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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was starting to wake up, but I just felt so weak, but I was just glad because this means no more very crazy and scary dream anymore. I just think I might be sick or something, but when I thought I opened my eyes, everything was black and I felt something covering my eyes. I was about to get it off, but I couldn't move my arms and legs, they were stuck in something and I was starting to get really scared then I heard something.

???-Ok, 1, 2, 3. *whisper*

Just then I felt a hand on my face and it grabbed the thing on my face to pull it off and I could see again, but what I saw was a sign that said "Welcome To New Home" and it was also "them".


Mad Hatter/March Hare/Ellie-SURPRISE!!!

I jumped a little and wondered why I was still here in this dream? I fell asleep and woke up in here, what else do I need to do?! I tried to get out of the bed, but I saw there was sparling ribbons on my arms and legs then the Mad Hatter suddenly gave me a hug and Ellie fell on top of me.

Mad-Hope you like your surprise party!

(Y/N)-Let me go!

March Hare-S-Silly boy, we can't do that. What kind of party would this be then?

(Y/N)-I don't care! I should be awake!

Ellie-Awake? Then what are you now?

Mad Hatter-A little boy.


(Y/N)-No, this is all just a stupid dream!

They all just looked at each other before they looked confused then back to me and when I kept on pulling one of the ribbons snapped. The Mad Hatter looked kinda... well mad, mad now.

Mad Hatter-I knew I should've used solid pink.

Ellie-But these sparkly ones are so pretty. Like his button nose.~

She poked my nose with her tiny hand and kissed it then I just shook my head a lot to get her away from me. I tried to grab the ribbon on my other arm while trying to get my legs free, but March Hare jumped on me to hold me down.

March Hare-No! Touchy! Ribbon!... Hehehe, squishy.

She pressed on my chest a bit and smiled a bit then Mad Hatter grabbed my arm and tied my arm to tie it to the bed again.

Mad Hatter-Much better. Now, back to the party! Tea anyone?

March Hare-... Teeaa.~

Her eyes kinda crossed and her body was shaking for a bit before the Mad Hatter lifted her hat and had a full tea cup on her head before she took it off and gave it to March Hare.

(Mad Hatter's POV)

We were all chatting and have some nice tea to celebrate my new son living with me then all the sudden there was a knock at the door and in surprise I threw my tea cup at the wall which mad us all laugh.

Mad Hatter-Coming!

I left my room to go to the front door and the doorbell started to ring again and again until I opened the door and saw the twins outside and one of the was still ringing the doorbell.


Mad Hatter-How can I help you?

Dee-Dum, stop!... We need a net.

Mad Hatter-A net?

Dum-Yeah, we're on a secret mission to catch a boy.

Dee-I told Dum not to tell anyone though.

Mad Hatter-Hey, we found a boy today too!

Dum-*Gasp* No way, we found one too!

Mad Hatter-Come on in and we'll get you that net. We're in the middle of a party for my new boy.

They came in and I do have a net in my closet and when we got into my room I saw Ellie and March Hare doing a little dance in the room with March hare swinging on my ceiling fan, but stopped when Dee and Dum ran to my new baby boy and jumped on him.


Dee-There he is!

Dum-I got him!

We all just looked at the twins that were smothering my new son under them and soon rolled over to his sides before they tried to untie him, but i stopped them. Dee just looked at me while Dum just looked at my hand before they both smiled.

Dee-Oh, this is our new boy toy. He belongs to us.

March Hare-N-No, he belongs to-. Ahh!

She fell off my ceiling fan and hit the ground laughing at herself a little and I was going to be frank about this and do what any adult would do...

Mad Hatter-Excuse me, but I saw him first.

Dee/Dum-No, we saw him first!

Mad Hatter-I caught him and by law, that makes him mine.


Ellie-Boring rule thingies.

Dum-Oh. We'll just take our boy toy back with us now.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was staying quiet and this could work because if they get me out of here, I can lose them again. I tried to stay thinking about that, but something was bothering me now  and it was that I didn't wake up after I slept in a dream. Maybe this was a dream in the same dream which means I still need to find the white rabbit and to do that I need to be untied. I snapped out of my thoughts when Dum was jumping while sitting on my arm for no reason other than for fun, but then the ribbon did something.


