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(Ken's POV)

We were all spreading out around the area and so far there seemed to be nothing, in sight that is, so you would be a damn idiot to let your guard down now. It was very quiet,... too quiet, and if almost every dinosaur was set free you think you would see them almost everywhere. There's just that big one in the water, but we'll get to her on another day because we have bigger fish to fry.

Ken-Anyone see anything?!


Soldier#2-All cl-!


We all turned to see our man being pulled from inside a building behind a counter, so we all moved in to see what it was and just then we saw the culprit running off.


Ken-Raptor girl! We need her alive!

We all opened fire on her, but she turned at a doorway outside, so we all missed then ran outside to look for her, but then I heard someone coughing and gagging behind me and when I turned I saw a man with his throat slit and another dino girl just jumped out a broken window.


Ken's mind-Fucking hell!

I just got a move on outside only to see 2 more dead men and one of their eyes was cut out while my men were shooting at the one we saw in the first place, but she got away. This was no random attack, this shit was planned and coordinated and it makes sense because they are coordinated too. It was clear we needed an advantage besides firearms against them and I had an idea, but it would take some time.

Ken-Fall back to the truck! We'll regroup and come up with a plan!

They all listened to me and while we loaded on the truck I looked into a building and saw one of the girls glaring back at me before I got in and closed the door.


(Timeskip 2 Days)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was with the girls in this room still and they were very touchy if I even got close to the door and when I opened the door last night while they were sleeping to try and leave Blue just spanked me a little... hard. They would bring back food to cook or something and the only they let me out is for a bath, but they always carry me, even in the water, and even if they hear a helicopter or something they don't wait for anything to run back here. It was almost time for a bath soon since we always go to one after we play for a long time even if it means they play by pushing and poking at me. I keep on hearing them close by, but I'm scared to scream for help because they might get angry and if they get away from the people looking for me they might hurt me.


I turned to Echo and I looked at my leg to see a little scratch mark on my leg that she got me with her toe then she licked and kissed it better. There was no blood, so I was okay, but just then Blue picked me up and we all went outside, so it was bath time now.


(Claire's POV)

This was all so stressful because my career was practically ruined and now a child was left behind on the island, so I brought Franklin with me to help track down the dinosaurs they wanted to know the location of. I don't know how that is going to find this kid, but this is the only option I'm left with to fix something at least. We were being escorted to the lab, so we could get the power back on which shouldn't be too hard since it was just recently abandoned, so it just needs a little jump start and Ken was watching us.

Ken-How long is this going to take?

Franklin-Claire, do you know the species code of the indominious and raptors?

Claire-Um... D-9, D-8, D-7, D-6, and R-004.

Franklin-Aaannnd, got them. Looks like the raptors are sticking together, but the indominious is with another dinosaur probably fighting.

Ken-Can you put this on a tablet or something? I want to keep track of them at all times.

Franklin-Ok, can you give me like 10 minutes?


Claire-How do we find the child here?

Ken-Oh, looks like they didn't tell you. That kid is a humanoid dinosaur chick magnet.

Franklin-Uhhh,... what?

Ken-Don't know all the details, but we find more humanoids we find the kid or he comes to us or whatever then he gets a check up then goes home happily ever after.

Claire-Humanoids might not be as aggressive, but they will still kill people. What makes this child so special?

Ken-I don't know, you ran this place before, so if you don't know then none of us do. We just need to get the kid, that's all.

There was something about all that, that I just don't understand and I'm going to get to the bottom of this before I go handing a child to an army.

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were just sitting in the water now and this water was very warm and kind of steaming a bit, but it would be better if I was in a bathing suit or something. Charlie was holding me on her lap before Blue came over and tried to take me, but Charlie did not want to let go of me and it turned into a little fight that Blue won and she took me to sit down where she was. We stayed in here a little while longer before we got out to dry off and it was too cold to do it before we got our now washed and dried clothes and left to go back while I was still being carried. When we made it back to the room Blue finally put me down and I just sat in a corner on a pile of stuffed toys I made into a bed to get comfy. They all came to me to cuddle with me until my stomach growled, so Blue went to where we keep the food in here which was just raw meat in a fridge and berries and she just started a small fire to cook something.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why can't they find and help me when they're supposed to?... What if they can't and give up?... I don't wanna stay here.

I was going to cry, but I stopped myself before they noticed then suddenly all the girls looked like someone was coming, but I didn't hear anything. Before They could run to where they got their knives...


The door was knocked down and a bunch of men with guns came in and I curled up before Echo got in front of me to run at them, but they all got shot with a few darts before they went down then I saw 3 more people come in the room.


(Author Note: I just like to say something. How come whenever you try to look up fan art of a guy from a movie that's not an anime, it's most of the time impossible to find it, but when it's a woman, even someone not even a main character, you got fucking piles of fanart of them?)

Man#1-All clear, sir!

???-Any sign of the-... Never mind.

They all saw me and I looked to see the girls sleeping on the ground before the lady came up to me slowly. I was happy to be saved, but all these men with guns just looked so scary.

???-Hey,... are you (Y/N)?

I just nodded my head yes before she bent down to me to get closer.

???-I'm Claire... We're here to take you home. Your mom and dad are very worried about you.

She held out her hand and I took it before she pulled me up and we started to leave then I saw the men taking the girls with us. They called for trucks to come and get us and I was happy that I was finally going home, but they said I needed to see a doctor first when I got back before my mommy and daddy could pick me up.

(Y/N)'s mind-I'm going home, I'm going home, I'M FINALLY GOING HOME!!!

(No POV)

While (Y/N) was waiting for the boat to set sail the raptor girls were being loaded on and meanwhile in the forest Dominica and Tessa were hunting together to find (Y/N) and kill whoever he is with to take him, but thanks to the tracker still in Dominica a helicopter found them and the two were shot with multiple darts until they went down and were strapped into cages to being taken by helicopters to the mainland. One for money and one for another project.


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