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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was slowly starting to wake up and I tried to stretch, but I was wrapped in something when I started to remember what happened. I thought when I opened my eyes I would be back in a fancy room with Alcian and the girls,... but I wasn't. I was in something that looked like a cave, but there was stuff in it. There was a bit of drawings on the walls I think and when I looked around more I saw I was on a bed and this wasn't just a cave. It was like a jail cell from a dungeon and I wanted to call for help, but instead I started to cry because I was just so scared. Soon the door opened and I saw a lady come in and I didn't see her before, but I think she might know Alcian somehow and she was the lady that chased us with Alcian.


???-Ah, you're finally awake. We meet again at last.

I was still kinda crying, but now I was confused because I know I never saw her before she chased me. She sat on the bed in then leaned to me before she poked my nose and played with my lips before I turned away from her.

???-*Chuckles* So helpless and yet you still have a bit of fight to resist me... We'll take care of that in due time. We have other matters to attend to.

She just took me out of bed before she carried me out of the room and I had no idea where we were going or what she was going to do. Soon we made it to a bigger room with holes on the roof of the cave place or something then I heard something kinda scary before I tried to look around before I saw a man.


???-Ah, Heisenberg. You came.

Heisenberg-You summoned me Mother Miranda?

Miranda-I did. I'm going to need a few things made and you're just the one for the job.

Heisenberg-What am I making?

Miranda-The list is on the broken slab next you.

He looked around before he grabbed a piece of paper and opened it to read what she wanted and he looked kinda confused.

Heisenberg-Is this shit a joke? *whisper*

Miranda-Is there going to be a problem?

Heisenberg-... No, it shall be done.


He just looked at me before he left while whispering more stuff I couldn't hear and when he was gone Miranda looked to me before she smiled and rubbed one finger from my forehead, down my cheek, and to my chin before she let go.

Miranda-When your new little sister gets here, we're going to be one big happy family. I can see it now. Ever. Lasting. Happiness.~

(Timeskip 2 Hours)

I was still in this blanket and she won't even let me talk without trying to make me stop or just scare me to make me stop. She held me like a baby for what felt like hours now before my stomach growled and she noticed.

Miranda-Is my son getting hungry?~

(Y/N)-A little... Can I have something?

Miranda-I have the perfect thing for you. You'll have it all to yourself this time, but be sure to share with your sister later on.

She was starting to pull her shirt down where her boobs were and I don't know what this has to do with food, but just then we heard someone walking in and when we looked we saw Alcian.


Alcian-Mother, I came to see if I may have my pet now.

Miranda-I'm afraid he's hungry and I was just about to take care of it.

Alcian-I actually have food ready for him at-.

Miranda-First, he will be fed by me. Understood?

Alcian-... Understood.

Miranda-Wait outside if you so wish. We should be done soon.

(Alcian's POV)

I just turned and left annoyed that I still don't have my pet for a little longer and my daughters are antsy to have him back. I just sat on a rock to wait before I pulled out my lipstick to reapply some while I waited for a few more moment before I saw Mother Miranda come out with my pet and his cheeks were kinda pink.


Miranda-Here you are, but just know that we are sharing at times, all thanks considered.

Alcian-Thank you mother.

I finally got my pet back from her and I just felt so much better to be holding him again and the cute and shy expression on his face made it so much more worth the wait. When mother went back inside I started the walk home which wasn't far from here.

Alcian's mind-I hope you saved room because I plan to enjoy myself after all the stress I was put through.

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

I made it back home when the snow was started to come down a little harder, but we got inside where it was warm then I went straight for my quarters. I hoped to keep this a secret from my daughters, at least for a little bit for some alone time while I feed him, but they quickly met me in the hall and were ecstatic to see our little man puppy was back home.


Cassandra-Mother, can we see him?!

Daniela-Did anything happen to him?!

Bela-May I hold him mother?!

Alcian-Now ladies, be patient. Our pet needs to be fed before it's play time. I just want it to be quiet and peaceful while I do it.

They all complied to my wishes before I went to my quarters where I had a bowl of sound over a small flame to keep warm. I just took the bowl put it on my table while I saw down with my pet on my lap and my daughters were in here watching. I also noticed my pet has been really quiet and his cheeks were still pink.

Alcian-Say ahhh.~

I held a bit up to him and he didn't saw it, but he still opened for his bite.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I wanted to get this taste out after what Miranda made me do while she said she was my mother now. I can't stop thinking about it and I hate it, but after a few bites of soup the taste was finally gone. This was better, but not good still because I was still being fed like a baby and I just want Jill to save me again. When I was done eating because I was full Alcian just unwrapped me from the blanket and put me down by pushing me to be on my hands and knees.

Alcian-Take it easy for a while ladies for his food to settle. We can't have our man puppy get sick on the floor.

The girls came over to me and were petting, scratching, and patting me before the soon stopped to rubbed their hands a little.

Bela-He's kinda sweaty.


Alcian-I suppose it would be time for a bath.

I don't know if I could take more embarrassment anymore after what just happened, so I tried to get up and run, but Daniela scooped me up and spanked my thigh a few times.

Daniela-Don't you dare try to run from us again!

They took me tp the bath before and got my clothes off while the water was running before they pet me in. I can't climb out because this bath was too tall, wide, and slippery to get out before they can push me back down. They all loved washing me and Alcian just washed and let them before she took me out to dry me off for "play time" which was like playing with a dog or something.


(Mia's POV)


I was so fucking furious was these corporate assholes telling me to calm down and try to hide stuff I already fucking know because I WAS FUCKING THERE!!! Jill was talking to Chris and sounded like she was getting somewhere at least a little bit before she called someone else then I just hung up. I have to deal with relocation, I have to deal with all this shit, and I don't know how to deal with all this then suddenly Jill came in and tossed a bag on my bed before she got out a clip and started to load it.


Jill-Tell me you know how to shoot a gun.

Mia-Of course I can shoot a gun.

Jill-Good, we're heading out in the morning.

Mia-You got Chris to let us go?

Jill-That's the best part. I don't need Chris to give me permission, he said his mission is top priority and (Y/N) would be a side mission and I say "bullshit".

Mia-What about my daughter?

Jill-Staff there see your daughter as someone important since this crazy bitch seemed to be after her. She'll be fine. Now, are you in...

She pulled a shotgun out of the bag and I think I recognized it from when my former neighbor showed it off to Ethan and I when we first moved in then she held it to me.


Jill-Or out?

My daughter would be safe and I done this kind of shit before twice, so I took the gun to show I was in, but...

(No POV)

Mia/Jill's mind-This does not mean I plan to share with her. He "will" be all mine.~


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