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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was walking in a very big garden and there was fancy stuff in it like fountains, tea set tables, bushes cut into hearts with red roses on it, and there was even a pool and ponds out here. I looked around some more and saw other things like an open field, but I was trying to get to the castle and it was just a little tricky to get there since there was a lot of paths to take. Soon I heard screams, but not like someone was scared or hurt, but like they were attacking something.

???-Ha... Ha... Ha! *echo* *off in the distance*


I followed the voices and after a few wrong turns I saw a field full of guards and they were all girls in a weird outfit. They had weapons and almost all of them looked the same except for 2 kinds of girls I could tell from here until I saw something kinda cool... they jumped into big cards and jumped out.


This was kinda weird and cool, but I just left to go try to find a way into the castle and see this queen and if she has a lot of power, she can help me find the rabbit if she's here too. When I finally found the front doors to the castle they were huge and when I knocked on it there was no answer. It was a very big place, so I knocked louder, but that made my hand hurt a little. I waited for a bit longer and there was no answer, so I was about to turn and see if those guard girls can let me in or something. On the way back I here horns like they were in a marching band and the door opened when I was a few ways away, but I turned back and when I saw a bunch of people walking down a path I got nervous and hid behind a bush. It was more guards and animal people going somewhere and I started to follow them to see what they were doing before I try to talk to them.

???-Set up the game!

The animals and girls were running around to set up a game of something and a spikey animal curled up into a ball while someone grabbed a long necked bird by the legs and held them upside down and soon I saw who it was doing it.


This lady had smaller actual walking cards bending on the ground in places before she brought the the head of the bird next to the spikey animal. Soon she hit it and i'm surprised they didn't scream then I remember that everyone was crazy in this dream. I just slowly got out from the bush I was behind and walked up a little before I got very nervous and stopped where I was then...

(Y/N)-Ex-Excuse me.

Some of the girls looked at me before they got made and had their weapons out now.


They ran to me and surrounded me which made everyone look at me and I was scared, but remembered that even if they kill me, I would just wake up. The lady that must be the queen walked over here and gave me a look.

Guard#1-Who are you?!

Guard#2-Are they little card?

Guard#3-They don't look like a card to me?

???-Why, it's a little boy...~ Stand down!

They all backed up and they didn't point their weapons at me anymore then the queen walked up to me before she bent down and rubbed my check with one hand and she was so soft.

???-What a miracle indeed. I thought you were all gone... I am the Red Queen.~

(Y/N)-Um... I'm (Y/N).

Red Queen-Don't speak so slow, and my goodness, when was the last time you bathed?


Red Queen-Unacceptable. Game over! We're heading back inside!


Red Queen-... Did you just give me an order?

She had a serious face on her now and I was kinda scared and took a step back before she came over and took my hand before she pulled me with her as we started walking to the castle.

Red Queen-I'll forgive it this time since you're seem to be new her, but just know that you going to respect my rules.

It won't be so bad since it was only a matter of time before I find the rabbit lady and go home. When we got in the castle she still didn't let go of me and guards were around us and looking at me. We soon got to a room then the queen picked me up and gave me to one of the guards.

Red Queen-Make sure he's clean and so must be his clothing. I want him to be as I last saw him, but better before dinner... Today!

Just then the guard holding me ran to the bathroom with a few others and when they turned on the water they started to take off my clothes and I tried to keep them on and it felt so real, but they got them off anyway and took my clothes somewhere else. I felt so naked and when they started to scrub me I tried to just get out, but they kept me in.

Guard#1-Start with his hair! The queen complained about that first!

Guard#2-I'll get his body!

Guard#3-Hold him still!

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

I was being taken down a hall by 3 guards and I have no idea why I was dreaming that part, but when a pair of big doors open I saw a big and long table in a very big and tall room. There was lights and windows with colors on them, but what caught my eyes the most was the 2 people already in here and I couldn't believe it.


(Y/N)'s mind-IT'S HER!!!

This was my chance to catch the rabbit lady and get out of here, but when they looked over here the queen saw me and smiled before she waved the rabbit lady away.

Red Queen-Leave us and inform the chef before you leave.

Mrs. Rabbit-Y-Y-Yes, my queen.

