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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up in the morning to one of the girl's hair tickling my nose and when I opened my eyes, I saw it was Blue doing it and she was doing it on purpose. I kept my mouth closed and turned away from her, but she kissed my cheek a few times. I tried to get out of the pile, but I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and it was Echo then I looked around to see the others were awake too. They were just playing with me in this room still and there was still some food left in here, so I reached over for it hoping they would give me some for breakfast. Delta did grab me some chips and water but would not give it to me... Until she held a chip to my mouth.


I tried to grab it, but she smacked my hand, so I just took the bite and I wish had something like a breakfast burrito or a bowl of (Favorite Cereal).

(Y/N)'s mind-Please, let someone come today and help me.

((M/N)'s POV)

My husband was in the next room talking to the people who were bringing my son back and was giving them hell. Meanwhile, I was chatting with Valore, and she said she was working on something to help fix this problem with my son attracting these humanoid dinosaurs. With my brother still missing or possibly dead she was left to do this by herself and that will be a while.


This was all so stressful, and I hate it more that I can't do a damn thing to help right now. I was not told about other targets, so I sent a message to Valore and soon she responded to me with...

Valore-The men that were hired said that they have 4 objectives, but your son is one of them and the other 2 are classified to you, but the last one is something I'm not even told about. Sorry, but that's all I can say and just know that I will do my best to fix this.

That did not help me feel that much better about all of this and I just went to my son's room to mourn.

(No POV)

On the island, the camp was being set up, men were securing the area, and vehicles were already being deployed. Meanwhile the one in charge there was getting ready to head out himself to claim his prizes and get his targets.


Ken-Let's move out. The more we get out the better. We start with the park area and labs before we move to the rest of the island.

All the men loaded in the truck with him then headed out in the forest while a few helicopters were taking off to get a bird's eye view and they had cages big enough for a T-rex.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Charlie and Echo left to go find more food while Delta and Blue stayed to play with me, but when I didn't, they made me by spinning me around very fast to make me dizzy until I fell over for one of them to catch me. After 3 games of that, I just held on to whoever I was on right now as tight as I could and did not let go until they stopped to pet me and when I opened my eyes, I saw I was holding on to Blue.


She gave me kisses until she laid on her back then lifted me above her with her arms and legs. She was even tossing me a bit in the air until we heard something outside and it sounded like a helicopter, and I was so happy that people came back for me. I knew they would, they had to.



Blue held me a little tighter while Delta went to the window to look out of it before Echo and Charlie came back with some raw meat and closed the door.

I tried to run to the window to see the helicopters, but Blue would not let go and I started to think about my mommy and daddy and going home!

(Y/N)'s mind-They'll find me now and I'm out of here!

(No POV)

As dinosaurs and humanoid dinosaurs were being captured and brought back to camp the team with Ken made it to the lab to turn the power back on in there and locate their targets easier, but there was a problem. They needed their exact ID number and there were hundreds to go through with no way of knowing which was which, so they needed someone who worked here to find the humanoids they were looking for, but for now, they had a target they could go after and maybe bring the others to them and in the meantime he can go after his 4th targets... Dinosaur teeth.

(Valore's POV)

This process is taking so long to do, and the worst part is, I don't know if this is going to 100% work or somewhat work, or maybe not at all, but not only do I have my department breathing down my neck on this but a set of angry parents as well. The moron that helped me make this is most likely dead if the child has been seen with this humanoid dinosaur, so I'm all on my own.

Valore's mind-Come on, give me a break, and please let this work.

(???'s POV)

I have the very scientist working on this anti-serum project or whatever and still has the original formula and when these are fully up and running, it will be worth trillions. The thought of humanoids seeing troops as allies and the enemy will be entranced by their cute looks on surprise attacks.

???'s mind-I can hardly wait to see how much they will pay for this stuff.

I got my tablet out and got out the files of the 3 targets I wanted, and the parents can have their kid back when I have what I want from him if this scientist does not deliver.


???-Just wait until we get to phase 2.

(No POV)

In the park area, there was a jeep that pulled up next to the giant pool where it almost got smashed by Molly who was very pissed off and touchy right now. The men just got out of the jeeps and trucks with tranquilizer guns and orders to bring back all raptors, if possible, for insurance.

Ken-Spread out in groups of 4! No live ammo and be careful with those triggers! If that kid is here, we bring him back in one piece!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I heard a voice outside and I was so happy that they were so close but got scared when all the girls got very mad, Blue covered my mouth while the others snuck out of the door. I tried to yell and scream to warn them outside, but all they did was make Blue smack the side of my leg very hard a few times and it hurt.

(Y/N)'s mind-Please, you're so close!


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