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((Y/N)'s POV)

Aerial kept me in her lap all day before she finally let me off just to leave me next to the throne while she went to get stuff for dinner and came back to put me back on her lap and fed me actual cooked fish food. I was confused on how they did this since we are underwater, so they can't use fire. Soon they came in cooking more fore food and I saw a lot of bubbles coming up and over the food a little like it was boiling from a... red rock or something.

Aerial-I was thinking after desert we should get ready for bed. I wanna show you around the palace with some beautiful sights in the morning.

(Y/N)-Do you think we can try to get me back to land after?

Aerial-Umm,... maybe. We'll have to see about that. Let's just eat for now.

(Y/N)'s mind-What is taking Yuffie and Aerith so long to find me? They didn't leave, did they?

(Aqua's POV)

I was looking around and so far I didn't see any heartless yet, so if there's no heartless to fight here then why bring me here? I didn't give up and kept on looking then I got an idea to find the one the is in charge here to see if anything weird has happened around here. The locals all pointed me to a palace they call "Atlantica" and when I got there, it definitely had the look of royalty living there. When I went inside I saw guards cleaning a table in a throne room, so I went up to them to talk.

Aqua-Hello... Excuse me.

They soon turned to me and I saw a look of depression or something along those lines.

Guard#1-If you're here for the king, he isn't available at this moment.

Aqua-Oh, um,... then is there someone else I can talk too, or can you tell me if anything odd has been happening.

Guard#2-... I'm sorry, but we must ask you to leave the palace.

That was raising concern for me about what was happening, so I could not leave just yet, so I acted as if I was. When I was out of sight, I hid behind a pillar and snuck past to have a look around. I don't know if the king is a bad person or if something happened, but when I find him I will find answers or at the very least, know what questions to be asking. While I was sneaking around I still kept my guard up for heartless or unversed incase there's something bad going on here then I heard giggling coming from a way. I stayed low and hidden before I came across a room with a cracked door, so I peaked in and when I did I saw he looking happy, but then I saw who must be the king chained down and gagged.


???-Oh daddy, it's wonderful, (Y/N) is just such a sweetheart! Maybe when you come around and I can trust you enough to let you go, you can see him for yourself!~

Aqua's mind-(Y/N)?! He's here?!

This must be the reason I was brought here and she does not seem like the one I would leave a child with. I have to hurry to find him and get out of here. If I were to guess she was a princess, so her room would be somewhere kinda like where her dad's might be and where she might be keeping (Y/N) and that would usually be on the higher floors... or whatever you want to call it here.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Aerial just left me in her room on her bed in this bubble still and said she would be right back. This room was pretty, but I tried to leave only to fail. The bubble was staying in place on this bed and when I gave up to just wait for her I saw the door slowly starting to open and someone peaked inside before they came in.


???-*Gasp* It's you!

She looked happy to see me and I was confused until I got a better look at her and she did look kinda familiar then I know who she was.

(Y/N)-... Aqua?... You're a mermaid?!

Aqua-It's a long story, but we have to go "now".

(Y/N)-I'm stuck in here and I can't move this bubble that much.

She just sighed before she pushed the bubble with her out of the door and we went down the hall. She put her fingers to her lips to tell me to be quiet and I nodded my head while she was going down the halls until we found a window big enough to swim out of and left. I was so happy that we were leaving and I looked at the thing Aqua gave and can't believe it actually worked.

(Aerial's POV)

I was done talking to my daddy and I still don't trust him enough to let him run around with (Y/N) by my side still, so I left him there. I was heading back to my room to cuddle with my human guppy to take a nap with him before I saw my door was opened. There was no way he could've opened the door by himself and when I looked into my room... I felt my heart shatter shorty before I became very, very, VERY ANGRY!!!


((Y/N)'s POV)

Aqua brought me above water and to an island we found and when she pushed me on the sand the bubble finally popped and I could feel the wet sand under me. I looked back to Aqua who was still in the water and she was smiling a little before she came up to me.

Aqua-Are you alright?

(Y/N)-Yeah... How did you get here?

Aqua-I have my ways, but now is the time for us to talk about something else. How long have you been with her?

(Y/N)-Um... Not that long. I came here with my other friends, Aerith and Yuffie to find a piece of my world and I got it.

Aqua-Huh, let me see.

I reached into my pocket and pulled it out to show her and it was still glowing in my hand, but she kinda smiled and laughed.


Aqua-That's amazing. You better keep that safe.

(Aqua's POV)

I was trying really hard to hide it, but that was a summoning stone which can come in handy during a fight. This is also really bad if that really is a piece of his world because that means it has fallen to heartless and only strong hearts become those stones. I want him to hold on to his hope though because there maybe be a chance for his home, just maybe.

Aqua-We need to get you out of here before that mermaid finds us. Something tells me that she has some help.

(Y/N)-Where are we gonna go? I don't know where Aerith and Yuffie are, they have the ship, and-.

Aqua-Just,... trust me and hold on to me, ok.

I turned around which was a little tricky with this new fin of mine, but he slowly got on before I got in the water then summoned my key blade. I opened a portal and he held on to me tighter before I turned my key blade into my glider and went through almost instantly getting my legs back. Now that we were out of there I should report to my master back home, but it might be bad if he were to find out right now, so maybe I should find a place to lay low before I figure things out. Soon I found a world and went to it and when we entered it took us to the worst opening where we almost crashed on the side of a cliff. I turned us away in time and we still crashed, but this time into a field of snow and flew off my glider to slide a few feet in the snow.


It was indeed cold and I was more worried for him than myself right now, so I went to him and picked him up and looked for anything that can help us get warm. This looked like a mountain and there was a city far away, but too far to reach in time and I can't use my glider because someone could see me and make things even more complicated than they already are. I started walking until I found a cave. I got us inside and put him down before I summoned my key blade to channel magic and found some roots in here we can burn, but only for so long, but it was better than nothing.


I shot a small fireball at the roots and kept the flame going until it caught fire itself.

(Y/N)-Where are we? It's so cold here.

I guess the water on his clothes wasn't helping him right now, so I did the only thing I could think of... I took off his wet jacket and pulled him into me for body warmth.

Aqua-We'll go as soon as we warm up a bit, ok?


This was more for him than for me, but after all the things he's been through, he needs something. When the flames goes out then so do we which should be too long then it will only be an 30 minute walk give or take.

(No POV)

Meanwhile in town a few men on horses arrived and were handing out scrolls to people serving as an invitation... for joining the army. However,... there was one that didn't wish to see her father go.


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