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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up with my face in a pillow and I felt so much better that the dream was finally over and I was back home where things made sense. I know I had to do some chores, but after what I saw in the dream I need to think about something else. I got up with my eyes closed while I stretched.

(Y/N)'s mind-Alright, i'll start with laundry then i'll-.

When I opened my eyes I saw I was still in the rabbits house I fell asleep in to get out, but the rabbit was gone and my heart was going faster when I felt so scared and confused.

(Y/N)'s mind-What?! I caught the rabbit girl! I did everything the dream wanted! Why am I still here!

I tried pinching myself a lot, pulling my fingers until they popped, anything I could think of or try, but there was nothing.

(Y/N)'s mind-Is... Is this not a dream?!... THIS IS REALLY REAL?!?!?!

I was really with a queen that killed all the boys here, I was really with a weird and scary cat, I was really with a crazy hat girl with a human rabbit and mouse, 2 twins were trying to catch me, and... I WAS WITH A REAL RABBIT LADY!!! My breathing just got faster and I just crawled around not knowing wat to do until I fell of the bed head first and...




Soon the rabbit lady ran in here and to me while I was still crying from the pain and she picked me to hold me and bounce me.


Mrs. Rabbit-Hey, you're ok. Did you fall out of bed? Shhhhh.~

I was scared of her since she was like a monster now, but she won't let me go and held me tighter. She tried to talk to me more, but I wasn't listening to her!

(Mrs. Rabbit POV)

My poor baby was just so fussy after he woke up hitting the floor probably from a nightmare. This will be my first test as his mother and I wanted to prep him up first, but I guess now will have to do, so I sat down on the back and tried rocking him bath and forth while shushing him. Soon he tired himself out and he was still struggling a little, but I didn't have to hold him firmly anymore.

Mrs. Rabbit-Better honey bun? You must've been so scared from that nightmare... I don't think we properly introduced ourselves, yet. My name is Neela,... but you can call me mama. What's your name.~


Neela-Awwww... We'll come back to that. I'll just call you my baby bunny until then. Come on, let's get you ready to live here properly.~

I took him downstairs to the kitchen where I had the high chair set up that I never got to use, and other things were set up in the house already. Right now I just sat him on the counter before I got the potion i've been getting ready for him and dipped my finger in it to hold it to his mouth.

Neela-Open for mama bunny.~

He didn't want to do it, but when he was going to cry again and his jaw was trembling that means it was weak right now. I pried it open a little quickly before I slid my finger in his mouth only giving him 2 drops worth of the potion at least and he didn't like the taste, but nobody does. I felt so happy as he was slowly shrinking, but when he was done i looked at the high chair and though he was still a little too big... one more drop should do it.

Baby Bunny-St-St-Stop it!

Neela-I know you're scared, but mama promises things will get better. Just take one more drop for me.~

Baby Bunny-N-!

I acted quickly and managed to get a little potion that was left on my finger nail in his mouth and he went down a few more inches and... he was perfect! He was also crying, but now it was just so easy and nice to hold him since now that I can do it with one arm and he fits perfects now.

Neela-Mama's poor bunny. Come on, I got real food ready for you too and it's something as sweet as you.~

I just put him in his high chair and buckled him in it before I went into my fridge to get his treat that I baked for him and looked back to see him just meaningless struggling, crying, and scared.


I don't understand why because he was fine and happy to be with me before he took a nap. I put his cake to the side for now and went up to him and wiped his tears with my thumbs while he was still whimpering.

Neela-Hey, you want your treat now? I made it for you.~

I'll just take his small whimpers as a yes and went to grab a small plastic and rubber fork for him and and got him a small bite. I had to put it against his mouth for him to open up and take the bite, but I think he likes it. I finally could be the mother I always wanted to be and after he got 9 bites I think he had enough for now and when I finally unbuckled him from his chair he tried to get out himself, but I took him out myself, so he doesn't fall.

Neela-Honey, you can't do that. You'll get hurt.~




Neela's mind-Ugh, who could that be?

I just took my baby to living room and put him in his playpen and he was too small to get out on his own then I went to the door and opened it and when I did my heart sank and I was really starting to worry.


Neela-... How may I help you?

Guard-The queen's future husband has been kidnapped by someone. I am to inform you that if you know anything of his whereabouts or if you know who has him, all information is to go to the queen immediately.

Neela-Does this mean I can go back to the castle for work?

Guard-No, she was clear on that part. My ears are still ringing from how clear she was.

Neela-Ok, i'll just report to one of you to report to the queen then. Good day.

She turned and left and when I closed the door I leaned back on it in relief and realized how dangerous it would be if I take him outside and someone saw him. I went to go check on my baby bunny and he was curled up in the corner of his pen, so I went to pick him up just to hold him.


I just bounced him and turned him side to side and gave him some kisses, but then I smelled him closer and he smelled kinda weird. I guess now would be a great time for a bath for me too, since I did get some flour in my fur.

Neela-Come on Baby Bunny, let's go get us both cleaned and you get to be wrapped in a nice warm blanket before dinner.~

Baby Bunny-... (Y/N).

Neela-Oh, is that your name?... Well, I think i'll stick with my little pet name for you.

He didn't look to happy about that and wasn't really talking much. Not only that, I just wish he would hold on to and cuddle me like he did when he first got here.

(Mad Hatter's POV)

Right now I was out looking alone since March Hare and Ellie said they were working on their own trap. I was asking the locals around here and ran into the twins earlier and they were really bad at keeping secrets.

(Flashback Start)

Mad Hatter-Evening gi-.

Dum-Little boy?! What little boy?!

Mad Hatter-The one we're all-.

Dee-You can't prove we've seen him at the rabbits house!

Mad Hatter-Rabbit's house?... The white ra-?!

Dum-And you can't prove we saw him there, so ha!

(Flashback End)

Sometimes I love our little talks, so I know where I was heading and when I got there I snuck up to the window and peaked inside to see nobody, so I checked the other windows. When I got to the window upstairs to the bedroom I saw into the bathroom and I couldn't see them, but I did hear something since the window was open.

White Rabbit-Honey bun, can you smile just one more time for me?... *Sigh*... How about if I take you out for a walk close to my house tonight?


White Rabbit-Home?... You are home. You're my baby bunny now.

I smiled at what I could hear about tonight, so I hopped down and ran to go get the girls to help me out over here and tonight he will be ours..

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was thinking and remember how I got here in the first place and it was by following her, so she got up there before and that means she knows the way back. When I asked her is she could take me home, she said this was home, so I need a way to trick her.

(Y/N)'s mind-What would make her want to go up there with me?


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