals and bugs out here. When she went to the ground with me she just started pushing over and over again from side to side to keep me from falling like I was a toy to her.

(Y/N)-Stop it!

Cat-Why should I? You look so cute when you're angry.~


Cat-Hmmm, fine, i'll be right back with something snack on. Stay put now.~

She just put me against a tree to sit down before she slowly started to disappear. I could run, but I was just so dizzy from her pushing me around a lot. I just sat there and tried to stop being dizzy, so I can hurry and run and sneak into the castle next time to find Mrs. Rabbit. When I could finally walk again I got up and started walking, but then I heard screaming and it was getting closer, but they didn't sound scared. When I turned around I was wrapped in a hug very fast before they pushed me in front of them and I saw it was Ellie and I was her height now.


Ellie-I finally found you and you're so much cuter at this size! I can just wrap my arms around you and squeeze!~

She gave me another hug and lifted me up a bit to spin around before she put me down.

Ellie-Come on, Mad Hatter and March Hare will be so happy to see you again. We'll have the best welcome back home after you ran away during a fight party! I've been to 3 of them before and they're great!

I didn't even know what to say to that, but I know that I can't go with her because I need the rabbit to wake up and I don't think she likes her because last time I talked about her, they tied me to a bed!

(Y/N)-Let go!

Ellie-Come! *grunt* On!

(Ellie's POV)

I was in a tug of war with him now and I wish Hatter or Hare were here because they could just pick him up and I get a hat ride back to the house. I kept on fighting to pull him back to the house with me or find the others until he suddenly stopped while looking at something in awe, but I didn't fall for that old trick and pulled him into a hug and lifted him off the ground.

Ellie-Haha, I win! We're going to be so happy every night while cuddling, playing games, and-!

Just then I felt something tap my shoulder and it was kinda pointy, so I turned around and my heart sank when I saw my worst nightmare coming out of another nightmare. It was... "her".


Cat-It's very rude to touch a mother's kitten without asking.~


((Y/N)'s POV)

Ellie let me go and she ran away so fast, she left a trail of dirt in the air before and was already long gone already. The cat was laughing while she was slowly turning back from being taller, skinnier, and scary to her true self and when she was done she was only laughing a little bit and picked me up.


Cat-Awww, that will teach her, won't it kitten?~

(Y/N)-What else can you turn into?!

Cat-Is that a trick question?... Oh, I see, you to see me like this again.~

She was getting smaller and fatter before I saw her clothes hide in her fur again and she looked like when I first met her.



Cat-Wow, my kitten is hard to please. Too bad you have to please me.~

(Mad Hatter's POV)

March Hare and I were having a tea break and luckily I always keep my emergency tiny tea set in my hat. Suddenly we heard screaming and I knew who it was then we both saw Ellie running by very fast and we both jumped into action to try and catch her and it was hard to talk to each other at the same time. She slipped out of out hands a few times before I trapped her under my hat until she calmed down a little and I lifted my hat up to see her scared.


March Hare-What ha-?


Mad Hatter-ELLIE!!!... Talk. Slowly.

Ellie-*Deep breath* Cat!... It... was... the... cat!... I... found... our... little... boy... in... the... forest... and... was... about... to... bring... him... back... to... us... for... the... party-.

March Hare-Now try to play to charades to tell us the rest!

Mad Hatter-Oh, I love this game!

(Dee's POV)

I was out with my sister and getting my net ready for when we find (Y/N) and we have something waiting him, but first we need to find him. We checked the fields, forest, and we even found a cake a while ago, but we got stuck in a cage for a bit until we dug a hole out... It was worth it, free cake.

Dee-Any sign of them sister?

Dum-No, how about you?

Dee-No... Wanna trade nets?

We did trade nets, but that was no help surprisingly. We kept on looking until we got tired and sad that our search was not going well and I wanted our boy toy back so bad I was almost ready to cry. Just then we sat under a tree for a bit before we heard someone.

???-Awww, what are you 2 so sad about? You're usually so fun, happy, and good for a laugh.~ *echo*

Dum-Oh mystery voice, we tried looking for our boy toy for so long now and we can't find him.

Just then we saw a purple cat girl come out of nowhere in front of us and normally we would ask to play or something, but I wasn't in the mood.


Cat-Anything I can help with?~

Dee-*Gasp* You can help us find our boy toy!

Dum-Oh. My God! I was thing the same thing!

Cat-Amazing, but first let's go over what he looks like. Now let me guess... Down he have brown messy hair?


Cat-About yah tall to my thighs, has brown eyes?


Cat-Look's exactly like this, but taller?

Just then she showed us her tail and we saw someone small and they were letting out a bit of muffled screams into her tail and he did look like our boy toy, but tiny!



Cat-Sorry, never saw him.


She just left and I think it was time to go back home for a while and get something to eat and when we did get home and made some sandwiches, something came to mind and it was a little strange.

Dee-Sis, I thought of something.


Dee-Now that cat girl,... I think she "did" see our boy toy!

Dum-What? She said she didn't... Did she lie to us?

Dee-You know what... I think-. *Gasp* That was our boy toy! She just shrunk him!

Dum-*Gasp* No!

Dee-Yes! She wants to keep him as a teddy instead of us!

Dum-Why didn't you say anything while we were there?!

Dee-Why didn't you say anything while we were there?

Dum-... Wait, where were we?

Dee-The nets! NOW!!!

We ran to get out nets and I remember where we saw that mean cat girl and she is not going to take our toys from us! When we made it to where we were we split up to search "everywhere" and called out for our boy toy to come to us.

(Mrs. Rabbit's POV)

I was trying to read my book in peace since I was given a notice by the queen from one of the guards that I am to stay away from the castle until further notice with pay still. This was going to be like a nice vacation, but now I keep on hearing 2 girls screaming "boy toy" outside like they were calling for a lost pet. I just closed my window before I sat back down in silence.

Mrs. Rabbit's mind-Maybe i'll go out to my garden in a bit. I should be getting ready for lunch here soon, but some company would be nice.

It does get lonely in this house sometimes and I do have a few neighbors, but... last time I invited them over, they almost burned my kitchen and house down.


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