Mad Hatter-Hey, I just tied that!

Dum-Oops... Wait, he's our boy toy! He's coming with us!


Dee ripped the other ribbon on my other arm then got the one on my legs and Mad Hatter jumped on the bed to fight or wrestle with Dee and Dum then the March Hare jumped in and I was being pulled and did not know what anyone was saying since they were all talking at once very loud to fight.

(No POV)

While the 4 were fighting in the bed and where ever the March Hare got a hammer was when (Y/N) got bumped off the bed. He looked and saw the girls were too caught up in their fight to notice him, so he started to tip toe out of the room and to the front door before he ran outside to get away, but one girl noticed and...



Ellie-Hey! While you were fighting, HE LEFT!!!

Dum-*Gasp* That means-!... What does that mean?

Dee-He's up for grabs! Come on, that's our boy toy!

(Mad Hatter's POV)

What very rude guest they have been and now my son was missing and the twins were after them, but if there are 3 things i'm good at it's having tea parties, making hats, and making traps. I stood up and took a stand on my side table and Ellie and March hare looked at me.

Mad Hatter-Alright, (Y/N) was ours first and he was enjoying his party and we can't have this party without him!

March Hare-... No (Y/N)?... No tea?

Mad Hatter-No tea until we bring him back!

She just picked up a tea pot on the ground and starred at it with a tear in her eye before she just got really mad and threw the tea pot at the window.

March Hare-DAMN IT!!!


Mad Hatter-Worry not because we will have my son back home and HE WILL BE OURS!!!

They were both cheering now and I pulled my thinking cup out of my drawer, poured some tea in it and stirred it with a spoon to help me thing.

Mad Hatter's mind-Yes... Perhaps... That could work... Oh, let's not be silly there...

Mad Hatter-*Gasp* I got it! Girls, grab my ribbons, string, and pins then follow me to the woods!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still running until I got very tired and just found a place to rest in the woods then I remembered that cat was in here somewhere. I still wanted to rest for a little bit before I start running again and I didn't know you could get tired in a dream. This was all just too weird and I wish my mommy or daddy would just wake me up soon, but after a while it did not happen, so I got up and just walked. I tried both paths and still no rabbit, so I might as well keep going down this one. Soon I saw another house and this one looked pretty and there was a small garden that looked better than my mom's garden. When I went to the house and knocked on the door, but there was no answer and the door was locked. I just left, but I saw a mail box and it just had a picture of a white rabbit on it.

(Y/N)'s mind-Is this her house... I guess it doesn't matter that much.

I was going the right way now for sure and went down the path some more until it was getting dark again and I heard some laughing and I knew that laughter.

Cat-Lost again, are you? Poor little kitten.~

(Y/N)-Where are you?!

Cat-Try above you.~

I looked up and saw a white dot in the air move to a tree then a second dot came from behind it and mouth was starting to show. Next was the body and she was smiling at me while sitting on a branch, kicking her feet.


Cat-Are you ready to be my little kitten now, kitten?~

(Y/N)-No! I just want to find the white rabbit!

Cat-*Gasp*... *Chuckles* I know where she is.~

(Y/N)-Huh, where?

Cat-Why tell you, when I can show you. Would you like to this way, that way, or... the shortcut?~

She flew down and circled around me while she said that and when she was down she brushed her tail under my chin and it kinda tickled, but I held in my laugh.

(Y/N)-Wh-Why should I trust you?

Cat-You don't trust your mommy cat? I'm hurt, but if you want a reason, how does this do?~

She went up a tree by flying, flipping, and doing the splits in mid air, so I looked away until I heard a little click then something fell. I looked to see there was a hole the shape of a heart in a tree and saw... a castle.

Cat-There you go. She will be there, I promise.~

(Cat's POV)

My kitten was so skeptical of walking by my to get in and even hesitated while I smiled and winked at him. He sprinted in at the last few steps and I laughed a little at this before I will soon go to be there when my plan works.

Cat's mind-He's already on edge. You just need to scare my kitten into my arms now... Your highness.~


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