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(Red Queen's POV)

I couldn't find this rabbit since she went home and I don't have the patience to go to her or even send out guards, so she won't be allowed in the castle for the time being. The fool gets away with it this time, so I just went back to my room and when I made it back I saw my darling future husband sleeping in his little bed very peacefully with his back going up and down under his blanket.


I wanted him to sleep in my bed so bad, but last time I tried shrinking my husband to have him sleep with me he died by my boobs. It was his own fault since he pushed me to have to shrink him. He was looking at another woman a lot and after I had her execution done with he only cried for her. Finding a husband for me was almost impossible because they were either too ugly, stupid, sweaty, loud, or disobedient to me. Now I have a male child I can raise to be my perfect husband.

Red Queen's mind-We will be starting first thing in the morning.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up to some noises before I was scooped out of this bed still seeing I was in this dream still even when I go to sleep myself. I was so confused and kinda mad that I can't just wake up. When I finally opened my eyes I just saw the Red Queen getting a bath ready for us and some guards were in here putting clothes down for us to change into.


Red Queen-Leave us and be sure that breakfast is ready when we get out. I want it in my quarters while we start training.

Guard#1/#2-Yes, your majesty.

When they left we got in the bath and she put me on a rubber duck to float on before she turned me to her.

Red Queen-You may swim in a bit, but first i'm going to tell you what you're going to do when we get out of here. You will stay seated on the pillow I put you on and I don't want you to so much as raise a hand to the food breakfast. Feeding you will be my job for the time being and when our training starts, if you fail to do what I ask there will be a punishment for so much as hesitating to do it.

This has to be the worst dream ever and everything just feels so real, but there was now way because girls can't jump into cards, animals can't talk, we only have a king, not a queen, and there is no drink or whatever to make you grow or shrink. She just started to wash herself before she got me then made me swim in the bath for a while before she wanted to get out. She dried me off and I wanted to dress myself, but she hit her hand on the sink.

Red Queen-What do you think you're doing?!

(Y/N)-... Getting dressed.

Red Queen-And when did I give you permission to do that?!

She didn't even let me talk before she started to dress me like I was a doll then we went out to her room while she was still a little mad at me, but got better when she saw the food.


There was also a small pillow on the table in here and she put me on it and even put my hands on the pillow and gave me a look and I remember what she wanted to do.

Red Queen-Now what should be your first trick?... Ah, give me your best begging face.~

(No POV)

During breakfast a few minor punishments were "needed" in order to get (Y/N) to comply with the queen's orders. Some orders were easy, some were hard, and some were just embarrassing to do and those were most punishments were needed by the queen. After each trick he did, he got a bite of food until he was full... then he did tricks just to not get punished for a while. The whole time someone was watching from the open window they did not see.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The Red Queen was finally out of ideas and she just put me back in the glass box before she just left the room to go do some business before she comes back to train me more. I hate this place and when did dreams hurt so much because she flicked me a couple of times and it really did hurt. I just sat on the tiny couch in here all alone before I heard something and I already knew who it was, but the laughing was coming from everywhere.

Cat-Oh kitten.~

(Y/N)-Just go away.

Cat-How rude, but I guess the Red Queen doesn't play very nice like she did with the others.~


I don't know why I cared because this was a dream, so there was no others.

Cat-Aww, what's with that look? Still think this is a dream?~

Just then I saw her come out from under the table I was in and she was flying a bit while she looked in my cage, still smiling at me.


Cat-*Gasp* My poor kitten.~

(Y/N)-I'm not you're kitten!

Cat-Right, i'm also not showing my true self. Oh wait.~

She flew back a bit before she started to stretch in mid air and I was hearing her body pop a few times and i thought it was kinda cool and gross at the same time. Her body was getting taller and skinny and clothes were coming out of her fur and even had to dress herself a little until I saw she looked kinda different and smiled at me.


Cat-Much better. Squishing together always feels weird.~

(Y/N)-You looked like that the whole time? Why did you make yourself look different?