She left and I just need to find her in this castle now and that should be easier, but when the queen snapped her fingers and pointed at her lap the guards picked me up and brought me to her to put me on her lap. She put an arm around my back and was rubbing my head before kissed my cheek.

Red Queen-Much better... Guards, leave us be and prepare my room with the others. You will be told what you need to.

They just bowed before they left and we were all alone in here and it was so quiet in here while she was just petting me all over. I looked at the table and there was a plate, a cup, a fork, a knife, and a small pillow for some reason. She didn't talk and when I tried to talk I couldn't even say a word before she flicked my nose. She only leaned back while petting me again before the doors opened and I saw carts come in by themselves and small living cards were riding it with food before they started to put it on the table.


Red Queen-I always do love breakfast for dinner on most days, but I do love my new company and you even fit in my lap.

Just then a card walked up to us and he had a silver cup over it's head and the queen took it before she held it up to me.

Red Queen-Drink up.

(Y/N)-What is it?

Red Queen-I said... drink.

She was getting mad, so I opened my mouth and tried to take it, but she poured the whole drink in my mouth which was still a little bit and it tasted nasty. I think I tasted this before then something was happening... I was shrinking again and when I was done I could only fit on one of her laps before she scooped me up un her hands.

Red Queen-Awww, just look at how small and cute you are.~

She put me on the pillow that was on the table and I could lay on this like a bed then she started to eat until she got a very tiny bit and held it up to me. I Slowly took the bite since it didn't really matter and she gave me a few more bites and I was already full because I wasn't hungry in the first place then she went back to eating.

(Y/N)-Excuse me, but... can I see that rabbit lady that was just here?

Just then she froze for a second before she turned to me and looked angry and hit her hand on the table and it made me jump.


Her screaming made my ears ring a little and she leaned closer to me and I didn't know nightmares can hurt you this much. She pushed me down on the pillow and held me down with one finger.

Red Queen-I don't want you to end up like all the others that didn't want to completely submit to me, but I can easily punish you. After all,... I am your queen.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

After she was down eating she held me in one arm before she took me back to her room and I don't know it was because I was so small, but it was huge. There was also a glass box with a small bed, couch, chair, carpet, and a picture of this queen lady and she put me inside.

Red Queen-Wait here while I prepare our bath.

(Y/N)-What? I already-.

Red Queen-Don't argue with me!

She just left to go into her bathroom and I just sat on the couch in here then tried to look for a way out, but it was all glass walls and too high to climb. When she came back in she took me out of this glass box room thing and took me to the bathroom before she put me on the sink and started to get her clothes off, so I looked away.


Red Queen-*Sigh* I'm your wife now, so you better get used to this.


Red Queen-Do you have a problem with that?! LOOK AT ME!!!

She turned me to look at her before she started to take my clothes off then put them on a high self before she picked me up.

Red Queen-You "will" learn to love! You "will" learn to "always" obey me! You "will" learn how to react to me because the moment you arrived here, "you" became "my" property! UNDERSTAND!!!

I was trying not to cry while she got in the bath with me and laid me on top of her boob before she pushed me off, so I started to swim and she smiled.

Red Queen-Whenever you're this small for bath time, I want you to swim and entertain me. If you do a great job then you may very well be rewarded.

She just laid there and watched me swim and I was getting tired, but the only place I could rest was on her. I didn't want to do it, but when I was getting closer she pulled me to her before she started to wash her hair and I wanted to get off when I was rested enough, but when I was about to do it.

Red Queen-You better not.

(Red Queen's POV)

This was testing my patience, but this might very well be the last male around, so I need to train him and he's also adorable, so that makes this a bit easier. He should be honored to be claimed as mine unlike those fully grown ungrateful males. Even when they met my standards they always dare to cross the line and try to leave me, so if they wanted to leave so bad then I gave them what they wanted so bad. I did it so much that I wasn't aware that I executed them all, but I won't do it with this little boy.

Red Queen's mind-He will be raised to love and obey me rather if he likes or will be taught to love it.

When I was done in the bath I got out and got us dried off and dressed before I put him in his cage meant for my last expected husband.

Red Queen-It's bed time for you. I will be back later and expect you to be asleep. I have other things to over see to make sure they are done to my liking.

(Y/N)-Um... Can the rabbit lady be in-.

Red Queen-NO!!!

I just left my room in anger and wondered why he cares so much for my royal aid then something came to my head.



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