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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was almost time for lunch And Mia had me hold Rose and showed me how before she went to the kitchen to go make something for all of us. I was in the living room watching some T.V. with Jill and Rose reached for me and was touching my cheek to play with it or something. We were all just watching a cartoon before it suddenly stopped to go to that emergency test thingy, but I heard something else.

T.V.-*Beep*... *Beep* This is "not" a test. In Eastern Europe there is an attack of crazed civilizations partaking in riots with 7 officers reported down. This attack continues and law enforcements encourage all citizens to lock your doors and barricade your windows. This concludes this announcement. *Beep*... *Beep*

Jill just got up and looked out the window and I looked out it from the couch, but saw nothing then I saw Mia come in. It was still snowing outside, so it was a little hard to see, but Mia just closed the curtains and the doors were already locked then she came to me to get Rose.


Mia-Alright, lunch is almost ready. I just made some chicken strips and french fries.

Jill-Thought small towns were supposed to be mostly peaceful.

Mia-Not always.

Jill and Mia both took my hands and we went to the table before we sat down and Mia went to get the food and came back with plates and bottle for Rose while we ate.


We were all eating while the T.V. was still on with a cartoon until it went black and said "no signal" and I was a little sad because I did like that show. Jill just rubbed my head a little while she was eating still then got up when she finished a bite to go see if she can fix it.

Jill-Guess either the snow or something else knocked out the antenna or something. Got anything else?

Mia-Just baby movies or movies too old for (Y/N).

(Y/N)-Um... we have more movies at my house. I can go grab them.

Jill-You're not going anywhere incase something happens. I'll go grab them and be back.

(Jill's POV)

I just finished my last few bites before I got up to go get ready to leave for a bit by getting a jacket and my gun, knife, and badge incase anything bad happens. I dealt with crowds before, the kind that likes to yell and destroy shit they don't like, they kind that are just scared, and the kind that want to eat you. I don't think they'll come here if they want to riot in the town, but life has taught me to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Jill's mind-Just a few days here Jill then he'll be with you at your place.

I headed out and needless to say I plan to have him in my arms when I come back with more stuff for him to watch and when I got to his house and used his house key under the mat to open the door I felt it was almost as cold in here. I searched the place for the movies and found them in the living room in a cabinet. I grabbed what I could since there was a lot, but it helped to pick since I grabbed mostly kid movies and a few for myself before I started to head out... after looking around some more and found a shotgun under the parent's bed with some shells in the bag with it.


Jill's mind-... I don't need more guns.

I just put it back before I finally had enough and left closing the door, but when I did I saw 2 figures just passing the house and it was kinda hard to see who they were, but one was very tall. This turned into a red flag when they stopped in front of the house and I just dropped the movies I had and pulled out my knife and gun then got to cover to see what they will do. The closer I got from going behind a bush the clearer they looked until I finally saw them.


(Alcian's POV)

Thanks to our diversion the guard humans here will be too busy to even notice us and we will have what we want without being disturbed. We just walk in, take my pet and Rose then we can leave. Mother is through waiting around and so am I and I will take what is mine. We started to walk up to the house, but then we heard something and mother got hit and was bleeding a little.


Mother only grunted in pain for a moment before we turned around saw nobody, so they might not only be using this environment to hide, but the snow as well.

Miranda-Find them. I will deal with the ones inside the house.

Alcian-Yes mother.

I walked out into the snow to find the shooter and it was going to be a little tricky like this, but i've done worse.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mia took us to her basement to hide after we heard a gun shot and I wanted to turn on the light because it was scary, but she didn't let me. We sat in the dark while we heard the door swing open upstairs then Mia gave me Rose and grabbed an axe. Soon the door to the basement opened then the lights turned on and we were still hidden, but only by a few boxes.

???-I know you're all down here... You too Mia... How about we make a deal? You surrender my children to me and I will leave you be.

Mia held the axe tighter in her hands and when we heard footsteps getting closer Rose started to cry and Mia swung the axe and hit something only for black feathers to suddenly fly in here. I was confused on how they got here or what she hit, but a bunch of the feathers got together then I saw a lady come out of them.


???-There you are. Now give them both to me.


She tried to hit the lady with the axe again, but she missed and swung back around to get her on the next swing in her side.



We ran up the stairs and I saw the bad lady get better really fast before Mia took Rose from me and pulled up the blanket to cover her up some more before she took my hand and we got outside in the snow and it was so cold. We ran over to where my house was, so I pulled her to my house and maybe Jill was there and she can beat them.

(Y/N)-Jill!... Jill!