Cat-Why did the Gleeman brothers dye their hair before going to battle with their next door neighbors? Because it's fun to be who you're not!~

She was flipping in the air a lot before she stopped to fly right over me and peaked her head in my cage a little.

Cat-I bet my silly little kitten hates being trained by the mean Red Queen and it's only going to get worse. I've seen how she treats men.~

(Y/N)-What are you talking about?

Cat-Do you think we were all girls here to start with? The eldest comes to age of marriage and she would not take no for an answer, only give it. If this is a dream or not, would it matter if she were to say "no" to you?... Oooorrrrr, you can spend your dream with meeeee.~

She poked my belly a bit before she rubbed my head then I saw a look in her eye and it took a little bit to remember that look. It was from a girl I know from school when I saw her at a pet store and... she was looking at the puppies. I really was a kitten to here and I was even the size for it now!

Cat-Tell me, do you really want to stay with the queen after she won't let you near your rabbit friend and make you do all these tricks for her?~

(Y/N)-... No.

Cat-Then what are you waiting for? Come give your mommy cat some loves.~

She put her hand on the floor for me to get on and if I stay here the queen will make me do more stuff. At least I can get out of this cage and I can run and hide from her if something happens since she doesn't have help. I was about to climb on her hand before she stopped me.

Cat-Ehehehe, I did say to show me some love. Give me a hug.~

She put her tail in here and in front of me and if I want to get out of here I need to hug her tail and I don't know what this feels like to her. I slowly went to her tail and hugged it then she wrapped it around me to pick me up and fly up a little then moved me to drop me on her belly.

Cat-I know you would come around if I was patient. You'll love being my kitten.~

She grabbed me before she curled up into a ball with me inside and I felt her kissing and licking me while I was stuck in her fur.

Cat-Now... let's go home.~

(Red Queen's POV)

I was taking a break from my royal duties and saw to it that my little male will have a cage in every room I go to, so he will always stay put until i trust him enough to make him grow... or until I get bored of his adorable little body being in my hands or maybe even a carrier for when I go outside...

Red Queen's mind-I'll just grow him on special occasions before I shrink him again.

When I made it to my room I was ready to resume training and this time focus on him snuggling with me and learning how to climb and rest on me without any effort on my part.

Red Queen-(Y/N), when I take you out and put you on the floor you're going to-. *Gasp*!

I saw his cage was empty and there was no way he could've gotten out on his own which means... I ran out into the hall and looked for anything or anyone until I quickly came across my guards and my anger made them stiff up and I march up to them.



Guards-Yes, your majasty!

They ran to tell the others and I went back to searching too and i've never been more angry in all my life. Just cutting off their head doesn't feel like it's enough!... I WILL "PERSONALLY" CUT OFF EVERY PART OF THEIR BODY STARTING WITH THEIR HANDS THEY USED TO TOUCH "MY" PROPERTY!!!

((Y/N)'s POV)

The cat finally uncurled and I saw we were in a forest and I was covered in her kisses and tried to wipe them off, but she only gave me more. Soon she went into a tree and it looked like it was going to be small and I didn't like that, but when we got in... it was a tunnel and we went down to see a big house before she put me down. There was couches on the floor and... ceiling, some pictures, it was all purple, pink, and a little bit of blue then I saw the bed she had and it was so big.


(Cat's POV)

My kitten was taking in my house and I hardly come here since it's boring to be alone, but now it should be fun with my kitten here. I also got into a habit of taking off my clothes in my home instead of hiding them under my fur, but I didn't want to wait to play with my kitten. I just took off the shirt he was wearing and he got kinda mad and it was adorable.

(Y/N)-Hey, give that back!

Cat-Sure, just grab it and it's all yours.~

I jumped up and swiped at his shirt to try and grab it, but I moved it to the side a bit to make him jump for it again. I soon dragged it on the ground for him to get down on his hands and knees to try and get it and this reminds me of playing when I was a kitten, except I always got my toy.

Cat's mind-You're just so cute and playful kitten... I wonder how you would like my old toys stuff. Oh, this mother feeling is just so nice!~


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