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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was eating some sushi and I think it was octopus and it wasn't great, but it was not bad either. Aerial was just swimming around this room and looking at me and sometimes reached in the bubble to touch me and every time I thought the bubble would pop, but it never did. She would give some things weird names and I told her what they really were and that lasted until I got almost everything in here. I was still waiting for Yuffie and Aerith to come for me and get me out of here, but that might be a bit since we're hiding for some reason and I have a good idea from the others...

(Y/N)-Hey Aerial,... why are we hiding in here from your dad if I just need to go to land?

Aerial-... Well,... my daddy has his opinion on humans and it's best that I get you back without him knowing. I am going to take you back, I promise.

There was something about her voice now. It made me feel like... it was ok, but I don't think I can trust it yet. Soon Flounder came in and he looked very happy for some reason and Aerial went up to him and I had a weird feeling in my chest.


Aerial-Why are you so excited?

Flounder-I found something really cool next to an island and I think it's from the human world. Check it out.

He showed us a rock and it almost looked like a shell, but it was blue and glowing then the feeling in my chest got a little stronger and that's when I remembered what Cid said and I was so happy.


(Y/N)'s mind-The fragment!

Aerial was just looking at it like it was cool, but when she saw me looking at it she took it from Flounder and came to me with it to show it to me.

Aerial-What is this thing?

(Y/N)-It's... mine. My daddy gave it to me as a good luck charm. Can I have it back?

Aerial-Oh,... well it's very pretty. Here you go.

She reached in the bubble and gave it to me before she leaned in to get closer and pet my head while smiling.

(Aerial's POV)

He looked so cute and happy that he had is little good luck charm back and it put it in his clothing. There was something about this that made my heart skip a beat and I just wanted to hold him. I know he gets scared when I reach in the bubble, but I can't help it. I reached in and wrapped my arms around him in a hug and he stayed still and didn't fight me on this. This felt more nice than I thought, like I finally had the best thing in my life and only if I can be in his world. It can not be, but I just wanted... I can't,... but,... but,...

Aerial's mind-No, I... I need him and I can care for him and he looks happy. Even if I need to find an underwater cave, an island far away to where only I know to have him... I. Will.

I'm sure they already think he's gone and are having their own loved ones to comfort them, but I only have a daddy that doesn't want me to even be near the one thing I like most, and a whole kingdom that expects the same of me... I think I deserve something for my troubles.  If I can even get my hands on my daddy's trident... I can turn him into a mermaid. A smile curved on my face a little more.

Aerial-I should get going for a little bit. I'll bring you back some more food.~

I took Flounder with me out of my grotto and covered the entrance behind me then went to head off to the palace before my daddy wonders where I am. When I made it there I saw Sabastian and he was talking to my daddy then he noticed me coming in.


Daddy-Aerial,... may we have a talk?

Aerial-Um... ok.

I swam in front of him and just then I saw Sabastian back away and Flounder swam a few feet away from me too. My daddy had his serious work face on and that was almost never good, so I was getting nervous too.

Daddy-I was told that you were sneaking some food out of here. Need to be somewhere?

Aerial-N-Not really. Flounder and I just wanted to do some exploring and I took some food for the trip since I was hungry and didn't want to wait.

Daddy-Aerial,... we both know that that's not true. I know you have a interest in the human world, but what I can't help, but wonder why you would need to take food with you on such a short trip.

Aerial-I was just hungry.

Daddy-Aerial!... I was told about a secret tunnel as well and you went in there.

Sabastian took a few more steps back and it became clear that he was spying on me,... but how much did he see? I was fearing, not for my life, but for my human's life and I tried to keep it together, but I was shaking a little.

Daddy-Why would you need to eat there?... Are you hiding something for me?


Daddy-I know when you lie to me about this stuff. Why don't I just head there now and see for myself.

Just then my heart sank and my fantasy of my daddy killing (Y/N) flooded my mind and when my daddy swam past me I looked down a bit then saw the trident at the corner of my eye still in it's resting place. I was breathing a little hard and my jaw bit down on my teeth before I said...


Daddy-Pardon me?

Aerial-I said, no.

Daddy-You don't have a choice in th-!

I bolted for the trident and took it before I pointed it at him before I saw the shock on Flounder and Sabastian's faces until I saw the look of shock turn to anger on my daddy, but... I didn't care.


Aerial-... I. Will not. Let you... HURT HIM!!!

I saw the trident glow in my hands and I had no idea how I was doing this, but when I thrusted it forward, a bolt of lighting blasted my daddy and made him go down in pain. For a moment I felt extreme regret thinking about what I just did, but then I thought about what he would have down and my anger returned before I went above my daddy and had the trident pointed at him again.

Aerial-For once, you're going to sit there and listen "to me".

((Y/N)'s POV)

I found out how to make the bubble move myself... kinda. If I run then it goes forward and up, but kinda slow. There was a rock blocking the wat out, but it was moving when I bumped it little. I tried running faster to hit it harder, but it makes me really tired. I tried a few times and rested before I got back up and maybe one more good hit will get me out of here.

(Y/N)'s mind-Just wait until Aerith and Yuffie see I got a fragment all by myself. They can't call me a cute little boy anymore. Nobody can after this.

I started to running as fast as I could to hit the rock again, but before I was just about to hit it the rock came up and I bumped into Aerial slowly while she was just looking at me.


Aerial-... *Giggles* Did you miss me that much or were you scared of being alone?~


Aerial-Well you don't need to be here anymore. I got something to show you. It's a surprise.~

She went behind me and pushed the bubble and I fell back a bit while she was swimming with me somewhere and I thought she said something about her daddy. Soon we got to a place that looked really fancy underwater and it looked like a castle then we got to the middle of it I saw a big chair and there was the trident she had earlier.


Aerial-Welcome to Atlantica. This is the throne room.

(Y/N)-What about your dad?

Aerial-Oh, we had a talk and he... is going to have time to think after he had a little accident.

Just then she put the me next to the throne kinda high up and reached in to give me a hug and kiss before she pulled me with her on the throne like she was holding me on her lap.

(Y/N)-Um... do you think you can take me home now?

Aerial-Maybe in a while. I need to stay close by while my daddy is hurt. If he needs me and i'm gone then who's gonna help him. Also I was wondering if you could help me talk to him some more later.

I think she could be telling the truth, but even if she's lying, it will be way easier for Yuffie and Aerith to find me here.

(Y/N)-Well... ok.

Aerial-Oh, thank you for being so understanding. You're just a sweetheart.~

She reached in the bubble to poke my nose and just relaxed with me on her lap or... fin?... Whatever, I just need to wait and no matter what, i'll be leaving.

(No POV)

Suddenly there was a splash in the water as someone new just jumped into the sea and at first she didn't even know where she was, but when she saw her way of blending in thanks to her key blade, she had an idea on what to look out for before she got a move on.


Aqua's mind-Why bring me here?... Only one way to find out.


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