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((Y/N)'s POV)

After my check-up and tests from the doctor on here I couldn't sleep even if it was late at night. I was getting tired because we were getting close to home, and I just wanted to see my mommy and daddy again as soon as I could. When I could finally see the city, I was jumping up and down just waiting for us to park this boat at the dock so I could go home! It felt like forever, but we finally parked, and I could get off with something to take me to the parking lot then...


I turned to see my mommy and daddy running to me and I ran to them too for them to both grab me and bend down to hug me. I was just so happy and felt so much better to be with them again then my mommy picked me up before she turned to the doctor man that came with me.

Mommy-Oh my god, thank you, thank all of you!

Doctor-You're welcome, but I'll need your contact information, so I can call in a few days.


Doctor-I ran some tests on the chemical agent on his skin while a batch to counteract is still being made. Just let us know if anything weird happens around your son.

Daddy-Honey, go to the car and get ready to leave. I'll give him our numbers and be there in a second.

My mommy just took me to the car, and I got in the back seat while she got in to turn the car on and I heard the music starting to play. I don't really like this music, but I was happy with it since it's been days. When my daddy came back to the car my mommy just started to drive us home and I was getting so tired that I fell asleep really fast in the car.

(No POV)

While (Y/N) was heading home the raptor girls were being loaded off the boat and into a truck to be taken somewhere where the helicopters with the indominious and T-rex were being taken, which was a lab. During the drive, the drugs were starting to wear off and without another dosage, the girls were waking up still kind of weak, but when they remembered what happened they got mad.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up from what felt like a very good sleep to see I was in my room, so I guess I was carried to my room in my sleep. I missed everything so much and was happy to see it before I left my room to smell something good and I know what it was... It was pancakes! After days of only eating chips, water, and meat with nothing on it I ran downstairs to see my mommy was cooking and she was cooking with the thing that makes the pancakes into my favorite shape.


Mommy-Morning Sweetie, I made your favorite.

(Y/N)-Thanks Mom!

I got on my chair, and she put the waffle cars on a plate and put some butter and syrup on all of them. She sat next to me when she gave them to me, and they never tasted so good before. My mommy kissed me before my daddy came in and looked like he just got out of the shower since his hair was still kind of wet.

Daddy-Hey, your mom and I got the day off, so we get to stay home and relax today. Would you like that?

(Y/N)-Yeah! Can we watch a movie or play Mario Kart?!

Mommy-Anything you want today. We're just so happy that you're back home.~

She gave me another kiss on the head and my dad rubbed my hair a little to make it messy.

Daddy-But first, you got a shower with your name on it. You stink.


I don't think I should tell them that I took baths with naked dinosaur girls on the island or anything else. I just finished my breakfast and had some milk before I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get in a shower, and I never thought I would love a shower so much.

(Timeskip 5 hours)

I got bored of playing video games with my mommy and daddy, so we were just watching a movie and my mom said she was going to make some nachos tonight for dinner. She makes a lot of stuff with nachos every time to make it so good and I couldn't wait. By the time the movie was over my mommy went to the kitchen with my daddy to start cooking and I just put on a cartoon to watch while I wait for dinner.


(No POV)

Blue, Charlie, Echo, and Delta were all strapped down and Blue had a pine of blood taken from her while in another room the indominious was having her blood taken too for her DNA. Needless to say, they were all pissed off and just wanted the scientists in their teeth or cut with their knives. They were all taken to cages while the real work was starting for what their employer really wanted, but something went wrong... The samples they got from the boy have been proven to be ineffective and "he" wasn't very happy.



Scientist-We're still making a batch and we will have our own soon.

Eli-Ask me if I care! That kid is the only thing standing a chance for us to make the world's greatest living weapon! She will be done tonight, so that means I want him here by tonight or tomorrow morning for the testing phase!

Scientist-But what about his parents? They will tell the police about this then the press will know and wonder what we're up to.

Eli-Make something up! I don't care what, but until that batch is done and actually works then I want the kid here!... I need some fucking coffee.

Eli just left the room, and the scientist was trying to think of a good story and soon he came up with something that was a long shot, but it just might work. Meanwhile in the room where a new being was being designed, "she" was twitching her hand a little showing that she was alive and much more work was being done still.

(Timeskip To Night)

((Y/N)'s POV)

Everything for the nachos was finally all done, and my daddy was making my plate while I went to sit at the table then soon, they came with my plate with theirs and it looked so good.


I took my first bite and I loved how it was a little spicy and soon I got a cup of water to help with it. Dad didn't need it and he even put hot sauce on his and I don't know how he doesn't sweat or breathe fast or anything. During dinner, my daddy's phone started to ring and when he answered it he just swallowed his bite.

Daddy-Hello... Already?... We can come in, in the morning... Uhhhh, yeah. How is this all going to happen?... No, like is this a shot, pill, or-... Oh, ok... Yeah, you too.

He hung up and when he did, he put his phone away and looked at me.

Daddy-Tomorrow, we're getting up a little early. We're getting this smell off you and that will be the end of everything.

Mommy-Was that that scientist from the docks?

Daddy-No, this was a woman. Said her name was Valorie. They're just going to spray him with something, he'll take a shower there, and that's it.

(Y/N)-Is it going to smell bad? The last one smelled bad.

Daddy-Well you're getting a shower, so you'll just have to deal with it. We want that stuff off of you or do you want to keep it on?

(Y/N)-I want it off.

Daddy-Then you're getting sprayed down tomorrow.

I really hope it doesn't smell bad because I hated it last time and it took forever for the smell to go away. After dinner, I went to my room to play with my toys a bit before bed. I was happy about getting this stuff off me for good and I don't think the girls will ever see me again, so it doesn't matter that much since I think they will be far away from me forever. When it was time for bed, I tried to go to sleep... but I was thinking about the island.

(Y/N)'s mind-Come (Y/N), they are gone, and you are home. It's over, so go to sleep.

I tried telling myself that again and again, but I still couldn't sleep, and I tried everything. Counting sheep, going downstairs for some milk, and nothing worked. Why can't I sleep?... Maybe I'm still scared of that place, but I'm not there anymore...

(Y/N)'s mind-Alright, that's it. I'm going to sleep, rather if I like it or not!

(Timeskip To Morning)

((M/N)'s POV)

I was up and getting ready before I could wake up my son to take him to get this stuff off him in case it does anything else weird. When I made it to his room, I saw he was already awake and lying in bed still, but I guess it shouldn't be a surprise after what he went through.


(M/N)-Sweetie, are you ok?

(Y/N)-Um, I'm fine.

(M/N)-Well... let's get you ready to go to the doctors and get this stuff off you.

(Y/N)-Do they give you lollipops when you're done?

(M/N)-Um,... if anything we'll get some ice cream or something after.


He got out of bed, and I could tell the whole incident was bothering him still and I was heartbroken that my brother was gone too. I just need to focus on my son for now and the family already chipped in on my brother's stone for the memorial soon to be put up in the cemetery here. I also plan to sue after what that lab did to my son after they fix this problem.

(No POV)

Eli was informed that the boy was going to be at the lab soon and was glad to hear that news since the formula was still being made and altered a little to help with the weapon. Speaking of which another scientist sent by Dr. Wu came to see Eli to tell him some good news.

Scientist-Sir... The subject is complete and better than expected.

Eli-Fantastic and just in time too. When the kid gets here, I have a test in mind, and I want everything ready. Dr. Wu already knows what I want to be done.

Scientist-What about the other subjects?

Eli-Keep them alive and well. This is the future of warfare.


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