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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was almost night time after I woke up from my nap with Erelah and I saw she was awake and reading a book until she saw I was awake and kissed my nose. It kinda tickled and I laughed a little before I realized I felt much better and I thought you were supposed to be sick for a few days. My mommy said you just need to sleep on it and wait for it to go away on it's own because I don't like the icky medicine and she doesn't take it a lot either, but Erelah didn't use medicine and I got better faster.

Erelah-Well look who's awake. Did you have a good nap? How do you feel?~

(Y/N)-I feel better already. I don't get better until a few days when I was with my mommy.

Erelah-Because I give you that nice bath, got the sweat off you when you were all sweaty, and gave you nice food to help you before a nap. Did your mommy ever do that?~


Erelah just smiled and kissed my nose again before she sat up with me and took me out of the blanket and I just stretched in her lap a bit and it felt so good to do it. My back even popped a little and she pulled me into a hug.

Erelah-Hey, since you're feeling better, how about we go to a river for a bit. Not to swim, but just to do a little sight seeing.

(Y/N)-Do you thing we could find sea shells?

Erelah-That's the beach sweetie. We'll go some other day soon, but for now we'll go on a hike and maybe see some fishes in the water. How does that sound?

(Y/N)-Well... ok.

Erelah-Let's get you in some warm clothes first then we'll head out.

(Timeskip 10 Minutes)

I just got him ready to go out and I thought I would wear something nice too and maybe something that can catch the moon light to let it sparkle. I should really go out shopping for some more clothes, especially when we moved to a new kind of area, but i'll do it another day soon. I just put on a blue dress before I used my light magic to make reflective surfaces throught the dress and it worked, but just then I was hugged from behind my legs and I turned to see my child just being playful with me.



Erelah-*Giggles* Yep, you got me. Now, my little hunter, let's get some shoes on and get going, so we can be back before bed time.

While we went to get some shoes on he complimented my dress, saying it "looked so prettyful". I laughed a little at the word his said that was not a word, but i'll teach him later. When I took him outside with me and spread my wings out before I flew off into the sky with him in my arms, he only buried his face into me to not look down. This fear of heights is simply something he might get over in time, especially if we fly to go to places for him. When I spotted a river that looked so clean and clear you could almost see the bottom of it, so I flew down and close to the river and made (Y/N) look at the water and he was so captured by it.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I put my fingers in the water and it was cold, but it didn't bother me that much and soon Erelah went to the side and we sat down on some grass. She didn't let me go in the water or near it, but it looked pretty and I saw the water sparkle from the moon. She pulled me on her lap and laid back with me and started to tickle my sides to make me laugh.

(Y/N)-Hahahahaha, no, st-st-stop! Hahahaha!

Erelah-I got you now my little hunter.~

She kept on tickling me until we heard someone and I hope people don't live close by and we were being too loud because others hated it when you do that too late at night.

???-Excuse us.

We both turned to see who it was and when we did we saw it was a boy and girl, but there was something weird about them... They had doggy ears and tails.


(Erelah's POV)

I just grabbed my child and pulled him close since I know what they are and some can be rational, but others can be blood thirsty. I wasn't going to chance it with werewolves, but no doubt they have my scent now and my child's so I better try to solve this rationally first before I move to plan B and that evolves a bath when we get home.

Erelah-How may I help you?

Girl-We're actually here to you.

Erelah-Are you now?

Boy-Yes, we have a place where more humans could use more friends. We can protect you and your pup.


Erelah-I'm sorry, but i'm afraid that we're gonna have to pass. Thank you for the offer though.

Girl-That's the thing. Our Alpha told us that "no" was not an answer.

Erelah-Did they?

I took a step back and got my wings ready, but still hidden and they both took 3 steps forward. I pushed my child behind me for now and I don't think he's fully aware of what is going on.

Boy-Please, don't make this hard. We are not here to hurt you.

He took another step closer and in that moment he must've gotten to close for (Y/N)'s liking because he clung on to me a little. I was fed up with this and turned around to grab my child before I brought out my wings and flew.

Girl-A bird lady?!

I flapped my wings very hard while shining a flashing light to blind them for a bit while I got some distance, but now it was time for the part of my plan and the worst. When I landed i put my child down and scooped mud in both of my hands.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are you-?

Erelah-Hold still for me.