(Jill's POV)

I heard (Y/N) out here and for all I know the other one could be taking them while i'm stuck dealing with my own problems and when I was still hiding I saw a front door open and it was a man just curious about what's happening and the man had a gun.

Man-Hey, what's going on?!

I tried to motion him to get back inside, but he only continued to yell at me and this was bad since the woman out here looking to kill me can hear him, but where was she? There isn't much place to hide and the snow wasn't that thick.

Man-Use your words and-!


He was impaled from behind by 4 blades and lifted in the air before he was thrown into the snow on his gun, pressing against his stomach to make him cough up blood before he finally fell over. I looked at the woman that crouched through the door and I saw her swords or... nails.


Based on her looks and height I knew who she was from a report I had on the mission.

Alcian-Ah, there you are.

I took 4 shots at her only to see her flinch for a bit before she started to walk to me and I ran.

Alcian-My daughters told me all about you! You broke into my castle AND HAVE THE NERVE TO STEAL MY PET!!!

I ignored her since she was crazy as hell and there was no way my new son was going back with her or going near here. I need to get back to the house and help him and just leave with him, so they can't find him "at the same damn house". While I was running I found a place to hide, but my tracks weren't being covered by the snow fast enough, so I had to still move to be safe. I stayed crouched behind bushes and fences as much as possible.

(Mia's POV)

We got into (Y/N)'s house and he locked the door, but that won't help much and he ran to a phone and I assume it was to call the cops that won't help much now since their all busy and will be stretched thin. We need to get in a car and go, but going back to my house was too dangerous right now and getting Rose in a car seat and going very fast on a car chase is even more risky.

(Y/N)-The phone is not working!

I tried a light switch, but nothing came in, so I guess they turned off the power to this house when they left.

Mia-(Y/N), we need to-.



The window was broken and Miranda landed in between us and (Y/N) screamed and ran to his backyard and I had to help him, but first I need to make sure she doesn't get me too. Most of the backyards here have a gate on them locked from both sides most likely, but she wants my daughter more, so I don't have to worry that much for now. I just ran out the front door to go for my keys and hopefully flank her.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in my backyard and I had a playhouse back here and hid in it, so she can't reach me like my mommy and daddy couldn't that easily. I didn't even see her come back out here for me and I felt scared, but a little better. After a bit I had to get out of here while I could and go get help from a neighbor, or maybe they called the police already,... but should they be here by now.

(Y/N)'s mind-Cops get here pretty fast. What's taking so long?

I went into my house and out the front door to see nobody and I was so cold, but I was too scared to stay here for them to come back, so I ran into the snow. I went down a few blocks before I was shaking a lot and could not run anymore. After a bit i tripped over something in the snow and I think it was that big crack in the sidewalk that sticks up. The snow made the fall softer, but it also made me more cold.


My mouth was shaking and my teeth were hitting each other very fast until I got up, but fell back over from how cold I was was and my leg kinda hurt from the fall now.

???-*Gasp* You poor thing. Come here.

I didn't pay a lot of attention before I was just picked up and held close before I felt a little warmer and held on a little tighter.

???-Let's find you something wrap you up in, but let's do this first.

I heard a bell jingle a little before something was wrapped around my neck and I heard 2 clicks and when i opened my eyes from knowing who this was now I saw "her" carrying me.


Alcian-Honestly, whenever you are separated from me, bad things always happen to you. I thought you would have learned the last time.

She held me tighter and I felt she was still a little warm, but I tried to break free anyway then she just got made and flicked my nose kinda hard.

Alcian-No. Bad... Just relax until we get home. The girls really missed you.

I kept on struggling and tried calling for Jill to help me, but she just got more mad before she reached into a small bag behind her and pulled out a needle and gave no warning before she poked my neck a little with it.


Alcian-This should keep you quiet for a while.

(Y/N)-No! Put me down, put me down, put me down, put me down-!

(Alcian's POV)

He kept on being bad and I gave him a few more flicks on his nose before he finally passed out in my arms and I made it back to the home we find him in and got a dry blanket decent enough for my liking and wrapped him in it.

Miranda-Alcian! *in the distance*

I went over to see mother and she was empty handed and irritated with no Rose in her arms.


Miranda-That wretched whore made her way off with my daughter for now... I see you at least caught one child we came for. For now, we will head back and when others come, take as many prisoners you see fit to see where else she could have gone if the lycans don't find her.

Alcian-Yes mother.

Miranda-... Now give him to me. You will have him back when I see him personally for myself.

Alcian-Yes mother.

I slowly gave my pet to her and it broke my heart and annoyed me to see her holding the pet she allowed to me to have while we were heading home.

Alcian's mind-It's only for a little while... He will be with you again soon enough.


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