I put mud all over his clothes, arms, and legs, then got myself and even he didn't like this, but now we can head home without worrying about those 2 too much. They will no doubt be looking for us now, so I hurried back home with my child to take a bath and go to bed.

(Y/N)-Erelah... are they gonna hurt us?

Erelah-No... No, no, no, they won't even be able to find us. They can't smell us now, that's what the mud is for.

(Y/N)-I don't like it.

Erelah-Me neither honey. I'll just hose us off before we go inside for a bath before bed.

(Y/N)-... Ok.

I could tell he was still a little worried, but they shouldn't follow us back home since it will be too far from their territory. They tend to stay away from towns and populated areas often, but something didn't make since...

Erelah's mind-Why does their alpha want humans?

(No POV)

The 2 were searching in wolf form while looking for tracks, finding their scent again, or just finding them, but there was nothing for them. They changed back while the male werewolf was panicking and the female one did something to make him shut up.


Girl-Stop panicking!

Boy-B-But the alpha-!

Girl-Will know about the human bird lady. We tell her and see what she orders. Ok?

Boy-She'll be mad and what if she thinks we betrayed the pack. We'll get sent away to the vampire!

Girl-No we won't! Stop being a puppy!... Come on.

They changed back into their wolf forms and started to make their way back to the den to report what happened to their alpha.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were in bed now and Erelah had every door and window locked, the lights outside were all on, and I was wrapped in her arms and wings under the blanket with my head on her chest like she was hiding me. I was just so comfy in here from her petting my head to her warm wings all around me and the sound of her heart beat was nice too, but still...

(Y/N)-Are you sure they won't find us?

Erelah-Even if they do, they won't be able to touch us. Don't forget the stuff I can do. You'll be safe with me, I promise.~

(Y/N)-... Were those werewolves you were talking about?

Erelah-*Sigh* Yes, but let's not get too much into it before bed. Let's just get some sleep.

She turned me into her chest, so now my mouth was covered while she closed her eyes and I did the same too to go to sleep.

(Dream Start)

I was in the park with my mommy and Erelah while we were having a picnic and playing games together. We were playing catch right now and my mommy threw the ball very hard over me and it hit a tree before it got in the food Erelah made and she didn't like that.

Erelah-Madam! It took me a long time to make that strawberry banana jello!

Mommy-Oh, i'm so sorry!

Erelah-*Sigh* (Y/N), go play while we get this cleaned up and i'll have a talk with your mother.

I slowly went off into the forest while they started to clean up the mess my mommy accidently made. While I was looking around I heard something back at where the picnic was.

*Smack in the distance*

I heard it again and again, so I ran back to go see if they were ok, but when I got there they were gone and there was food all over the place. I looked around, but there was no sign of my mommy or Erelah.

(Y/N)-Mommy!... Erelah!


I turned around to the noise then i saw someone come out of the bushes and it was that werewolf girl.


Girl-Oh, there you are. Come on, we're going,

(Y/N)-Wh-Where's my mommy and Erelah?

Girl-I said we're going!

I tried to run, but she grabbed me very hard and it hurt while I tried to get away then she got very mad and threw me at a tree. I was crying now, but she only grabbed my shirt to make me look at her.


She raised her hand and I saw her sharp claws get a little longer then she showed me her sharp teeth while her eyes were shrinking to make her look like a monster before...


(Dream End)

(Erelah's POV)

I woke up to the sound of my poor child crying into me and shaking a little, so I started to gently stroke and shush him. There was no doubt that this was him having a nightmare, so I won't make him talk unless he wants to or we'll just talk about it in the morning. I started to give him kisses until he calmed down then soothed him back to sleep, but I think I was going to stay up since it was around 5am now.

Erelah's mind-The nerves of those werewolves! Scaring my child like this, even in his dreams! If I weren't an angel, I would make them regret the moment they met me!... If I see them again... i'll make sure they learn that i'm not one to take lightly.

(Werewolf Girl's POV)

The Omega was trembling before our alpha after he rushed in without thinking to report what happened and I even warned him to be careful. Not by telling her, but to make sure her pup was not napping or something... and they both were. She doesn't care that much if we wake her up as long as it's important, but he woke up her pup, so she was not very happy with him while I was just fine.


Diana-This "better" be "very" important if you had to wake up my pup too.


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